Room selection DAY

<p>DD’s roomie had first selection time yesterday. They were hoping for 2nd floor but by the time all was said and done, they are on the 5th floor of RCS-NT. They had a full suite of girls lined up to room together so they are glad some room worked out. </p>

<p>How many floors does RCS have? I cant find it on the housing website and if I count windows, it looks like there are only 4 floors.</p>

<p>There are actual faculty and staff families who reside in the dorms, so “staff” may or may not be an RA. You will find young children of faculty and staff living in some…a great reason for students to be aware of their behavior. Each community has a Community Director who is NOT a student. Ridgecrest has a very nice Community Director living in the north tower of RCS and an equally helpful Assistant Director living in the south tower. I’ve had the opportunity to meet the one in Riverside who is also extremely nice. I love the idea!</p>

<p>Spring, there are five floors within RCS. Some portions of the building have brick wall which may be hiding the windows from your view.</p>

<p>OMG we had 1st pick at 6pm last night and we were on immediately. Wanted 2nd floor RCS-North tower, but no rooms, so we ended up on 3. </p>

<p>anyone know where 316 & 319 are located in RCS-North tower?? D has a friend in 319 and she is in 316. We have girls in our room from Chicago (us), Alabama, Georgia and California-Orange County.</p>

<p>I was so stressed with all the pressure of doing this and we were done and still had 2 minutes left. I had put the proxy codes and names into a word doc and just cut and pasted them in.</p>

<p>I can tell you that all girls are on Presidential, and they are all very personable, cute and social. Majors in the room are Athletic Training, Psych, Engineering and Business.</p>

<p>D put her University of Alabama sticker in her car window yesterday night…Guess it’s official!

<p>Hey Busy, that was a great idea to cut and paste. I wish I had thought of that as I suspect the roomie in charge of picking had a difficult time doing the codes/names while being nervous and stressed. They have a room in RCS-NT so that is all that matters. I told my D that the stairs will be her daily exercise to ward off the freshman 15. Not sure I will enjoy it on move in day though!</p>

<p>I completely understand all of the Honors dorms chitchat. Just wondering if anyone had a TUT experience last night?
DD chose to live in a traditional dorm near sorority row. I feel like she’s the only one, which I KNOW is not true! Her roomie is from KC and will be in Honors.
When all of those numbers popped up, we just looked at each other, “Oh no, now what?” I agree with vlines, a cruise ship interactive map would be much less nerve-racking!</p>

<p>Buzymom3, we also did the cut and paste for the proxy codes. It was much better than having D try to read them out while I typed. She and three roomies will be upstairs in RCSN 408. All four are from Alabama. Majoring in Nursing, Secondary Ed./Eng., ChemE. Two are NMF, one is Presidential, not certain about the fourth. All very sweet, musical and serious students. D is excited about being on the same floor as the kitchen since she loves to cook!</p>

<p>Hopefully UA Housing will chime in and settle this point once and for all. </p>

<p>It is my understanding that UA does NOT release ‘reserved’ suites for later pick/selection times/dates. That’s what 1st come, 1st served means…and that’s why there was the incentive to either put your housing deposit in early (to get a better chance at getting what you want)…or…find a roommate w/ an earlier time slot than yours to pull you in. If everyone found a roommate w/ the 1st time slot to pull them in, then EVERYone would, by default, have the 1st time slot! That’s the incentive. There are no ‘reserved’ rooms available, other than UA adjusting the #s to account for those honors students who did NOT pick honors dorms - i.e., if anything, UA will take away some rooms reserved for honors because they are no longer needed…but the opposite is not true: they will not add any rooms later for later time slots. UA knows how many honors students it has, and based on May 1 decision deadline, it won’t be adding more honors rooms, only subtracting…That’s how I see it. I’m sure UA rep will come on here and clarify once and for all.</p>

<p>And, the desperation on FB (and lesser extent on CC) of students trying to find roommates at the VERY last minute breaks my heart. So, advice for next year’s incoming students: get your housing deposit in EARLY…and start using ALL means possible to correspond w/ fellow students, no matter how poor you might think RMF is and no matter how ‘weird’ a process this feels to you (some have likened to an online dating service). If nothing else, corresponding w/ fellow students early (even if you don’t ultimately pick them as roommates) allows you to have contacts before you get on campus, and that is what sets UA apart from other campuses. I’m sure there are other colleges out there that allow you to pick your own roommates, but not any of the ones that my son applied to.</p>

<p>Missread, is the kitchen on the 4th floor? My S and his roommates are also on RCS-N 4th floor as well and I thought the laundry room is on that floor. Wanted to make it easier for him to do laundry.</p>

<p>aero, I agree. First come/ first served is not indicative of “releasing” rooms for each time slot. What’s the incentive otherwise?</p>

<p>UA Housing: What’s the verdict?</p>

<p>Both the kitchen and laundry are on the second and fourth floors of both towers of RCS.</p>

<p>Yes, kitchen and laundry on the 4th floor! Girls are happy about the convenience, but we’ll see how they feel about those stairs on move-in day!</p>

<p>in my experience, it does seem like the do release more room as time goes on. they may not be the most highly sought after rooms or empty suites, though.</p>

<p>There are elevators.</p>

<p>That’s good news about the kitchen and the laundry on the same floor! I don’t know why I get the idea that they are on separate floors. My S cannot cook but he will probably mooch off food from anyone cooking in the kitchen. If he smells cookies, he’s there!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I recall Housing saying they release rooms at later dates. I understand the first come first served and we had the first time slot last year, but I do believe it is similar to how seats are released for BB.</p>

<p>For students who have later dates to select housing, will they be able to see information about the students in the already occupied rooms in a suit? My son has the last selection date and is ok with going put luck, but it would be nice to have a little info on the other suit mates to help with selection.</p>

<p>Yes, it shows the students who are already assigned to the rooms.</p>

<p>A couple questions about Burke … I will be doing the honors of getting a dorm room for DS and another engineering honors freshman next Tuesday. But beforehand, I have a couple of questions: first off, are the guys on 1 and 3 or 2 and 4? Second question, which floors are laundry on? I know that my son’s laundry will want to crawl there itself, so the shorter the distance the better :)<br>
Thanks for any help and any other suggestions regarding Burke you can give!</p>

<p>I don’t know where the idea that empty suites are reserved for later selection times appeared, but am almost certain that it is not true. Some empty suites are removed during the returning student housing selection process, but it doesn’t make sense for it to be the case with freshman room selection. Last year was different in that housing later decided that honors housing would be re-expanded to more floors of Ridgecrest South-North Tower. </p>

<p>As was stated previously, housing selection is first come, first served. If it happens that a room with 2+ beds is not available in ones desired building for oneself and a specific number of preselected roommates, one will either need to reduce the number of preselected roommates or choose a different building. Don’t worry though, now you have more potential friends and different rooms to visit. </p>

<p>Best of luck with the housing selection process and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m getting confused. I’ve seen Burke mentioned in connection with engineering. I thought Bryant was the male engineering dorms.</p>

<p>Just wanted to clarify this because I’m worried that incoming freshmen may put themselves in the wrong dorm, ie, thinking it’s Burke but it’s actually Bryant.</p>

<p>I could be wrong, though. Maybe there is an engineering LLC in Burke. Or maybe someone has a particular reason to live in Burke.</p>

<p>When my sophomore son was a freshman, Burke was a non honors housing option, where some athletes live. We know this because his best friend was an athlete and an honors student, but lived in Burke his freshman year to room with his new teammates, something that was highly encouraged by his coaches. It wasn’t a bad dorm, by any means, but it was a tradition two person dorm room. I’m not sure of the layour of Bryant, although I’ve heard that there are bigger beds there.</p>