
<p>Does anybody have any idea what stats will get you merit? Maybe a trustees?
My son has 1960 SAT, 30 ACT 3.9 (w) school does not do unweighted but I think 3.7. He is OOS. Any opinions welcome.</p>

<p>Daughter received Beering Scholarship letter. It was dated December 17.</p>

<p>PennyPennyPenny, my daughter also received Beering letter, but has not received anything about any other scholarships (i.e., Trustees). We’re wondering if we should be concerned, because other people on this forum have been offered the Trustees Scholarship already. Has your daughter received any other scholarship at this point, or just the Beering letter?</p>

<p>She hasn’t received any other scholarship info either. We are in the dark as well but are hopeful there will be something for the kids who don’t actually get the Beering but who were invited to apply. That would seem to make sense but who knows?!</p>

<p>PennyPennyPenny, that’s a relief to hear. There was a glitch with processing my daughter’s application early on, so we were worried that it was continuing to cause problems for her. And worried that it might end up making her miss out on scholarships. But if your daughter is in the same boat (Beering letter, but no other scholarship info), then that must be “normal”.</p>

<p>Weird that some of you got the Beering invite but not a trustees…I got both as did a friend of mine</p>

<p>What about the presidential for OOS students? We have not yet received one. Has anyone recieved it or know how they determine where in the 6000-10000 range they award you?</p>

<p>to mkk856, I received a $12,000 Trustee Scholarship. I too am out of state and received a 30 on the ACT. I am not sure how other factors were weighed (like essays, extracurricular activities, etc.), but based on what I received, I would guess that you will probably get some type of merit.</p>

<p>Son is also OOS and hoping for some Merit aid. 33 act, 3.8 uw, 4.2 w average … but we have not heard anything yet.</p>

<p>Hello, new poster here. Congratulations to all who received acceptances, scholarships and Beering invite!!! Hoping and waiting to see if my daughter gets an invite for the Beering Scholarship. OOS with older daughter in her junior year at Purdue, so a shot at the Beering would be fabulous for my youngest to help ease the cost. She has the Trustee’s for $16,000 and we are thrilled with that. But I’m thinking since we haven’t heard anything about the Beering it may not happen. She has a 34 ACT, 4.0 gpa, rank is 1/180, accepted into Engineering with invitations to the University Honors Program and the Honors Engineering Program. Crossing our fingers everyday when the mailman comes!</p>

<p>tav252: What other qualifications did your son have? You mentioned 30 ACT but you didn’t mention other stuff like rank, gpa, other accolades. Thanks.</p>

<p>My daughter hasn’t heard anything about scholarships yet, either. She has a 32 ACT and is ranked 8/695.</p>

<p>Our son has also not heard anything. OOS, 34 ACT, 3/405, 3.99 UW GPA, 4.56 weighted, National Merit semifinalist. Received a letter from Engineering about acceptance to Honors Engineering but no merit aid notification.</p>

<p>Reminds me of the movie title “The Postman Always Rings Twice” Good luck to all those who has heard from Beering. Its a great schlorship from a great university. I should know! I went there!</p>

<p>In addition to the 30 ACT, I am ranked 1 out of 26 students in my class (small private school), take additional online classes at one of the best high schools in NC on my own time that are completely seperate from my regular high school work (I had to apply and be accepted to even take the classes), and have taken a couple other classes at a local community college online. BUT…my school only offers 3 AP classes (I am in them all) so that is the real reason I took all of that additional stuff anyway. I have also made all A’s in high school and my weighted GPA was 4.05 the last time I checked (which seems low compared to some people due to the lack of AP’s offered, but it is very good compared to other students at my school, and my school does not do unweighted GPA’s). I applied to the College of Technology as an Aviation Management major (I am not sure if it makes a difference or not). I also hold many many leadership positions (SGA President, Beta VP, Key Club VP, etc.) and had about 100 hours of community service. I think that is about it…hope this helps!</p>

<p>I should also add that while I received the Trustee Scholarship, I have not received anything about the Beering (and probably will not, unfortunately)</p>

<p>My in-state son has an ACT of 34 and a GPA of 3.76/4.38 and will graduate with both academic honors and technical honors with A+, Server+ and Networking+ certifications. He has applied to the School of Science for computer science. He has had no news about scholarships so far. It is very frustrating, especially since he could get full tuition at IU.</p>

<p>Here’s what I have heard: If you receive say a $10,000 Presidential award and other outside scholarships, the outside ones will be deducted from the $10,000 so you never get over $10 K. So if you get a $1000 scholarship, your Presidential is now worth $9,000. Is this true???</p>

<p>So if I haven’t received any scholarship info yet, should I just assume that I won’t be getting either the Trustees or Beering?</p>

<p>We haven’t heard anything either. My son has a 35 ACT, 3.86 unweighted,2 AP previous years and 3 AP this year. He had excellent recs and good ecs. He is accepted into engineering. We have received info on Scholars Day, Honors programs, and a letter in Nov stating he will definitely be accepted but the letter won’t go out until Dec. </p>

<p>I was worried because I know a girl at our school with a slightly lower ACT, slightly higher GPA and engineering major who got $16000/year! I actually called the school b/c we have had mail issues. They told me that letters will be sent until Feb. 15 and that we shouldn’t assume he isn’t getting one or it is lost until after that. So I assume they are being truthful and all letters aren’t out yet. It seems from this thread we aren’t the only ones who are waiting on a letter.</p>