Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@Phoenix16 did you have the option to apply to an alternate major in the college of sciences? I ended up choosing to be waitlisted, because i was only offered liberal arts colleges for alternate major. I’m assuming college of sciences must be just as competitive.

So sorry to hear you got such disappointing news, @phoenix16. Your profile looks really solid and there’s sure to be many exciting opportunities for you in the future. Perhaps have someone recheck your essays and EC write-ups to get another opinion. Also, check in with your school GC and see what he/she thinks may have happened. Most of all, please understand that schools can’t accept every qualified applicant - the randomness is the worst part of this whole college process.

Someone posted this letter on the Parents of the H.S. Class of 2017 -

Accepted today at around 8 PM EST

Submitted Date: 10/30/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 10/31/16
Major in: FYE
GPA (w): 4.1282
SAT/ACT Scores: SAT Composite: 1530 (Math-- 780, CRW-- 750)
State (OOS): Michigan

@account1298582 I am not sure, sorry

Hi all,

Just got accepted to Purdue’s computer science program. I’m still a bit astonished, because I was convinced that my ACT score was far too low. From my knowledge, Purdue does not “superscore” the ACT. Is this incorrect?

GPA: 3.97 UW / 4.47 W
ACT: 30 (32 superscore)
State: Out of State, US

@WidgetMurray Purdue superscores the ACT

Just got in FYE! Applied 2 days before the Nov. deadline, so I’m pretty happy.
GPA: 3.85/4.0
SAT: 1550/1600

Anybody know when the scholarships are released?

Accepted into college of science:
ACT: 33 (34 superscore) GPA: 4.46 weighted, probably 3.7 un-weighted

if there’s a results-only thread, someone please direct me there! Good luck to everyone and keep your head up no matter what! Corny but necessary. :slight_smile:

oh and math major, midwesterner, public school sending a lot of kids to purdue ^^^

Got accepted FYE yesterday!

Submitted Date: 11/1
Application Checklist Complete: 11/1
Major: Actuarial Science
GPA (uw,w): 3.89/4.42
ACT: 34
State: OOS - CA

My D submitted app on 10/08 completed on 11/02. have not heard from Purdue yet. Is there anyone in the same situation? or is it a bad sine?
ACT 36
GPA (uw/w) - 4.0/4.7
5% of the class
major computer engineering

@mpk-ttk I don’t think there’s a need to be worried, especially with those stats. Purdue has rolling acceptances for the most part. Nowhere on Purdue’s admission page does it say decisions will be given out on an exact date (someone can correct me if I’m wrong). I’m of the opinion of just relax and see what happens. Life has a funny way of working itself out.

Admitted yesterday to FYE (aerospace major) Applied 10/24, file complete 10/24

GPA- 98.2/100 (I think it might be around a 4.3 weighted)
ACT 34, 35 superscored.

Thank God, for real. I hope I get a scholarship, this is my top choice.

wait can someone chance me real quick
I want to do Comp sci at purdue
My stats are:
3.99 W/ 3.01 UW (recieved a C once in chem)
1990 SAT (710 MATH 580 READING 700 WRITING)
The rest of my app is looking strong with strong recs from teachers, strong essays and over 400 hours of vol

is purdue leniant?

@monkeybunny4211 just from anecdotal info, I might be worried about Chem. They seem to really care about ot for most science/math majors. I’m not sure how much this is true for comp sci though.

@monkeybunny4211 The 400 volunteer hours would maybe stand out, however I would consider Purdue a reach for you. I applied with a 1410 SAT, 32 ACT, and a 3.75 UW GPA, with 10 AP classes, and I wasn’t given my top choice (Mechanical engineering).

My application was submitted on 10/10 and the checklist was completed by 3/11 i still have not got any reply from the university. (applying for chem engg. - international student)

@Phoenix16 have you been accepted to any other schools? Your stats looking eerily like my S and it makes me wonder if we got his app in a little late (10/27 - realistically completed 10/31, but his teacher rec didn’t come in until 11/3).

He has been accepted to OSU and others, but i think Purdue was his favorite. No decision from Purdue as of yet. FYE.

@monkeybunny4211 I don’t think it’s going to work out. CS and FYE seem really hard to get into this year. I’m glad I didn’t visit this thread until I was admitted, it would have given me panic attacks, everybody seems so qualified and yet ppl aren’t getting in…

@monkeybunny4211 I would have backups if you’re banking on community service to get you in. I had higher stats than you across the board and ~500 hours of service w/leadership positions. I think they care a LOT about GPA, but who knows, you might have something that checks a box for them.