Scholarships !!

<p>How many scholarships have you applied so far ?? How many more to go ?? How many is like a typical amount to apply ?</p>

<p>I applied for about 4 or 5…got one reply back so far, and it was a rejection :(</p>

<p>I applied to two so far. I’m gonna finish applying to 9 local scholarships within the next week. I haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m hoping for the best.</p>

<p>i applied to one and will finish another today.</p>

<p>I’ve applied for a lot that I’ve lost count. Maybe around 10 and I’m starting on 5 more right now.</p>

<p>I’ve lost track, seriously…it is well over 10 though.
Ahh. .desperate times call for desperate measures lol…</p>

<p>Fastweb’s been kind of dead lately … nothing new/good. . anyone have any suggestions?</p>

<p>i applied to like 3`~~ will do some more</p>

<p>at least a dozen</p>

fire essay
lincoln day essay
bank scholarship
best buy
history *****************
alvin cox
john krosnoff memorial</p>

<p>havent found out anything yet</p>

<p>College Career Scholarship
College Search Scholarship
US Bank Scholarship
Sam Watson Scholarship
Gates Millennium Scholarship
Best Buy Scholarship
Family Dollar Scholarship
Alpha Kappa Alpha
McDonalds Scholarship
Burger King Scholarship
Horatio Algers Scholarship</p>

<p>Not Finished:
16 more but too lazy to name!</p>

<p>Applied to 8 so far, gotten word on 4. </p>

<p>1st is a $10k one to a school (pending $15k if I pass the interview and get chosen)
2nd is Bucks, got rejected
3rd is Elks, just got word I moved onto State level and received money already
4th is Comcast, which I’m expecting $1000 from cuz it’s apparently very easy to win once school nominates</p>

<p>Already got $250 from a scholarship last year.</p>

<p>Applying to a billion more definitely. Gonna push my luck till it all runs out.</p>

<p>crystalprophecy post your stats! awesome about them dollas…</p>

<p>Applied to like 6…got 1 back from UPitt (full tuition + 16k engineering scholarship). I’m probably applying for as many as possible.</p>

<p>llpitch: you’ve got the kind of scholarship that really counts! Congrats! And if it is a 4 year deal, so much the better. Now, the money question – do you want to leave Honolulu for UPitt?</p>

<p>I’ve got merit aid from schools you know, but as far as outside scholarships I’ve only done 2 and I didn’t get Coca-Cola but I don’t know about the other.</p>

<p>I have applied to about 10, but I have only heard back from about two, Coca-Cola and Barnes, both which I didn’t get. But I am applying to as many as I can! There are so many!</p>

<p>Rawr, I regret not doing Coca-Cola. I innocently thought I had no chance with corporate scholarships and then realized later these corporate ones were easier to win than those that needed like 10 essays and only have 2 prizes or something…</p>

<p>@ augie – my stats aren’t that amazing actually. i only (i know people are gonna kill me for saying “only” but it’s CC) have a 2180 SAT I, but I have lots of unique community service and have won a bit of competitions and stuff.</p>

<p>^ “Must be 18 years or older.”</p>


<p>^ Post I was referring to got removed =[</p>

<p>llpitch: you’ve got the kind of scholarship that really counts! Congrats! And if it is a 4 year deal, so much the better. Now, the money question – do you want to leave Honolulu for UPitt?</p>

<p>Well I’m waiting on 10 decisions from HYPS and others…idk how much money they’ll give me so I’m waiting till April before I decide on anything =]</p>

<p>a bunch! aiming for twenty. so far, i have 1k.</p>