Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

@bearcatfan you can still see it. Just go to any of her replies and click on her avatar. They all pop up.

I can’t believe the stories of some of these move in days. Makes me wonder in what kind of reality these folks live in. Lol


I am sure the OP’s daughter would simply love to share in the glory of the pineapple theme and bring it to her squatty potty.

Hiring movers, while over the top, doesn’t grate me the same way as someone thinking they have the right to infringe upon another person’s space.

Not getting all of the pillows and useless pineapple. I wonder if this girl has any plans to do actual studying.

My DS#1 was “hired as a mover” when he was in HS to go with a neighbor and their family to help the daughter move into her dorm room and set up the computer. He said whatever he was paid was not worth it. They rearranged multiple times, the girls did get matchy matchy but couldn’t decide how to set up the room, and not only did he have to help schlep all the stuff to the room and rearrange the furniture, but he had to set up and move the (then) desktop and monitor several times.

Wow – that is amazing. I laughed, though I know if is not funny at all when you are in the moment. Best of luck to your D with establishing and keeping boundaries with this one!

OP, i can’t add anything to this other than say that this is my all-time CC moving-in post and nothing will ever top it.

Love this thread! Although, I can’t help to think where the roommate is going to study with all the stuff everywhere.

Co-ed is still a word for a female college student? How about “student”?

the library. I have friends (who are quite wealthy) who loved to pick up their kids at the flagship in the spring. They always took one of their company vans because the kids would put the most expensive outrageous stuff on the curb in the spring - large brand new flat screen tvs being one of the premier scores. I expect that desk chair, the console table, most of the throw pillows and much else will be on the curb come spring. But it’s a cute thread for sure and just shows the massive differences in how "kids go to college.’

I just saw a picture of a newly-moved-in college sophomore’s room with 8 pillows on the bed. Even that makes me say “yikes!”

This will be my last post on this one, since I’m able to laugh about it and have moved on to painting D’s room at home since little sis is chomping at the bit to move into the bigger bedroom.

As I’ve said before, all that decor is nice stuff and was all coordinated. (And D isn’t a neat freak, so if all the pillows end up on the floor, it’s probably no big deal to her.) It’s just important for anyone taking a kid to college that doesn’t have a single to realize that it’s a shared space and be courteous about that. You really can’t plan a Southern Living worthy over-the-top dorm room without the participation of the roommate.

I hope that anyone in the future who has a bad move-in experience will remember this thread and that we took care of everything right away by getting the RAs involved. There was no fighting, no passive-aggressive behavior, just the involvement of a neutral third party to faciliate things - between the roommates and only the roommates. In the end, what matters is whether those who will be living there are happy with the way things are, and I know that despite the stress and fighting back of tears at the start of move in day, D is happy now.

“Co-ed is still a word for a female college student? How about “student”?”

At Harvard there are a few old timers around who still call them “Cliffies.”

Holy moley. Just saw the rest of the pictures. One drunk night and all that stuff will be toast!

S2 used to like to hang out til the very end of move-out. Acquired a lot of perfectly good kitchen gear that was being tossed He also got me a nice hand-made shelving unit for my quilting tools. It had been a makeup shelf on a neighbor’s dresser.

SplashMom, you and your D are great examples of equanimity and problem solving in times of stress. May your D have smooth sailing this year and may she and her roommate live peacefully ever after!

Great thread! I had to look up the squatty potty see how it was set up. One of my volunteers at work just mentioned she has one and I was totally curious. I have to say it looks like it makes sense, especially after watching the product video on Bed, Bath & Beyond’s website using a unicorn to demonstrate the “elimintation” process. (Go to “watch video”.)

Kudos to you and your D for handling a potentially combustible situation with grace, logic, and clear thinking. Hope she has a wonderful year.

@scipio "“Co-ed is still a word for a female college student? How about “student”?”

At Harvard there are a few old timers around who still call them “Cliffies.”"

The phrase Co-ed is really a throwback for me. The last Ivy to throw in the towel, first admitted women in 1983. That happened within all of our lifetimes. Co-ed is a phrase from an era when a woman in college was a novelty.

Now 57% of college students are women and many colleges offer affirmative action to men in order to get to a 50/50 balance their classes. Times have changed.

Thank you for providing us with such an enjoyable and realistic thread.
Your family has been gracious, (barring any thoughts of bail money), throughout, what could have been a horrible year for your daughter. My family has never laughed so hard at the thought of a pineapple!

You have been very generous with your time and photos, giving us a realistic picture of learning how to compromise, as well as understanding that some people don’t have those skills.

We all have learned a good lesson of what “entitlement” looks like and how “compassion” and restraint are stronger.
Thank you for your sensitivity and humor in what was obviously and initially a hard situation for your daughter.



PS: I was out of town and missed all the photos :frowning:

@OHMomof2, you can see the photos if you click on OP’s name

Thank you @yauponredux !