Ronald A. Hammond Scholarship

Hi @PassionForUMiami my number is 7542441584, can you add me on the groupme please?

D just received an email from the U. She is a Hammond Scholar and Foote Fellow! She is extremely happy and celebrating.

I’m so grateful that I can attend the U now. Without the Hammond scholarship, I could not attend here. Also a foote fellow!

Congrats @passionforumiami. My D cried when she received the email last night. When did you get your email?

@4CookieMonster‌ Last night as well but I found out on Monday first because it was updated on Canelink already. And congrats to your D!! I hope to see a new Cane in the fall!

@PassionForUMiami I am a current junior and I am looking to apply to this scholarship! Could you tell me your test scores, GPA, and hooks/qualifications for this scholarship?! Also, do you know how many people applied and how many people got interviewed? Thanks!


@passion can tell you her stats. According to my D letter, over 1,000 people applied and I believe they interviewed 100. I don’t know the exact number of scholarships they gave out this year. I believe it is between 30-35.

I do know the students that I met during the reception were accepted into many schools in the top 20 including Ivy League schools. I was impressed with every candidate that I met but they were quite different. Athletes, musiciaNs, artist. i think you have to show the best authentic you. The U want students who will participate at the U and make the community better.

How do you participate in your school and community? What do you love to do? How do you see yourself fitting in the U?

Hi @collegecurious12 I’m glad that you’re thinking about applying for Hammond! I knew that I really wanted to come here and that I had to get my test scores up in order to have a chance at Hammond. I raised a 24 ACT to a 29 ACT and a 1680 SAT to an 1820 SAT. Not the best, but great for me and good enough for the scholarship! My unweighted GPA is a 3.88 and my weighted GPA is a 5.22. I am also in the IB program and a resident of Florida.

This scholarship is mainly about wanting to spread cultural diversity as well as how you interact with others and your community. I am African-American, never had a job, but I contribute a lot to my community and have several leadership positions in and out of school. It is good to show them that you want to use what you learn to help others as well. If (when) you move on to the interview, the day before, you will get to meet people associated with the Hammond scholarship program as well as others who are interviewing for the same purpose. TALK TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. TRUST ME. IT IS ESSENTIAL. DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT SIT DOWN AND DO NOTHING. Be confident and show people who you really are. If it helps, I met many people interviewing for Hammond on Facebook, we made a group chat, and then we met each other there feeling as if we already knew each other well. Plus, it was easier to approach authorities as a group. All I will say about the interview is that two people will be interviewing you and to be yourself.

I asked a senior director the same question. Around 1,200 applied. Around 120 got invited for an interview. She told me that 79 showed up for an interview in person. This does not include the people that interviewed online. Overall, 50 students receive the scholarship every year. However, an average of 30 people normally take the scholarship and enroll at UM. I hope that this was helpful! If you have any more questions, feel free to message me!

@PassionForUMiami Thanks so much, this helped a lot! I will definitely reach out to you closer to the process if I have any questions!

can you get this without being a URM?

Yes. There are a few people who are not what you call a URM as far as race. The scholar does has something other than race that qualified them. I can’t tell you what qualified them but it wasn’t race. It may have been geographical or some other characteristic. What I do know is that each scholar is very qualified. Most of the scholars received offers from other top Unis.

I believe you would be speaking of my daughter, and if so, you are typing without knowledge. My daughter is probably the biggest URM on The [] campus. As a practice, she does not wear her war paint, and leaves her tomahawk in the teepee. The Hammond requirements are quite clearly outlined on The [] website. Wearing a feather so other parents can identify her Tribal Affiliation is not a requirement.