Room selection DAY

<p>According to [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”>, Bryant is for athletes and the Engineering Living Community. Burke is co-ed by floor - doesn’t say anything about engineering in the description.</p>

<p>Agreeing with SeaTide, I don’t think new open sets of rooms are reserved for later pick dates. What may happen however, is that upperclassmen who have recommitted have until June 1 to get out of their contract. I know a few guys still looking into off campus housing who, if they do decide to do that, will then have their reserved rooms come available.
I don’t get the emphasis on RCN-N, it may be newer but none of the honors dorms are old. Many returning students choose Lakeside and Riverside, there must be a reason. Apparently plenty of multi room suites still available there, and living with upperclassmen definitely has its benefits.</p>

<p>I am asking about Burke, only because that is the dorm my son plans to live in. It’s not honors and it’s not the engineering dorm. We haven’t seen Burke, so that’s the reason for all my questions! Thanks!</p>

<p>My daughter is in Honors and will be living in a 5 person suite in Burke East next year. The girls are on floors 4 and 5 so the guys should be on floors 2 and 3. When you select your room, it will only show you the floors you qualify for based on gender. </p>

<p>The Laundry room is on the first floor of Burke West. The cafeteria is on the first floor kind of in the middle.</p>

<p>Burke does have a few suites as well. We were told they had 4 person and 5 person suites, but they also had some 3 person suites which showed up on the room selection. These are the same price as a double room unless you select a single in a suite. Not all suites have singles. The 5 person suite has a living room, kitchenette and a private bathroom. I think the 4 person suite is similar. The 3 person suite has one private room and one double, a living room, but no bathroom (have to use the community bath.) </p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Also, there were very few suites available. My daughter had the first selection time and there were only a handful of places in the suites. Several of them had already been selected by returning students. I think athletes and ROTC have first choice. The double rooms are fine though and she would have selected one of those if a suite hadn’t been available. Suites for girls were only in Burke East, not sure about the suites for guys.</p>

<p>If your son wants to be close to the laundry, a room in Burke west would be closest.</p>

<p>Good afternoon, CC!
I will attempt to address several of the concerns above to the best of my ability.</p>

<p>Montegut and Wdaveo, the men’s Engineering option is in Bryant and the women’s is in Lakeside East.</p>

<p>Burke: men are on floors 2 and 3, and women are on floors 4 and 5.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South: It does look like there aren’t any open suites available in North or South tower at this time. AL34 is exactly right though. Sometimes full suites and single rooms in suites do open up just through the natural process of students changing their minds for one reason or another.</p>

<p>Reserving suites: SEATide hit the nail on the head. Last year we increased the number of Honors spaces in the North tower of RCS, and that caused some suites to be opened up later. This year, the entire tower is all Honors, as well as all of Riverside this year, so we proactively worked to make these changes prior to room selection this year to avoid confusion.</p>

<p>We have been working diligently the last couple of years to explain to students and parents as early in the process as possible that room selection schedules are assigned based on housing application date. To “hide” suites for later selection times would be counterproductive to our efforts to communicate that students should apply for housing sooner rather than later. It would be unfair to the students who did apply early to not be consistent with the first-come first-serve model that we told them we would be using.</p>

<p>For those seeking suites or spaces for more than 2 students:
Please have a plan in place with your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of buildings. Also, we recommend having a plan that would allow for a split to 2 and 2 in the same building, but not in the same suite. This plan tends to work well for our students as it allows all four to be in close proximity in the same building, maybe even on the same floor. Having a couple alternatives that all the residents agree on ahead of time eases some of the anxiety for the student trying to pull in the roommates.</p>

<p>I hope that this helps those who are making plans for room selection this year, and can serve as a guide for future students for what to expect in the process.</p>

<p>Good luck! We’re here if you need us!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>This helpful response from housing folk and the whole room/-mate selection process at UA are just more reasons to love UA!
I went onto some other college sites that my son was interested in (a light-year ago now)…just to see what kind of activity was on there. I had not been on in sooooo long. BOY, UA sure has it TOGETHER!!! There is very very little life out there at those ‘other’ engineering schools. Most parents are still stuck on whether spending $200,000+ is worth it for their kid’s education, taking on mountains of debt to pay for a ‘name’ school. It is scary to me how many kids’ posts I read obviously were filled w/ doubt about their choice of school; whereas here at UA, everyone is so committed and HAPPY!</p>

<p>Can someone give me an idea of how many rooms are available in RCWest? I’m just looking for one spot but don’t pick until the 19th.</p>

<p>JTownatp - room selection is only open during the posted time. Even those of us who have chosen can’t go back into the system until it opens up again.</p>

<p>My son has the last selection day but has given his proxy code to someone who has selection in 2 days I believe. It is already sounding like things are filling up. If my son’s turn comes and there are no honors rooms available anywhere, will he have to take non honors housing, and will that prevent him from being in honors housing next year?</p>

<p>He will get something in honors, even if it means contacting housing and they find it for him. As I said earlier, my son has had an empty room in his honors suite all semester. I understand your worrying, but really, don’t :-)</p>

<p>^^^ Thank you. The whole sending my son so far away for college thing is just so nerve wracking.</p>

<p>^^Been there. Done that. Waiting for the tshirt. This too shall pass.</p>

<p>Right there with you Proudmama3! Maybe we need a support group on here.</p>

<p>Proudmama - when DS was heading off to UA he had one of the last time slots, he did end up in non-honors, HOWEVER, as informed by the wonderful experts here we just kept checking back and were able to switch into honors when “someone switched, changed mind…” = opening available. It wasn’t the only opening to happen over the following weeks; as UA housing has indicated there are more honors suites now so don’t worry too much.</p>

<p>Although I often felt like I would I never shed one single tear until making the lengthy trip home OOS after move in…out of pure exhaustion and I guess a build up of both stress and relief that we survived the process. My younger teens were so shocked I think they were quiet for longer than they have ever been in the car. The next year will pass so quickly you will not even believe it. I can’t believe it has been a year and is time to move her back home. Yikes!</p>

<p>I think we DO need a tshirt: </p>

<p>I Survived UA Room Selection Day-
(And facing the fact my child really IS leaving me next year!)</p>

<p>LOL…Print them up…they will sell!</p>

<p>Can someone with access to room selection now check Ridgecrest West and see how many open slots there are? I pick first on Thursday so anything not taken by 10:00pm CST I will have a shot of getting. Thanks!</p>