PSA - Fall "transfer" 2020 - Updates, Q/A, Information

Hi–or Howdy, @imobrown. Are you a PSA student or a straight transfer from Blinn?

Psa is not blinn. Sounds like straight transfer.

2.69 is pretty low for transfer but yes above the minimum. If your spring grades boost your gpa then they will definitely review you! Keep us posted and good luck.

Anyone notice that where there used to be 2 entries for college transcript (from PSA school), there is now only ONE “COLLEGE TRNS FINAL GRADES FROM TEXAS A&M UNIV-CORPUS CHRISTI”?? This entry has the yellow caution symbol. There used to be entry of “COLLEGE TRNS FROM TEXAS A&M UNIV-CORPUS CHRISTI” with green checkmark but that entry is completely gone. So paranoid!!!

@JaceyK for DS it was just moved down to - Additional documents required if admitted. It is now in that section with a green check mark,

@OMGdontblink It’s not even listed there - only the Bacterial Meningitis requirement and Final HS transcript.

@JaceyK it might be that it is being processed but I would probably call…I am also paranoid about everything! And his ONE "COLLEGE TRNS FINAL GRADES FROM TEXAS A&M UNIV-CORPUS CHRISTI has a red X not the yellow caution?

To add to the anxiety, his AIS/Manage Applications now says “My App is Incomplete” and still doesn’t have his TAMUCC transcript with green checkmark listed under the “Additional documents required if admitted” or “Documents Required for ADMISSION”. Still showing only the “COLLEGE TRNS FINAL GRADES FROM TEXAS A&M UNIV-CORPUS CHRISTI” with yellow caution sign under “Documents Required for ADMISSION”. Will see if he can call today to ask…

@OMGdontblink I didn’t see your question above - the FINAL GRADES transcript has yellow caution box.

@Scotsfi @tisulli @OMGdontblink and whoever else - what is showing on AIS/Manage Applications for you all?

@JaceyK I’ll have to wait til DS is home next week over Spring Break to see what his AIS/Howdy is showing. Sounds like your DS’s application is being processed /having action taken on it tho if you are seeing changes over the past couple of days. My understanding (which could be completely off kilter) was that the yellow caution sign showed they had received a necessary document/transcript but it still had to be processed… which is why I honestly expected the Final Transcript from TAMUCC to remain as a red X until mid May. Will get back to you on this over Spring Break.

@Scotsfi @tisulli @OMGdontblink @JaceyK - We have:
Final Grades from TAMUCC with yellow Caution box
application fee- green checkmark
Add’l docs:
final HS - green checkmark
meningitis - green checkmark

@libbyshims does it also say “My App is Incomplete”?

DS still says app is incomplete.

DS still has red X and app incomplete. He also still has red X on final HS transcript and meningitis vaccine. I don’t see that anything has changed on his.

Okay, to clarify for my son’s AIS:

Documents Required for ADMISSION:

*$75 UGRAD APPLICATION FEE: Green Checkmark

Additional documents required if admitted:


@JaceyK - yes ma’am. “My app is incomplete” with the same checks/status as I mentioned on the previous post.

Anyone have a student at Tarleton taking College Physics I - 1401? Please message me.

This decision by TAMUCC would drastically impact our PSA kiddos. I am really hoping since they posted 9 reasons for NO and none for YES - they will decide NO or at least give the students a choice. ugh

March 27, 2020
TO: Islander Faculty, Staff and Students
SUBJECT: Pass/No Pass Grade Option
Dear Islander Faculty, Staff, and Students,
These are difficult times, and the notification that one of our own has a confirmed case of COVID-19 weighs heavily on all of us. Our days are filled with rapidly changing scenarios, and we are asked to make important decisions that impact all of you in a variety of ways. Many of these decisions have short-term effects now but may have long-lasting implications in the future.
One of those decisions is whether we should transition to a Pass/No Pass grading system due to the transition to online classes. There are many ramifications to offering a Pass/No Pass option. For instance, many of our academic programs are accredited, and their accreditation and student certification requirements may stipulate that a grade of C or above is required, while a Pass/No Pass system would allow a D as a passing grade. Making this switch without thoughtful consideration could jeopardize the distinction and prestige we gain from accreditation or delay students in earning their certification.
In addition, a Pass/No Pass grading system may impact eligibility requirements for student athletes, and veterans’ benefits require letter grades. Transfer students and those applying to graduate school also need grades that are calculated into their GPA.
These are just a few examples of the groups of students who could be negatively impacted by a Pass/No Pass grading system. It is a complicated decision, and it is our duty to study all the implications and how they impact every Islander. For example, this morning we received questions from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding ways we might address transferability and student progression concerns.
Our current plan is to send an announcement by Wednesday, April 1. Please see additional considerations below for the Pass/No Pass grades option.
Considerations for Pass/No Pass Grade Option
Students being monitored for financial aid academic progress will be negatively affected because there is no GPA to improve their standing.
Undergraduate students that are pending graduation would not receive grades to improve their chance of earning academic honors or elevating from one honors standing to the next higher.
Registration would be impacted for courses that have prerequisites that require a minimum grade.
Students that want to transfer to other institutions (e.g., PSA) will not have their courses accepted or a calculated GPA to bolster their application.
Veteran benefits are not paid for pass/no pass courses – grades must be earned.
Student-athletes need grades for NCAA eligibility.
International students need grades for visa requirements.
Students on academic probation would not receive grades to improve their standing.
Students that are repeating courses may be negatively impacted.
If you have questions, please contact Academic Affairs at
Thank you,
Clarenda M. Phillips, PhD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

@libbyshims @JaceyK @OMGdontblink

I think ‘choice’ could be favored route then those students who know it’s not perhaps the best option moving forward for them (athletes, PSA, transfers, International etc) can continue as originally planned.

If you take a look at A&M’s website under their Covid-19 FAQ’s this whole Pass/No Pass decision was taken there earlier this week and I found lots of good extra reading /input just for understanding/clarifying etc. (this whole concept was completely new to me). The date for their students to make a decision is near end of April, so my interpretation is it’s giving them as much time to see how online classes are going then consider/weight up/choose. (Please do guide me here.)

My son did say yesterday he’d received an email from Bill Coari. I have still to see this correspondence - perhaps it’s the memorandum that @libbyshims has shared above? …or perhaps it’s maybe more how this issue could effect PSA students & his recommendations?? Will make a point of asking my son to share it later today.

I do think that being a Texas A&M system school in this whole issue has to be positive as there will be understanding/insight from ‘The Mothership’ and its wider community (fingers & toes crossed :wink: )

I can’t imagine that they would make a decision that would negatively impact so many students due to these extenuating circumstances. I know my daughter who is at TAMU is being allowed the choice. Since she has plans to go to med school, she chose grades. So now we wait on edge until April 1…

@scotsfi @libbyshims @JaceyK

I was not happy to hear about the Pass/No Grade option. This is not good news for the PSA kids. Such a sad and crazy time this is! There is a a petition against this option which I have signed. I just tried to post the link to the petition but it looks like the post is getting blocked because of the link so I left it off. Let me know if you want to sign the petition. It is also in the FB Texas A&M Corpus Christi Parents Group.

I hope that link works. Maybe copy and paste. I also sent an email stating we are against to: and

I know all of our kids have worked so hard to get to College Station and many of us have already signed leases we are now committed to, I really hope that TAMUCC does the right thing for our kids!

From: Academic Affairs
Date: March 28, 2020 at 11:14:09 AM CDT
Subject: Automatic reply: Pass/Fail

Thank you for your email. We understand that Islanders have concerns regarding the recent Pass/No Pass announcement.

If TAMU-CC allows a Pass/No Pass option, students would have to opt-in by completing a form requesting their grades be converted to Pass/No Pass. It would NOT be automatic for any student. We do not want to do anything that would harm Veteran benefits, financial aid, visa status, GPAs, the competitiveness of our students’ professional /graduate school applications or take away from the hard work students put into their courses. The decision on allowing a Pass/No Pass option and specific details will be shared on April 1, 2020.

We will respond directly to inquiries on Monday, March 30th.

Thank you