Singer/Stamps Scholarship

<p>I just got an email saying that I am under consideration for not only the Singer Scholarship, but the Stamps scholarship. I have never heard of the Stamps scholarship before, does anybody know anything about it? This is the description of the scholarships: </p>

<p>The Stamps Scholarship is the University’s most prestigious merit award. This scholarship covers the cost of attendance at the University for four years of undergraduate study, including tuition, fees, room and board and books. In addition, it provides a stipend for research and study abroad opportunities, totaling $12,000 over the course of four years of study. You have also been selected as a finalist for the Singer Scholarship. This is a prestigious merit award that offers four years of full tuition, totaling in excess of $150,000.</p>

<p>Anyone else get this?
I'm very excited about both of these! I love the []_[] and I can't wait to visit again. :)</p>

<p>Daughter just got the same email! So exciting. I think the Stamps must be new. I have not heard of it. Congrats!</p>

<p>Can you post both your stats please.</p>

<p>Holy crap, this would be the greatest thing I’ve ever gotten if I get it… Can’t wait to apply next year!</p>

<p>Is this for the Frost Music School only? Because I haven’t found anything on the web about it besides for the Frost school…</p>

<p>I agree.^^^.looks like Frost School only:
[Unique</a> Gift Creates Stamps Family Foundation Scholarship Fund at the Frost School of Music | News Releases | University of Miami](<a href=“]Unique”></p>

<p>Except that article was posted in May of 2009, and it doesn’t say anything about tuition or room and board being paid for…</p>

<p>singer/stamps as well! nope, it’s not only for frost. i applied to the college of arts and sciences</p>

<p>What were your stats comeonapril1?</p>

<p>Miami: ACT 35 Top 1% of Class, 6 AP’s, 5’s on all AP tests I’ve taken, strong leadership, ECS, and community service</p>

<p>i got the email about the singer invite!! im excited to be going to miami in march!!</p>

<p>Comeonapril1, is the top 1% class rank with a 4.0?</p>

<p>Vab22, Dumbo11 </p>

<p>Congrats, Stamps is the highest. I have not received anything yet. I have applied for the HPM via EA. having applied for the HPM is kind of confusing for the schoalrship people. I have a 1500 in CR and Math in SAT. Have scored 780 in Chem and Math2 of subject tests. I got the acceptance along with University schoalrship. I am hoping to get the Singer invite. BTW, is any one of you from Florida? Thanks</p>

<p>Thank you! And nope, I’m not from Florida or in Frost.</p>

<p>Stats: </p>

<p>4.0 UW, 4.99 W
Top 3%
SAT: 1540/2330</p>

<p>I just read on one of the facebook groups that somebody got accepted into the honors program…did anybody else get this? My letter had no mention of it.</p>

<p>@marinebio444 our school weights, but i believe unweighted it is 3.995
and i also don’t live in florida</p>

<p>@vab22 nope, i didn’t hear anything about the honors college either</p>

<p>I got the Singer, not the Stamps.</p>

<p>How many people do they invite for Singer and how many are awarded ? How many for Stamps - both invite and award.</p>

you said you’re going down to miami in march? Mine said february… and that’s a big problem because I also RSVP’d to a conflicting Rollins scholarship weekend, and unless there are two singer/stamp weekends, i’m going to have to make a hard decision.</p>

<p>Are there two Stamp Weekends???</p>

<p>My daughter found her acceptance online on Friday, and the official papers came by mail today!!! She was excepted into The Rosentiel School for Marine Sciences. Did everyone else get accepted into their major and college within the university of their choice??? Do scholorships letters come out later?</p>