Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@Phoenix16 I called and asked, yeah. I phrased it as “I want to know what I could have done to be a stronger applicant/ increase my chances of getting off the wait list” and he told me. I think they mark the applications. The information seemed to be readily available.

@itsXyrin yeah, he told me to do that when I called, which struck me as odd since I’ve heard it’s really hard. I’m not really down to pay oos tuition for an extra semester, and because he told me I would be able to do that, I sort of feel like they know I can do it, and would be a good candidate, but they can’t let my HS gpa hurt their averages under any circumstances (but hey, they’ll take my super high freshman college gpa for their transfer into engineering stats) and idk, it just feels like I’m sort of being used as a pawn to get their stats as high as possible. I want to do engineering, I’m really passionate about it and I don’t want to dawdl in other fields for a semester or a whole year. Maybe I’ll transfer from whatever college I do get into, but most of what I loved was stuff in FYE, like the i2i thing and stuff, which I wrote about in my “why Purdue” essay, so they probably know I really want to go, and idk I’m probably making a lot more out of this, but I worked really hard to get to where I am, and I’m not sure if I’m willing to go to a school that cares about their GPA averages enough to tell me I need to hang out a year in college before I can play the game, despite acknowledging that I’m more than qualified. I’d be willing to take Chem this summer (and actually already plan to), so idk. I’m just kind of deflated at this point.

@profdad2021 I’m sort of on the edge of my seat now, because I’m expecting two more decisions in the coming week, and common knowledge was that colleges would take that into account, but I think Purdue must be trying to up their average GPA this year. I have great recs (I think. I haven’t asked to read them, and I don’t think my teachers would share if I did) and ec’s so I might actually have a better shot with the more competitive schools that don’t publish average gpa. I’m trying to stay positive, I know I’m not the only person in this situation. Really, I just want to get into a school that has some kids who love engineering as much as I do. I’m pretty sure every school is going to have a couple of those, so I just have to keep telling myself I’ll be fine.

@account1298582 Thanks for the info, I’ll try that! Also don’t worry too much, things will work out wherever you go. I’ve always been a firm believer in the fact that it isn’t the college as much as its the student. If you’re the one who is determined, you’ll do just fine anywhere you go. I’d keep your hopes up for the wait list, but honestly there other colleges that are just as good!

S is still waiting on Purdue. Hopefully this Friday! But was accepted to Penn State UP engineering in the meantime.

@SushiNinj Congrats on the PSU acceptance. Yes, we’re hoping for this Friday for Purdue as well. It will be good top have options.

@banker1 how does PSU engineering compare to Purdue.

Hi @cxzbnm , I’m not sure. Perhaps @SushiNinj whose S was just accepted there from Post #323 could comment. My D applied to Purdue, UMN, U-W Madison and a few other engineering schools. She’s interested in ChemE and they all look highly competitive.

Son was informed on 12/8 that he was accepted into the College of Science, Biochemistry major.
3.4 GPA
2100 old SAT, 1460 new SAT.

@SushiNinj Do you know how Penn state engineering compare to Purdue engineering

Overall Purdue is better than Penn State for engineering.

I’m worried that I didn’t have the credentials to make it to Purdue, because although I applied early, I haven’t gotten a decision yet :confused: My GPA is 4.14, SAT is 2130, and ACT is 31. I have a couple ECs nothing crazy but not the generic ones either. Really hope I get my decision tomorrow!!!

@elchapo When did you apply I had similar stats and got in last friday.

@cxzbnm I agree that Purdue is ranked better overall for engineering, but honestly, I don’t put too much weight on rankings. There’s a lot more to consider than just that. Both are well respected engineering schools that will get my son where he wants to go. That’s what counts to us. It just comes down to where he feels most comfortable and can grow.

I believe Purdue is ranked #9 and PSU #18 in undergrad engineering by USNWR. But that’s out of hundreds of schools, so both are very highly ranked. Realistically, both will get him where he wants. He wants to go on and get his masters directly after undergrad.

We based the choices on his major - aerospace engineering - and focused on strong schools for it. Fortunately, for him we, live in a great part of the country for it. UofM, Purdue, UIUC, OSU, PSU etc. We can even stretch a bit further and add UMN, ISU, GT, VT etc. I’m sure there’s lots i’m forgetting. :))

But you can see we focused on what he wanted - strong engineering school, big school, lots of major options (you never know) and others. It will eventually come down to the school he feels is right for him. It’s a huge life decision.

Purdue did admittedly become a focus school for him in terms of the program and the curriculum because it is so well regarded for aerospace.

Let me add, both Purdue and PSU are known to be expensive for OOS. Both are at the very top end of his budget. That’s something to really consider when applying.

He’s applied to for aerospace…
WMU, ISU, OSU, PSU, Purdue, UF

And for mechanical engineering…

Still waiting on decisions from Purdue and UF. All others he has been accepted to.

He’ll apply to UofM and UW soon. We decided to not do EA for UofM to get his gpa up a little and get a semester of Physics C and Calc BC done with. He’s within range, but UofM has become a reach school for most people over the years. Plus, they have a reputation of deferring applicants, so we are taking our chances on the second round of admissions. He currently has a 3.8 uw gpa, 32 ACT.

UofM is the closest school to us, but we tried to not make it too much of a focus school in case he doesn’t get admitted. We had him realize there’s still lots of great options out there for him.

Take the time to look into engineering at both Purdue and PSU (among others) and see what is right for you. I would also look directly at the program you are interested in. That’s what really put his choices together for us and eliminated others that he felt wouldn’t be of much benefit.

@elchapo your numbers look good. Check again this Friday on your status and good luck to you!

@madman1923 submitted on 10/29!

@SushiNinj haha thank you so much! Here’s hoping for the best tomorrow!

@elchapo Don’t worry that you haven’t heard yet about your Purdue application. You submitted right around their Nov. 1 deadline (the deadline to be considered for merit aid and honors college) and I’m sure they got a zillion applications right around that time. I’d bet that they are still trying to catch up. It is SO tough to wait patiently when every week, lots of others hear back on their applications, but just hang tough and you will hear soon. Best of luck!

Compared to last year’s EA applicants, this year acceptances seem a lot more scarce, or is it just people posting fake stats to get everyone panicked?

@elchapo I got in last Friday and I submitted a week before you. You have similar stats so you will likely be admitted tomorrow.

Any other families of admitted students able to join the 2017 Admitted Purdue Families Facebook Group? We filled out the (Purdue Qualtrics) online form, as requested. Looking to connect with other FYE families. (Son accepted on Oct. 20th, OOS)

@jive123 I submitted the form but haven’t heard back. I think they said it takes a couple of days. Do they send you link and then you follow them? They also sent S something about an accepted student’s facebook page, but he doesn’t use it so he didn’t follow up.