<p>Has anyone had trouble accepting their child's decision ?</p>
<p>We let our daughter decide which college to attend and it was down to Cornell versus Bucknell. She had really liked Bucknell during the summer tour, and again in April. She had applied to Cornell only to see if she could get in as she really hadn't liked it during the summer tour, felt it was too big, too impersonal and without a stong enough community feel. Once she was admitted however, she was very proud. As time wore on, she just could not see it as a fit. She chose Bucknell, after saying she wanted Cornell the night before, on May 1st at 3 pm. And after repeated questions of, "Are you sure?", we mailed in the deposit tp Bucknell.</p>
<p>She is not happy about her choice, even told friends she may have made a mistake. But she has also said that she wouldn't have been sure that she didn't make a mistake had she gone the other way and picked Cornell. She says that Cornell was not the best fit for her, but nor was Bucknell ( in her mind). In her mind she settled. Didn't apply to #1 choice of Penn, and was rejected in #2 choice of Notre Dame.</p>
<p>I am sick with anxiety to see her feeling this way. We spent so much time and money on getting into college, and it turned down to a decision made on the spur of the moment. I believe she may regret passing up Cornell years from now. What should I do?</p>