Singer/Stamps Weekend Decisions Thread

<p>There are 3 Singer weekends. Each one is attended by roughly 75 students. The students who attend weekend 1 also have a shot at the Stamps. Of the ~225 students who attend all 3 weekends about 1/3 will be awarded a Singer scholarship. Of the 75 who attended weekend 1, seven were named Stamps nominees and have a 2nd interview with Mr. Stamps.</p>

<p>So, not sure where you got the impression that everyone on weekend 1 was already offered the Singer??? Like everyone who will be attending over the 3 weekends this month, I think your S has roughly a 1 in 3 chance of snagging a Singer award.</p>

<p>Cannot answer about the Coral Grant because it is need based - I would guess that the grant itself and it’s size could vary each year depending on the FAFSA you submit.</p>

<p>I believe it’s 1 in 4 or less, because that’s what it was for the s/s weekend. There are also about 330 students that attend the singer or singer/stamps weekends altogether, and about 70 to 80 singers awarded.</p>

<p>Thanks for updating the numbers BM444 - I was basing on what I had heard from the 2011 weekends. So, this year they gave more people the opportunity, which of course lowers the chances you’ll get the award.
Good luck to those of you coming up on the next 2 weekends!</p>

<p>Zinc - So glad you’re back; it’s been pretty quiet here without you! Yep, I guess I wrote as much as a newspaper, didn’t I : ) And our friends at the other UM just sent a big box that arrived yesterday with loads of handouts that we missed getting at their Dean’s Reception, held while D was at a science competition a week ago today. They even included a huge Minnesota Gophers water bottle too, so now we’ve got that along with the backpack, t shirt, lanyard and temporary tattoo they gave her already. They are so incredibly nice up there! </p>

<p>Oh yes, I did call H doddering but with a : p so that makes it ok, right? Besides the only way he ever finds my posts is through a google search for “illinoismom93” (I keep telling him there’s another way to get to CC : ) and he’ll certainly never catch my dig at his advanced age because he’d have to read waaaay too much to ever see it, and I don’t think anyone reads all the way through my uber-long ramblings here. </p>

<p>Now about the scholarship weekend numbers - the current Stamps/Singer weekend websites each say that in 2011’s competition almost 350 kids participated in the series of three weekends and that “from these candidates, 67 were selected as Singer Scholarship recipients.” Re last year’s Stamps weekend it says “In 2011, approximately 120 students interviewed for the Stamps Scholarship” and that pretty much matches up to this year’s total for Stamps weekend since they gave us a roster listing all the attendees’ names along with their mentors and since the doddering one is really good at my very worst subject, I asked him to tally the numbers and there were 123 kids listed. </p>

<p>But you heard 75 for each weekend last year? In that case it sounds as if they told your group lower numbers and I’m wondering if they used the numbers from 2010 when they sent out your D’s invite, which would make sense, because they used 2011’s numbers on the 2012 website/invite acceptance page…</p>

<p>Hmmmm, math is actually my goodest subject, but with the gray matter decaying at a an accelerating rate, it is quite possible I just made up that number of 75. I guess it matters not, in that the numbers from this year are key to the class of 2016. </p>

<p>Also, that northern UM is still dangling the bling in front of D93…but they can’t compete with this:
[10</a> Day Weather Forecast for Coral Gables -](<a href=“]10”>

<p>I was nominated for the second Stamps interviews and got the Singer!!! :smiley: just found out after coming back from an international trip, SOOO happy!!! to anybody that didnt get it: don’t worry about it, I am sure you will have amazing offers at other great schools :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Does anybody know exactly how many Stamps nominees there are and how many awards there actually are? I am really curious to know, since the answer at the moment seems to be pretty vague :/</p>


First of all, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you! You must be so excited, and I’m sure it’s well-deserved to say the least! :D</p>

<p>As for how many awards there are, there will be 5-7 Stamps recipients. I haven’t read or seen anywhere that states if they pick a much broader group to interview with Mr. Stamps and then narrow it down from there, or if they only pick about 7 to begin with.</p>

<p>Zinc - Your numbers could be completely accurate based on your visit last year since they appear to use the prior year’s data for all the numbers they cite and publish on the website invite. So what they said last year was likely based on the prior class’s number of Singers, and those could have been lower. They kept telling us “we don’t know how many Singers will be awarded because the interviews haven’t happened yet.” So what they were providing us were numbers based on the prior year’s awards. So next year, I guess we’ll find out how many kids were selected from this year’s class, and perhaps the numbers will be different than the year before! </p>

<p>About that 10 day forecast you so helpfully provided - thanks so much! We’re already packing for spring break down there; H flies down on Friday while D and I are leaving on Saturday (even though H set his alarm for 2 am eleven months in advance in order to use the UAL frequent flyer miles at the exact moment the airlines releases them, he could only get one seat for Friday and two the next day). I never really unpacked some of my summer clothes, knowing we were going back down in a few weeks. Gosh, I feel like a frequent traveler leaving the suitcases out like that; after not going anywhere for so many years now we are going to Miami twice in a month :)</p>

<p>Since our ship doesn’t sail until Sunday, we plan to go check out the []<em>[] again as soon as we arrive at FLL late Sat afternoon. And yesterday D received an invite to the admitted student open house on Sunday the 1st. We get off the ship that very morning and our flight home, this time from MIA, isn’t until 5ish, so we have yet another chance to head over to the []</em>[]! We’d love to say hello to your D while we’re there either of those days; is she by chance involved in any of the events on the admitted students day? Maybe leading a tour that day? We’ll probably take the 11:30 tour since we really enjoyed our tour (by Dumbo11’s D!) at scholarship weekend, and would love to take another one! My eyes were so glazed over in awe by everything outside that I barely looked at anything inside the buildings : ) This time I’ll take some pictures inside the buildings instead of just palm trees, fountains and gliders!</p>

<p>lasagna1- BIG CONGRATULATIONS! Such exciting news - that’s only the second Singer award/Stamps invite I’ve seen here on CC so far! My D said she heard from a girl she met at the weekend that a boy from the school district next to ours had also qualified for the Stamps interview, is that you perhaps? </p>

<p>I am also uncertain about the exact numbers for Stamps, I’m wondering if the number is based on how things went during the interview weekend (which they told was the case for the number who would be Singer scholars). Just speculation, of course, I have no more info than what we all heard at the weekend or read on the website which quotes last year’s numbers:</p>

<p>“In 2011, 7 students were selected as finalists. From these finalists, 5 students were selected as Stamps Scholarship recipients.” Have you received an email yet from the Stamps Foundation about scheduling your interview with Mr. Stamps?</p>

<p>Mom93 - sent you a PM - pretty sure D is not involved with anything for admitted students on the 1st - that will probably be P100s. And, she couldn’t volunteer for either of the 2nd or 3rd Singer Saturdays due to symphonic choir rehearsals.</p>

<p>has anybody heard back about whether or not they received the stamps scholarship yet?
btw, good luck to everyone who is interviewing for the Singer/Stamps, and to those who have already interviewed with Mr. Stamps!</p>

<p>@Asiannerd - did you interview with Mr. Stamps?</p>

<p>I interviewed with Mr. Stamps on Friday, and got a call from President Shalala yesterday to tell me the good news! I was absolutely ecstatic, almost couldn’t believe it! </p>

<p>Illinoismom93- I live in Florida, so I wouldn’t know who that guy is, hopefully he got it too though! Also, thank you so much for the congratulations, also SeekingUni, I am still in shock :smiley: its going to an incredibly tough college decision to make, but i don’t know how I could possibly turn down this scholarship. Just have to get all my options in line and give it thorough consideration. </p>

<p>For now though, I am just very excited and happy! :D</p>

<p>Congrats Lasagne1!!! So exciting! Good luck with your decision. My D is a freshman Stamps Scholar, and she went through the same thing last year. I can tell you that she absolutely LOVES Miami, and is 100% sure she made the right choice. PM me if you have any questions. I would be happy to give you her email or phone. Aside from the obvious monetary benefits of Stamps, there is so much more that Miami offers its top scholars. Again, congratulations!!! P.S. And how cool that Shalala called with the news.</p>

<p>Zinc Whiskers:
Yes, I did have an interview with MR. Stamps -it went well. ;)</p>

<p>I’M ON A BOAT!</p>

<p>…with slow internet charged by the minute so will post a much longer message with all the details (as I always do!) about our happy news when we return to Miami : ) </p>

<p>Lasagna1 - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Are you perhaps waiting for the 29th so that you can weigh all your options before making the final decision? I heard that might be the notification date for the ivies this year; D has a few friends anxiously awaiting those decisions. </p>

<p>Asiannerd - Always so reticent! We’d love to congratulate you too; do you wish to share some good news with us?</p>

<p>You have a mother’s intuition IM93! Yes, I received the Stamps Scholarship, and was accepted into the HPME program at the []_[]!!!
I’m so thankful, and I hope to see all of you in the fall!</p>

<p>Wow, 3 CCers with Stamps! That’s amazing!!</p>

<p>Congratulations Lasagne1 (hope you decide to become a cane!)
Congratulations Aisannerd - you are going to LOVE your new world in Coral Gables.
And, if we can read between the lines, I’m thinking IllinoisD93 will have some good news to report once the ship docks!
Hope to meet all of you some day…</p>

<p>Lol, illinoismom. I’m trying to imagine my own mother (a tiny Indian woman) spouting Lonely Island lyrics. Needless to say, I’m failing rather spectacularly.</p>

<p>Thanks ZWhiskers!! Congrats to the other recipients as well!Hope to meet you all too.</p>