Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

My application was submitted on 10/10 and the checklist was completed by 3/11 i still have not got any reply from the university. (applying for chem engg. - international student)
should i contact the office once?

@Shubhpahwa it seems like they’re releasing acceptances based on the date you completed your checklist, so you’ll be lumped in with beginning of November releases. Nothing to worry about.

S accepted for CS yesterday. He feels very lucky to have gotten in judging from the stats posted here.
Applied 11/1
1500ish SAT
Very high ACT super score/ High subject tests scores
GPA- Terrible (B+ UW) but steep upward trend

Congrats to everyone who got in! This was a tough year.

Keep your chin up @account1298582. Your stats aren’t just good. They are very good and I am sure you will get into some of the other great schools on your list. Have a trusted adult look over any remaining applications/ essays with a fresh pair of eyes and be open to feed back.

@account1298582 thanks :slight_smile: pretty tensed about the decision. but, i was going through the comments and i saw that people who had completed their checklist in november… they had already received their result. A bit confused. :expressionless:

@Shubhpahwa S is in the same situation. App completed same day as yours and still waiting. Check Monday after 5pm EST just to be sure. If no decision, check again next Friday. I see others in the same situation. Good luck to you :)>-

@SushiNinj will do. thanks!

Does anyone know when Honors college decisions are coming out

From what I’ve heard on here, honors college decisions don’t come out until Feburary-ish

Submitted 10/31 and still waiting on a decision for FYE Civil Engineering
GPA: 3.67/4 UW & 4.56/5 W
ACT: 33 one-sitting, 34 super scored
OOS Applicant
Activities: 4yr Engineering internship, president and board member of many clubs

I really hope I get in next Friday!!

Hey guys, I only submitted my application on December 2nd. After that, I was told I didn’t submit my class 10 marksheet. I had to send in through mail because my counselor already used the optional report. So it’ll probably only reach them by Dec 16-17. I applied for CS. When will I most likely get my decision? And will my late submission lessen my chances of getting in? I’m super stressed ;-;

@nyanpasu_ All you can do is wait, but I think your result will only come out after the Christmas break.

Awwwww :c did you get your result, @IamINTP ?

@nyanpasu_ My application got deferred.

They asked me for my Class X Marksheet as well. ._. My school counselor uploaded it on Tuesday. So, I am waiting for it as well.

What is a “Class X Marksheet”?

I mistyped, I was not excepted FYE, I am not an engineering major

@account1298582 almost the exact same story here–

Rejected FYE
Hispanic male
Checklist complete: 11/02
ACT: 36 composite (36, 36, 36, 34)
Subject Tests: Math 2–800, Physics–720
GPA: 3.26/UW (school does not weight), but 3.75 junior/senior (so far) years
National Merit Semi-finalist
Good extra curriculars (2 year captain of varsity team, ROTC officer, summer engineering internship at local flagship, 4 year band, among other things)
GPA was low first 2 years of HS, and spiked after ADHD diagnosis, with continued upward trend. Self-studied Advanced Precalculus to proceed to AP Calc. Never identified for advanced classes, now in 3 APs (AP Physicis C, AP Comp. Sci, and AP Calc AB).
Met all of Purdue’s class requirements.
College counselor said he was sure Purdue would be an admit–ugh! Am guessing Purdue just couldn’t get over the Freshman and Sophomore grades. This was a blow and puts all of the applications in question.
Good luck to everyone, and congrats to those getting admitted.

@IamINTP, aah, well good luck to you! c:

@theshadow In India we have secndary school leaving exams held by a national board of education (CBSE). So we receive marksheets after completing those exams.

@Hankster1361 Your GPA is a bit low, but I’m surprised to see that you would be rejected given your ACT score and being a semi-finalist. Did you get rejected or were you also offered an alternate major? Just curious as I was offered an alternate major and many others were as well (as far as I know).

@Hankster1361 I’m going to call tomorrow morning to ask what I can do to increase my chances of getting off the wait list. I’m hoping that my chemistry grades sunk the ship and not my gpa overall, because it’s pretty disheartening to think that colleges might not be willing separate my actual ability, from my ability while I had a massive handicap. I’ve seen some stuff that makes me think they really care about Chem, so if that was it, I’m totally willing to take it over the summer. Maybe it was something else. I’ll post here after I do.
Did you write about your diagnosis? I made my main essay about it, but later I swapped and wrote about my gold award project and put the diagnosis stuff in the extra info area.
I’m not sure how much accommodations matter to you, but even without the great parts of the FYE program, Purdue still would have been really appealing to me because they have a really great DRC. I guess that sort of made me think they’d be understanding to the grade jump. I feel like we need a thread for applicants with mid-high school diagnoses. Here’s two of us, and I couldn’t find a thing about this kind of situation last year.

Good luck with the rest of your applications.

@Phoenix16 were your offered alternate major (i.e.: you’re an excellent student, and we can gaurentee admission to an alternate major) or offered the ability to resubmit to an alternate major (i.e.: you’re a good student, but we cannot offer you admission)