Singer-Stamps 2016

@cosmonaut16 is it on his cane link anywhere, my emails from Miami always come weeks late for some reason.

It did not show up on his cane link. It was an email from UM office of undergraduate admission.

@cosmonaut16 I understand that, but is his financial aid changed at all or anything

This is what it says in regard to financial aid:

The Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship replaces your previous scholarship award. If you have already received a need-based financial aid award from the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment, this new academic scholarship may affect its composition and dollar amount. Contact the office at 305-284-6000 with any questions pertaining to your financial eligibility.

Has anyone’s awards changed in Canelink? Last year people who did not get Singer got their award increased by a few thousand (that was an indication that they didn’t get the Singer). It seems some people saw this change before they got the official Singer communication

Good Luck!

nope nothing has changed for me

My daughter attended the final Singer week-end last year on March 27th. She received a congratulatory e-mail stating she had been awarded a Singer Scholarship on April 3rd.

No email and nothing changed on canelink here either

Hmm… 7:25 in Miami. Looks like they’re going to renege on hearing back by the end of the month. Pretty crazy when you consider that half of the interviewees were there over a month ago!

I actually called today. They advised that the emails are sent on a rolling basis and that everyone should know by end of day tomorrow. Hope that helps. Keeping our fingers crossed. Go Canes!!!

@FloridaMom98 thank you for letting me know! Best of luck!

To those who have been notified, can you comment on your child’s interview process? Ever since our return from the weekend, we are struggling to determine how the “interview”, which was more of a casual conversation for our son - could possibly help to separate one qualified student from another.

I personally don’t think you are ever going to be able to tell and my best advice would be to “let it go.”
IMHO you will never get a satisfactory answer.

@FloridaMom98 what exactly did they say when you called them?

That everyone would receive an email whether they received the scholarship or not.

That everyone would receive an email whether they received the scholarship or not.

Anybody heard anything?


@FloridaMom98 they said that everyone would know by the end of today?

has anyone heard back? anyone else call? this is getting ridiculous…