Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@jmek15 After filing out the linked form, I requested to join the Facebook page by directly accessing it through my FB account. Like you, my son doesn’t use FB; accordingly, it may take a while to have them verify him as a truly admitted student. (Group looks to only have 32 current members!) Is your son also FYE?


@jmek15 From what I can glean, most of the current Facebook group members are Purdue administrators (e.g. Bursar, Honors College Advisor, etc.). Apparently I jumped the proverbial gun, having found the site last month and (preemptively) asking to join. I need a lesson or two in patience…

@Jive123 it looks like it will be a great resource for you and other parents of admitted incoming students. I concur at this point it’s premature to join a group unless you have already weighed all your offers including scholarship, honors and accepted the school’s offer. For us that’s expected to be March time frame.

@elchapo I applied same date as you and haven’t heard. Hope we have some news tomorrow! Gonna be a long Christmas break if we don’t :O) :open_mouth:

Oh, we’re hearing tomorrow. I checked with the magic 8 ball and it was decidedly so.

Chance me, please

App submitted: 10/30/16
GPA: 3.83 UW/ 4.17 W
Rank: top 5%
ACT: 26 C, 32 M, (retook 12/10/16)
Major: Industrial Engineering
Background: hispanic female
Involvement: NHS, marching band all 4 years (leader), hospital volunteer, student council, led a food drive
AP Calc AB (5), AP Lang (4) AP Chem (3)
strong letters of rec from AP Chem teacher
Hook: house burned down, English is second language, sexual minority

@Banker1 the magic 8 ball never lies!

Could anyone give me an estimate for when I’d hear back? Submitted 11/29, everything received 12/1

Applied and completed checklist 11/01/2016. Should I be worried I didn’t get anything back yet ? FYE (MEEN major) and OOS

@CoastalKid I applied on 11/23 and got in 12/9 so you should get it this week or next week most likely

@CoastalKid I submitted my app on 10/30 and heard back just last Friday (12/9/16), so you should hear back sometime between 5 weeks and 10 weeks after submitting, I think, since the Purdue admissions office probably has a lot more apps to look at right now than before when I applied and they also have time off for the holidays. Good luck!

@batman06 I wouldn’t be worried until your waiting time approaches the 12 week average wait time! You might even hear back tomorrow!


Feeling discouraged bc everyone here has amazing stats

Don’t feel discouraged! There’s always the chance you’ll get in!


Forums like College Confidential have a heavy concentration of smart people, so I wouldn’t use this thread as a reference point for the average applicant.

Guys there is so much on each application that is different. We are all unique and no 2 stats are the same. That’s what makes this so hard to know so you can “chance” or ask as much as you want. We aren’t the admissions team. We don’t know what they are looking for “at” that moment for “that” major so relax. If you put your best foot forward…really what more can you do other than drive yourself crazy. Plenty of us will be denied or deferred to some schools and we are all good students.
Don’t take it personal. There is a school for each of us. This isn’t the hard part…wait till finals, decisions about jobs and family…we have a long way to go in the STRESS department so relax!

It says right on the website that you can expect a decision within about 12 weeks after your application with no guarantees. Some hear earlier than others. Remember deadline for honors was November 1 so if you applied just before that date then your will a majority of applicants so the decisions will take even longer. I would assume that if you applied after November 1 your looking at February or sooner. Set your expectations accordingly and you won’t drive yourself crazy! b-( 8-}

Has anyone gotten any physical letter in the mail?

DD found out on her portal last Friday - but no letter or anything yet.

(Ooops, wrong thread)