Scholarship Question

<p>Does anyone know if all merit scholarships have been sent out? Alabama is by far our OOS daughter’s #1 choice, but her #2 school has offered her a nice scholarship. My husband sent an email to the scholarship office but didn’t receive a response. Our daughter has a 29 ACT composite with a 33-Math and 32-English (not sure if UA looks more closely at Math and English). The problem is that she attends a demanding preparatory boarding school that uses a non-traditional grading system. Every school that she has applied to have come up with a different GPA when converted to the standard system. I believe UA has it calculated around a 3.4. She has an impressive resume with a lot of leadership experience, varsity sports and community service but does the GPA knock her out of the running for any merit scholarships? Thanks!</p>

<p>Usually, it’s around the middle portion of March before scholarship information is sent.</p>

<p>* she attends a demanding preparatory boarding school that uses a non-traditional grading system. Every school that she has applied to have come up with a different GPA when converted to the standard system. I believe UA has it calculated around a 3.4. *</p>

<p>You might want to talk to Bama about how they calculated her GPA and provide them examples of how other schools calculated it. </p>

<p>Also, scan in a copy of the scholarship(s) that she’s received so far and attach to the email.</p>

<p>Contact <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>But…to your question…I don’t think Bama has sent out all of the scholarships yet.</p>

<p>Thanks! I had heard mid March, but reading the posts here made it sound like a lot of kids had already heard about scholarships. I was afraid that mid-March might only be letters concerning financial aid and we fall into the “too much but not enough” category (especially with one already in college!)</p>

<p>the kids who have the “auto scholarships” got those notices last fall.</p>

<p>The notification for the automatic scholarship info was received a few days after the acceptance letter for us. Like M2CK said above, if she were getting the automatic scholarship she would have heard about that one by now.</p>

<p>what kind of grading scale does your school use. </p>

<p>my kid’s school used one different from what they were used to and the recalculated hers so that it was not enough for scholarships, too. i had to have the school send a second transcript with a note from the counselor that recalculated the GPA on a scale of 4.0.</p>

<p>after that, we got the scholarship letter.</p>

<p>Mike…you might want to pm the OP and tell her how you got your D’s GPA converted properly.</p>

<p>Onenuthill…your D will probably get a scholarship. what did she put as her major?</p>

my S attends a prep school that uses a 100 pt grading system. Actually the highest anyone gets is 94 and it is unweighted. The guidance counselor did the weighted conversion himself and sent it to 'bama with the transcript and that was fine.</p>

<p>My daughter’s scholarship letter just arrived today, dated March 7.</p>

<p>Congratulations, BAMAMom2Be! If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of scholarship is it? I’m assuming it’s not one of the automatic ones, since those letters went out a long time ago. A couple of my D’s friends are hoping for department scholarships, so we’re anxious to know when those go out.</p>

<p>She received one of the Crimson scholarship packages through the National Alumni Association. It’s the Steven Mitchell Crimson scholarship, that was specifically for a student from Madison County. It’s pretty much as described on the website. This was just a one-page letter that said we’ll be getting full details on the package within a couple of weeks from the organization providing the scholarship.</p>

<p>She also received a $750 participation award for being in the marching band and wind ensembles, but that wasn’t mentioned in this letter. Since she’s only going to minor in music (flute), I don’t think she’s eligible for any further scholarships from the School of Music.</p>

<p>We’d love it if a little more money came through from the biology department to help cover the meal plan, but I’m not counting on anything.</p>

<p>Wow! Congrats!!! Now she has housing and other goodies as well, right? </p>

<p>*We’d love it if a little more money came through from the biology department to help cover the meal plan, but I’m not counting on anything. *</p>

<p>LOL Have her switch to some kind of engineering. then she’d get an addtional $2500. :)</p>

<p>BAMAMom2Be: Congratulations to your daughter!!! How proud you all must be!!
All I can say about UA scholarships is “Roll Tide”.</p>

<p>Mom2CK, too bad they don’t offer an undergraduate degree in genetic engineering! LOL We’d be all over that in a heartbeat!</p>

<p>Her plan is to go to UAB for a doctorate in genetics.</p>

<p>robotbldmom: Thanks! We are all so excited, rolling around on cloud 9! She was so disappointed not to make UFE or the first round of CBHP, but this restored her confidence and excitement. </p>

<p>We just registered for BAMA Bound and will pick a dorm room tomorrow night.</p>

<p>Oh, she had her solo flute concerto performance with the youth orchestra this past Sunday. If anybody wants to watch, the video is here: [YouTube</a> - Concertino for Flute and Orchestra in D Major, Op. 107 by Cecile Chaminade: soloist, Abby Shelton](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Wow, that was wonderful. Your daughter is both beautiful and talented. Best of Luck to her during her college career.
I enjoy watching these young people who blossom through music. My son sings with the University Chorus and loves it.</p>

<p>Beautiful! Your D and her performance! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations! That is a great scholarship!! And thanks for sharing her performance. That was beautiful!</p>

Take notes this year - DS2 is considering trombone performance at UA (and marching) but would have to dbl. major (our rules.) Will be interested in the quality and quantity of instruction you can get doing it as a minor.
Great job on the scholarship… Roll Tide!</p>