

<p>Yes, they really said that. Kind of hard to believe, isn't it?</p>

<p>Anyone else's scholarship certificate worded oddly?</p>

<p>I received the Trustee's Scholarship and on it, it says something similar to:</p>

<p>"This is a RENEWABLE scholarship applicable for the 2008-2009 school year."</p>

<p>Maybe I'm reading it incorrectly, but at first glance it reads as only being applicable for my freshman year, but the paperwork included says it's renewable for all four year contingent on certain grades, etc.</p>

<p>Am I just reading it incorrectly, or does it seem like the certificate says it's only for one year?</p>


<p>Yeah, the certificate is pretty confusing, but I am 100% positive that every merit scholarship is renewable for all years as long as you maintain a 3.0.</p>

<p>Got the Dean's... $16,000.
1400/2140. 31 ACT. 3.9UW and 4.2W. I didn't really think I'd get the $24K, but it's disappointing. My schools ranks, and I am at 13%. It's the top public school in TX and very competitive, but ranking really hurts all of us.</p>

<p>My fam. can't really afford it unless we get about $24K. Guess I'll look at Tulane more closely. They gave me $24 and Honors.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!!</p>

<p>Is everyone going to UM for sure?</p>

<p>Yeah I'm in the same boat as smsanghvi. I was accepted, but given no info on scholarships. My stats are pretty much in the same range as those who are receiving money, so this kinda sucks.
Has anyone heard about scholarships separately (as in a different notice, not included with the actual admission offer)?</p>

<p>maleahh: not that this makes you feel any better, but don't assume it was the rank that kept you at $16K....Rank here was 7% with higher ACT/SAT and we received 16K as well.....No idea what got people the bump other than higher stuff on all accounts.....</p>

<p>oh god not tulane!</p>

<p>nice i got mine today... 24k</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.97
Weighted: 4.57
Does not rank</p>

<p>Does anyone know when people get invited for the full tuition scholarships?</p>

Yeah I'm in the same boat as smsanghvi. I was accepted, but given no info on scholarships. My stats are pretty much in the same range as those who are receiving money, so this kinda sucks.
Has anyone heard about scholarships separately (as in a different notice, not included with the actual admission offer)?


<p>Same here, in fact I don't understand why I didn't receive at least the 8 thousand when there are people with lower stats getting 16k, kind of disconcerting.</p>

Exactly what I was thinking. I was pretty sure I qualified for something, but who knows. This is disappointingggggg.
But I guess I shouldn't lose hope until after Feb. 1.
Then I freak out.</p>

<p>24k, invited for the 132k total (full scholarship)--dave08sj: the letter was in the admissions packet</p>

<p>W GPA: 4.36
UW GPA: 3.98
SAT: 1390/2190
ACT: 34
top 5%</p>

<p>What happens Feb 1?</p>

<p>Feb. 1 was the official day we were going to be notified about admission</p>

<p>We visited campus yesterday, after my D was accepted. They reiterated what others have been told, that they received almost 20% more applications than last year -- about 22K apps for 2K spots up from 18K. Consequently, people shouldn't take the scholarship "thresholds" on the website too seriously; the bar was raised for both admissions and for scholarships.</p>

<p>My son 1400/2100. University Scholarship. He's wondering about the honors program. Anyone invited yet? He's in at Georgetown's Mc Donough School of Business EA. Waiting to hear from MIT. Not sure where he'll end up.</p>

<p>S 1400/2200 Sat's
4.08 Gpa
I Made A Mistake.</p>

<p>Anyone going for the Feb 22nd Singer Scholarship Interview?</p>

<p>Just got my invitation to honors.
1520 SAT</p>

<p>I've decided on UM. Gonna be considering roomates soon. Lookin for someone smart, geeky like me. I'm concerned about a party animal roomate. UM is full of them.

<p>In response to a post by veggieheadgeek a while ago, when I went to UM for my hpme interview, one of the admissions officers told me specifically that the scholarships are based almost soley on academics, gpa test scores.. not really on extracurriculars and other things. Just thought I'd let you guys know.</p>

<p>Well, inthemoney, I guess that just proves how admissions counselors tell different students different things! The NY counselor told a roomful of prospective students at an event just the opposite of what you were told. How odd!</p>

<p>And umcane, if you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about honors? I was told in January that I "was an excellent candidate" (what with the $24k scholarship and 33 ACT) but still haven't heard anything. The honors program will be the deal-breaker/maker for me. And I too will be in need of a geeky roommate if I go there...but I am female.</p>