Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@account1298582 I believe its an option to be considered for another major, so no guarantee. But they offer me the option to pick up to three other ones I’m interested in, however none of the engineering ones seem to be showing up. The other option is to be waitlisted.

@account1298582 and @Phoenix16 – to be clear, my son was rejected. He wasn’t waitlisted, and wasn’t offered an alternate major (he didn’t select an alternate major). He wrote about the grade situation in the “other information” section as well.

@Hankster1361 Weird… I mean with those stats (other than GPA) I’d think he would at least be offered an alternate major offer. But I think it was highly competitive this year, I know a few with 34+ ACT’s that got rejected, so I think it was a lot tougher than last year.

@Phoenix16 okay, that’s what I had too. I also couldn’t pick from the college of sciences. Last year some people got guaranteed another major.

@Hankster1361 wow, now I’m feeling lucky that I even had the opportunity to add myself to the waitlist. My grades weren’t that much higher than his, and he had a perfect ACT (maybe it’s because I’m a girl?). I guess they really just didn’t care about the circumstances (or they didn’t even look at other info unless the grades and scores were both up to par). I had kind of hoped they would look favorably upon the incredible amount of effort it takes to dig yourself out of the pre-diagnosis hole, and end up with really good grades in APs. It was a big shock to me because parchment gave me a 95% chance of getting in.

Oh my gosh all the stats are making me worried about my chance… I have act composite of 27… Math at 29 and I’m applying for engineering. I thought I had a decent chance but this year seems to be extra rigorous.

@account1298582 I also got a very high chance of being accepted, so I was under the assumption that this would be one where I would possibly consider as a match.

Gawd, pretty sure I won’t get in now. My mid-year grades were really bad. 61% in Math, 77.5% in Chemistry. I got a 790/800 in the Math section of the SAT but I really doubt that’ll compensate for my crap Math grades. And I applied for Computer Science. Oh well…

@Hankster1361 @account1298582 I am curious as to how your grades jumped after ADHD diagnosis.

@cxzbnm I wrote a really long reply for you, and then I started to wonder what the intent of your question is. Short version: I take a medication to treat my symptoms now. It’s not a study drug, since taking it, I actually spend less time studying. it’s a ‘wowie isn’t it nice to be able control my own brain’ drug. The roads are safer when I’m on my meds, thus, I don’t drive without them. I also don’t usually go to school without them. If you weren’t baiting, I’m happy to explain more, but I have to fight this fight a lot, so I’m not about to do it on here.

Hey all, just wanted to know if all the international applicants’ SAT score is listed as “English Proficiency” in their app checklist. Kinda worried that they didn’t receive my scores.

Hi Guys! So I submitted my application on 10/28/16 and got in all the required materials by like 3rd November (sent by post), however I still haven’t received a decision. Will Purdue be releasing a wave of decisions this month as well and when will that wave be? I just hope I get my decision before the holidays.

@Hankster1361 so office of admissions told me the reason I didn’t get in was that my sophomore math and science grades were too low. I said, “did it not matter that that was before my ADHD diagnosis”. He said “yes, but we can’t overlook anything”. So, essentially, they weren’t willing to overlook grades from before the diagnosis. They offered me alternate major because my upward trend was, “incredibly steep” so I’m guessing your son’s wasn’t steep enough.
For future reference: Purdue doesn’t care that you improved a ton after your diagnosis. If you ever got a C in math/science, you probably won’t get in.

@lolonimous Purdue usually releases waves of decisions on Fridays! They release the decision on the portal at 5PM EST, but email you at 5PM your local time (so if they’re different, you’ll be able to check to see your decision before Purdue sends you an email). Good luck!

@account1298582 Really, really sorry that the outcome isn’t more definitive. I didn’t read back through all the posts to see for sure everything you have posted, but your situation reminds me of my nephew. Difficult medical-related situation in his second semester junior brought his GPA down. He had been bringing it up every semester in high school until then. He addressed this head-on in his common app, writing a note in the place at the end of the common app where it asks if you have extra information you want to provide. He explained the situation, explained how it affected him that semester and what steps he has taken to get back on track academically. It is well worth your time to prepare a statement like that. It can help on the common app and if it is too late, like with Purdue, then a letter sent directly to them to add to your file could help.

My nephew also had a second item similar to yours - his ACT score suggested more ability than he was showing with his GPA. Generally speaking, colleges prefer it the other way around - someone with less “potential” as suggested by standardized tests scores who then over-succeeds through hard work. But you can counteract that with an explanation for how you were in the throes of adjusting to a something personal in your life that you are now past. And you feel having to go through this adjustment has made you stronger and more self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Etc.

BEST of luck. Truthfully, I even have a friend who applied to a doctoral program, was rejected, went to a different program that was higher ranked and he preferred anyway…months later, he learned that his application to that first college had been rejected by mistake. An administrative mistake. It happens.

So now I’ve read more of the posts. Really seems awful that a college admissions office won’t consider reasons for grades and note the upswing. Distressing, really. The good news, even if it doesn’t feel like it now, is that you will do GREAT wherever you end up. THAT school will be lucky to have you.

Hello, i was accepted into Electrical engineering on Thanksgiving after being waitlisted earlier.
I had an SAT score of 1310, 750 on math, 560 reading on the old version.
I took almost every ap class i could: physics C, Calc AB/BC, Stats, Lang, Lit, Government, and Chemistry.
I have a gpa before senior year of 3.785. But after my first trimester it went up t a 3.827. I recieved a 4.28 in my first tri which made the difference of getting into engineering.
Thanks, hope this helps.

D accepted for Accounting on Friday. One question if anyone knows, had a (pre) indication on the letter, anyone know what that means?

Applied 10/31, Checklist complete 11/1
ACT - 31
GPA- 3.50 UW/ 4.09 W

@account1298582 If you really feel like Purdue is the best school for you no matter what, you could go in as exploratory studies and move into the Engineering Program. I’ve heard it’s really hard but a dedicated person could do it, if you feel like Purdue is best for you maybe you should talk to the admissions office about that as an option.

Do they just outright tell you why you got denied into FYE? Did you ask? Is it okay to ask why I got denied into FYE, I was under the assumption that it was frowned upon to ask about why you were rejected. Just want to know because I might go ahead and ask if thats an acceptable thing to do?