Regular Decision Class of 2023

How do you know it’s 2pm? Is that when they release for everyone?

@VA–>NC they release 5pm-ish east coast time. Usually. For Early Action it ended up being around 30 minutes early. So, @Pungie2000 is probably on the west coast since they said 2pm. I’m Colorado so it’s 3pm-ish for me. Good luck!

@hokieinCO Thank you for the clarification. This should be our first official yay or nay! The anxiety is killing me!

@VA–>NC me too! I only know about release times because I’ve been stalking these Va Tech blog pages for a month now. I feel sick to my stomach tonight I want him to get in so badly. I just don’t know if it will happen. He is right at the median scores for last year’s Business, Undecided and we are out of state.

@hokieinCO good luck to your son!

Yes it was between 4-5pm eastern few weeks ago for early action. I heard colleges don’t like to release any earlier in the day as they don’t want kids finding out while at school.

Thanks @hunchojack !

Yes, @“VA–>NC” I’m on the west coast. Thank god I receive my decision earlier in the day. The wait is killing me!

@hokieinCO Best of luck to your S. We are also OOS. Hope your day goes smoothly! I think my heart rate alone for the next 10ish hours will be considered my “cardio” for the week!

@cbl1 ah! I always thought they release at the end of the business day to avoid phone calls till the next day :smiley: LOL

So I had multiple dreams last night about it. Did anyone get a good night’s sleep???

@hokieinCO Not at all. Neck hurts and feeling stressed…aaghhh

Good luck today everyone!

They’ve put the teasers out on Instagram and Facebook. It says don’t ask them exactly what time just know it will be “later this afternoon”. For Early Action it was about 4:30pm east coast time if I remember correctly.

Just keep in mind that there is no way a college can truly know who you are by an online application form. The essence of who you are goes way beyond a grade or score. You are all unique individuals with special traits. If one door closes, another opens which might end up being the right one after all. I wish you and mine all the luck but know that no matter what, this an imperfect process and there is truly more to life, success, and happiness and one college decision won’t make a difference because you are all awesome! (I guess you can tell now that I am a mom!)

Well said, these kids get too caught up in these college decisions. They are under way too much pressure these days from all angles. Easy to say but I just wish they would enjoy being kids and realize they will all be fine. Enjoy these days because you sure will wish you had them back when they are gone. Good luck everyone!

Once you get accepted is there any benefit of enrolling ASAP? Like being more likely to get placed in your dorm of choice? Or is it better to wait for other colleges’ decisions and keep your options open?

@joshmachine the deposit you put down is refundable until May 1.

Best of luck to everyone.

@joshmachine - once you put down your deposit and setup your VT ID / Account. It then takes 2-3 working days for you to show up in the VT housing system. Then you can sign housing contract. This then puts you in line for dorm selection. So the earlier you sign your housing contract the better selection time you get for picking your room.

@joshmachine Paying your matriculation fee puts you in line for then being able to sign your housing contract, so yes there is an advantage. If you are waiting to compare offers or VT is not your 1st choice, you can pay your matriculation fee and then request a refund by May 1. I would recommend you read all the fine print re: the housing contract though, as those terms and refund policies may be more stringent.