Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

For some reason I am reminded of the Rodney Dangerfield movie “Back to School.”

OMG I just returned from move in day for my 4th and and frantically trying to catch up with this thread - it is hilarious! The pictures are classic, thanks for being so clever at posting those @SuburbMom.

I am only on page 4 and I’m sorry if someone asked this already - but is that a Squatty Potty in the bathroom that I hear about on Howard Stern?!!!

Going out to dinner and will save the rest for late tonight when I can savor all this. Too good.

Wait just a minute… the squatty potty didnt debut until page 12…

This story reminds me of my D’s best friend whose freshman roommate brought 2 different sets of wine glasses, one for red and one for white. During move in, there was a man in the hallway putting a piece of furniture together. Turns out he was a Dean at the school…the mother was well-connected.

For you squatty potty fans, here is their episode from Shark Tank

@jym626 It is in the pictures! I had never seen one, only heard the ads and guessed that what it was.

Ah- the pictures! What would this thread be without the pictures?? :slight_smile:

I think I am having pineapple/pillow withdrawal…

DAMN. I missed the pictures!

@Gatormama someone said if you clicked on OP’s profile several are there. Thank goodness - I thought I missed them, too!

Right, just figured it out, @bearcatfan . O.M.G.
Forget posting bail for H – I would be the one in jail if I walked in and saw that.

I feel like somewhere, in an alternate universe, perhaps on, the other mom is posting pics of the Squatty Potty saying, “Can you believe this???”

But OP, I thank you for sharing your pain and good humor with us. I think your daughter is well on her way to negotiating her way through a successful life.

Too funny! You’d think that someone so committed to this over-the-top, fussy decor would have made it a point to coordinate with the roommate in advance. What a selfish approach she took.

Personally, I could not study in the midst of such clutter, which will likely multiply as the weeks go on. I mean, day one is usually the “clean and organized” day. Yikes.

@planit =))

We have the opposite situation going here; DS is supposed to move in 2 hours from now and is still sleeping. :confused: He will be lucky to show up with his bedding and a couple of change of clothes and his laptop.

I think your D’s roommate’s mom may be my former college roommate! Well, close, but not exactly. My college roommate was, well, interesting. We have since connected on FB and I watch her posts in amazement. She moved her D into college last week and they packed 2 extra large SUVs to the gills. They brought a headboard… yes, a headboard… and more stuff than you could ever imagine. Her pictures on FB looked like Pinterest gone wild. They seem to have hung shelves - literally hung shelves - on the walls. Guess the damage deposit didn’t deter them. And on those shelves, they had all sorts of bobbles - like a mason jar that looked to be filled with pink marbles. REALLY??? They had a custom made wooden sign for their door. She also had at least 5 pieces of furniture. And I count at least 9 pillows on her bed. And, said mom lives in the neighboring state as well.

On a serious note, it sounds like you and your D handled this well. And glad the RA eventually stepped in. Best of luck to her.

It’s easy to go over the top, especially if you are into decorating. Maybe the oddest thing my daughter brought to Pomona from the East Coast for her room was a piece of store bought drift wood (from Target). In the past for BS, my students have had all kinds of excess need nots like a wire stackable milk crate wall unit for books/tchotchkes and a full desk hutch (a la Pottery Barn) to attach to the standard desk to provide shelving and vertical spaces. The mason jar referenced above with pink marbles sounds truly unique.

my Pomona student with the driftwood however had a single so no other student was inflicted with it. BTW, I just googled Target driftwood, and guess what? They have a driftwood pineapple.[GCLID]&gclsrc=ds

^$60??? WTH?

All I see the past couple days are pineapples in stores, catalogs, everywhere…who knew that were so trendy LOL

Pineapples were once even more trendy:

I’m shocked that pineapple advertisements haven’t shown up on this thread yet! (AdBlocker must be doing its job.)
There is a commercial for 'Psych" reruns on now that talks about how every episode has a pineapple in it. Of course, I thought of this thread…