Review applicants who have been admitted post stats please

<p>You are correct. The COE has reached 85% of their total; the remaining 15% of their slots will be filled by students that are reviewed in a holistic manner. This means all academic and extracurricular criteria will be reviewed when making the decision. It’s also important to note that only students who have been admitted to the university by January 15 will have an opportunity to be reviewed for a spot in the COE. As of right now, you have not been admitted to the university yet. </p>

<p>I hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. </p>


<p>Office of Admissions</p>


<p>Too 19% with a 26 on ACT with 3.5 GPA on 4.0 scale. Haven’t heard back yet</p>

<p>Does anyone know when A&M will communicate their decisions?</p>

<p>Just admitted as review.
If anyone is wondering:
29 ACT composite
TAMU assigned me to top 25% rank
Now I hope for some $$$</p>

<p>Congratulations Smooth 76!!! Whats your major again?</p>

<p>Physics. So college of science.</p>

<p>If you don’t get accepted today…COE is not an option:(</p>

<p>Yeah dude. There’s no point going to A and M if all of us going there for COE aren’t accepted today…</p>

<p>AIS is down…are they updating it?
you guys must be sleeping…best of luck ppl(COE applicants)!</p>

<p>My Friend from my school got into Business. Hes auto admit with 1370 SAT and a 3.4 GPA where AIS gave him a 1st quarter rank. I thought Mays was full a long time ago. That means that there is still hope for us…</p>

<p>@smooth76 what’s your GPA? We have the same ACT score and a close class rank. I’m trying to figure out my chances.</p>

<p>@smooth76 btw, CONGRATS!</p>

Hard to answer the question because I’m an international applicant but by most conversion tables I have a 4.0 gpa.</p>

what were your other credentials?
top 25% here and 1290
we have similar stats and I’m international too…so I’m just hoping I get in</p>

<p>Well I mailed in a really good recommendation from a teacher and my essays were okay but it sounds like A&M pretty much only cares about ACT/rank. What college did you apply to?</p>

top 25% and 1290
toefl- 105/120</p>

<p>LOTS of community service
Sports( tennis and soccer)
President and Founder of 1 club and member at 2 others
2 engineering based internships.
3 LoR’s( 1 from the principal himself)
Good essays(all 3)
Int’l applicant
No aid/scholarship needed</p>

<p>so…what do you think?</p>

<p>Okay you definitely have better credentials than I did so I’d say your chances are really good to get into the school. Only problem is COE’s filling up fast so that will make things tougher. Rumor is this is last day for COE’s to be notified about decision so you’ll know for sure soon</p>

<p>that’s what I’m worried about…AIS still on step 3
and if I don’t hear today…COE is ruled out…that means my A&M dreams are over:(
I envy you:/</p>

<p>Contrats Smooth76! I am also a physics review applicant. Top 10.52% (imagine my frustration!!!) 29 ACT, all AP’s and Dual Creds, excellent recommendations and good essays. Waiting on my turn to hear back. You’re the first one I’ve seen on here who is a review applicant to CoS.</p>

<p>you’re definitely in…</p>