Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

It’s really painful to wait…just heard that Got denied from GT…

sat 2200
Subject : math 800, chem 760 phyics 750
Good ec, good essay

Asian male.

Is purdue definitely easier than GT to get in?

I got deferred from UiUC and Michigan.
I dont know what to do…

Someone plz help me

@changjin9792 Have you already applied? If so, when?

@changjin9792 i can’t comment on the others, but i live in Michigan and work at UofM (although, not in admissions). To get deferred from UofM is very common. Almost all who applied from my son’s school were. Only two were accepted, the rest deferred.

UofM likes to take the guaranteed admits in EA and defer the rest to take a second look at your application and see how you compare to the rest of the applicant pool.

Honestly, my son didn’t do EA because we were so certain he would get deferred that we had him continue to focus on keeping up his grades in calc and physics to build a stronger application.

So, as you can see UofM does EA a little different than other schools.

@decahedron Yes I submitted my application somewhere around mid-November. Still desperately waiting for the “Boiler Up”. I know for certain that it would come out late Janunary since I called the Admissions Office and they said they haven’t reached to the applications that have been submitted after mid-November.

@changjin9792 GT was tough this year. Dont lose heart. You have the credentials to get into Purdue. However, since it is rolling, applying early was key. What is your GPA?

@SushiNinj I don’t actually expect to hear an offer even for RD cuz I just got denied from Georgia Tech. UMich is more competitive than GT isn’t it?

I just want to go to Purdue or UIUC(also deferred…)

I don’t know what I did wrong. It is so stressful and painful to wait…

@just_nag My GPA isn’t quite good with two B s in junior year and all A s this year. I took BC Calc in Junior year and taking AP Stat this year. When I called them, they told me that I have a decent chance to get in. So Purdue is my last hope.

Yes it is widely known that appling early brings about a better chance. But I asked the Office how much would applying early affect the admissions and they replied it affects in some way but it’s not critical as long as you didnt apply super late.

@changjin9792 don’t lose hope my friend! Being deferred at UofM or UIUC isn’t a rejection! They just want to give you a second look. Keep the faith!

I think being denied from GT stung you a bit. Don’t let it get you down.

Every school will look at your application with their own standards and take you on your own merits. Just because one school doesn’t feel you met theirs, doesn’t mean all will. Even if the school is more selective or not.

GT and UofM are different schools. GT is more tech focused. UofM offers a bit of everything. UofM gets more applicants. About twice as many. Which makes it appear more selective than GT. GT is more self selective. That is, many don’t apply because they don’t feel they’ll make the cut anyway.

Did you apply to any safety schools? If you haven’t, there’s still time to apply.

For example, in Michigan a student interested in mechanical engineering may apply to UofM, Michigan State, Michigan Tech and maybe a school like Western Michigan as a very safe backup. All offer a good engineering education.

Those are the four in-state schools my son applied to. His major is aerospace or mechanical engineering.

Actually, GT, UIUC and Purdue were on his list too. He passed on applying to UIUC. GT - i love the school, but don’t like the location, so we passed. He was accepted to Purdue.

College education in the U.S. is very homogeous regardless of what school ratings indicate. I know thousands of graduates from these schools. I can’t say one truly has the advantage over the others in the long run. You are the one who controls your fate, not the school you attend. It all comes down to you doing the hard work!

@just_nag from my experience as an applicant and stalking this thread, I would say that’s true. It seems like high SAT r ACT scores can get you into Purdue for exploratory studies or non-competitive majors, but to get into computer science or FYE you need a high GPA, and your SAT just needs to be like a 1300. Kinda sucks if you go to a more rigorous school.

@engineer212 I got my letter about 2-3 weeks after I got accepted, but I live in California so I’m sure that also plays a factor in my wait time for it. It seems safe to expect it around 2 weeks, though!

D got notified of acceptance 1/4 and today we received mail packet for FYE. We fall into the high GPA (3.88 / 4.46) and low test scores ACT 29 category. Lots of APs/DEs. Top 6% at very competitive So Cal public school.

@TreeLights when u say “high gpa” how high do you mean? I have 2-3 B s in Junior year(calc bc) but jumped up to all A s this year. I have 2200 sat score. What do u think of my acceptance possibility?

@changjin9792 I think a GPA of 3.7+ should be good enough, if everything else is good.

@changjin9792 it depends what your grades were like before. We’re the B+s, or just 83-86 Bs? I don’t think Bs in AP calc BC should kill you if your other math grades were high, and your overall gpa is. Though to be fair you’re asian. idk how Purdue is, but some schools are sorta crummy about that, as I’m sure you know.
I’d say you have a pretty good chance as long as you have mostly As before. Purdue isn’t an ivy, a few Bs would have been fine at least earlier in the pool.

@changjin9792 It completely depends on your major.

CS: Very competitive
FYE: Very competitive
Pharmacy: Competitive

I asked one question to college representative, and I got this answer:
Q:What’s the average GPA (both weighted and unweighted) and SAT scores of the admitted applicants for Computer Science of College of Science and FYE?
A: We don’t have weighted GPA record because not every school has the same grading scale. 3.92 unweighted, around 2100 SAT.

But don’t let your hopes down even if your GPA or SAT is lower than what she said since this is not an exact datum, and I got into CS with a lower GPA.

Do they release decisions only on Fridays or can it be on any working day?

Usually fridays.

Is Purdue admissions office open today?

Just got Accepted to FYE !! (it was probably updated on Fri but I just didn’t check)

SAT : 2200 ( R680, W 750, 770 M)
SAT Subject : Math 800 Physics 760 Chemistry 750)
AP : 6 (including Calc BC in junior year)
GPA : 3.75- 3.8 or something like dat
TOEFL : 106

President’s Volunteering Award - God Medal (500+ hours)
AIME applicant
Club President (AMC Math Club)
President at my volunteering center
Selected as the best student of the year for Math and English in Freshman year
NH state math competition 1st place
Developed a Java based Android Application on Google Play Store
Internship at a university in my country
some varsity & JV sports throughout the four years

Essays: good

I have been really stressed and tired of all of this but this acceptance relaxes me a lot.

I really do hope that all of you guys here will soon hear the good news!

(I’m still shooting for UIUC, Michigan, HKU and some other engineering schools all around the world so I haven’t decided to go to Purdue)

it was actually updated today! I didn’t know they release on Sunday but they do