Singer-Stamps 2016

Those who attended the first weekend, can you advise if we have to attend Friday too or can we attend just the Saturday event. Finding it hard to miss school on that day

Unless you know already Miami is your first choice and willing to give up an excellent opportunity to hear current scholarship students speak to you from a panel, hear Dr. Green (provost), and can somehow contact Admissions to explain you won’t be checking in in the first day, and also willing to miss meeting other prospects to gage future student body; then sure it isn’t important.

Actually someone told us during the weekend that you had to attend Friday night; it wasn’t optional. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but I’d agree that Friday night kind of sets the tone for the whole event.

@SoProudofMyChildren @tennessee1 Thank you for the information. Called Admissions and they said it was preferable to come on Saturday, I guess it is an expression of some kind of commitment.

From your posts it seems it is more than a dinner and you do get to know more about it

Has anyone already scheduled their Stamps final interview? How was scheduling arranged?

@SoProudofMyChildren Did you already hear back?

@dudefromnowhere My D and I attended Feb event. I also called them and they told we need to attend both days event. My D also missed the school on that day. If they told you it is ok just now, then go with that.

But Friday 5 to 6 pm, you get to meet other students and also current Miami scholarship students and staff and have informal discussion. During 6 to 7.30 dinner, they had formal program to give the pitch on why Miami is best and also had student panel (who are all the best) and have Q&A forum.

But there is an interview for student, and parent sessions, and student and parents can attend any lectures by faculty and campus tour. It is hectic.

Only Friday gave more insight about the opportunity Miami provides and was just hectic.

@GoldenRock Thanks for the message, that was a typo on my part I meant to say Friday, they did say she should attend both days and we are going there on Friday. Sorry for the miscommunication there.

Thank you for the information

Yes, received a phone call Monday after the first weekend of my child’s nomination for Stamps interview. Have not received a date yet for the Skype interview.

I received the same call, but have yet to hear a scheduled interview date from the Stamps Foundation either

@Cricketnepal if I’m following correctly, you are saying you attended the stamps singer weekend at Miami on Feb 13 and have been offered the stamps scholarship since then, with only a cursory phone interview to confirm? Is this about right?

If so, my son was also there and has not heard back, so it would seem the stamps has been missed…

No, it is not as you describe. A phone call was received to interview with other finalists to won one of the available Stamps Scholarships. I don’t recall, but Relative to Simger/Stamps, I believe only the fist weekend was Singer/Stamps, whereas the second weekend was only for Singer.

We definitely Italy feel fortunate, yet not sure what differentiation there is amongst all the fine applicants.

At our state school, my child was selected for a Chancellor’s Scholar honors program, one of 125 out of 8000 incoming freshman attendees. Yet, wasn’t selected for any merit scholarship which went to bot recipients and non recipients of this Chancellor’s scholarship. Not much sense to be made but we understand. It does take this state school off the decision list as it would cost now 2x other schools that have offered full tuition merit sholarship.

@SoProudofMyChildren so it seems that AFTER visiting UM for the Stamps weekend, you then received a phone interview with a previous winner of Stamps to further interview your child who ultimately was awarded the Stamps. Is that about right?

I am trying to determine whether the announcements of winners of Stamps have begun to go out already. My son attended Stamps/Singer weekend on Feb 19-20.

I apologize for my typos. .
A phone call. And email were received following that weekend letting us know we were one of the Stamps finalists. Next step is a Skype interview with Stamps committee, afterwards who will then announce winners. We were there too Feb 19-20, and it is my understanding that all finalists were notified. Did your son receive indication he was a finalist?

Also, I don’t believe Stamps winners have begun being announced yet since we nor @cricketnepal have even scheduled the Skype interview yet.

Stamps interviews occurred this past week. The day after, my child was notified as a recipient / winner of the Stamps award. Very elated. TOUGH DSCSIONS to come. Sunblock on the shopping list.

Congratulations, @SoProudofMyChildren.

Congrats @SoProudofMyChildren what else is your child weighing Miami/Stamps against. That would be a tough call:)

My child is going to be deciding between Miami/Stamps vs USC/Trustee (full tuition). Luckily, both are fantastic options. . Although an engineering major, premed is planned. Will need to further investigate and compare the details of the success of the premed acceptances into medschool and available let resources. I looked more I to Miami while visiting and seems like they are ultra organized and have a ton of premed general and detailed information online. Will need to call both schools to hopefully get some statistics and list of yearly placements.

@SoProudofMyChildren Those are wonderful options. BTW we are headed to Miami for the 2nd Singer weekend event. D is interested in Pre-Med so she will have lots of questions for them. Will keep you posted

@dudefromnowhere, best luck to your D. DS14 was offered Singer (but decided to go elsewhere). He really liked the school, the whole visit/interview experience, and their pre-med environment.