Singer/Stamps Weekend Decisions Thread

<p>Congrats Asiannerd! That is great news! Good luck to those waiting to hear from other schools today. I hope the U wins out!</p>

<p>I saw this on the net price calculator off of the UM website:</p>

<p>minimum criteria:
saac Bashevis Singer Scholarship
SAT/ACT: 1500 / 34
Class Rank: 1%</p>

<p>is this really true? has anyone gotten it without being top 1%?</p>

<p>I got it and was top 4%. Don’t worry, that’s not a very accurate estimator.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure class rank will not make or break the decision. they look at more things than just percentile.</p>

<p>thanks guys : )
yeah classmate of mine just got singer; we have similar stats and 4% rank
i hope they like my school!</p>

<p>CONGRATULATIONS ASIANNERD! I thought you might be being a bit shy about revealing your wonderful news! Are you definitely attending? D accepted admission and paid her deposit as soon as we found out that she had won a Singer since that made us able to swing it financially and the []_[] became her first choice after we visited during Scholarship weekend : )</p>

<p>Illinois mom, we never found out whether your daughter got the stamps or not. Any news?</p>

<p>Sorry, marinebio, we got back late Sunday night from our spring break cruise and I’m still playing catchup here - just finished writing up this post : ) D is out of town at our state science competition in biology so I’m on my own here, and since she doesn’t have her laptop down there she probably won’t jump in here to correct my recollections until she returns late on Friday night : p </p>

<p>Rokr93 – no dolphin riding excursions were offered on this boat, just waverunners, which only S was brave enough to try – he came back with a great photo of him posed on one in his swim trunks. They were flipping burgers on board at Johnny Rockets all week and we all wore our flippie-floppies every day - before we had to come back to chilly Chicagoland where the low temperatures here have been in the 30s since we returned : (</p>

<p>The Wednesday before we left D received an email from the Stamps foundation about scheduling an interview for Friday afternoon. This was SUPER news since we were leaving on Saturday morning and none of us were thrilled about the prospect of spending another ten days worrying about it while we were supposed to be relaxing in the sun. D left school a few hours early to get home by the appointed time and was anxiously sitting in front of the computer awaiting the Skype call by 230 pm. She was REALLY nervous after the interview at the []_[] during scholarship weekend. Mr. Stamps put her at ease instantly and they chatted about the scholarships he sponsors at length; he was very focused on answering any questions she had about the scholarship and spent lots of time carefully answering them! Her impressions were of an incredibly generous man who truly cares about every one of the students he supports with his scholarships all over the country. </p>

<p>Right in the middle of the interview one of our cats decided to jump up on the kitchen table and stand right in front of the webcam so D apologized profusely and Mr. Stamps told her not to worry because he has cats too and knows how that goes. She said they talked for about 45 minutes or so but it seemed to go really quickly since he was so easy to talk to. She had a really good feeling about the interview : ) </p>

<p>An hour later, Northwestern University released their decisions online and D was notified that she had been accepted. When she clicked on the link that said “continue” to see if there was any financial aid award info (out of curiosity since she had already committed to the []_[]), the only buttons available were ACCEPT or DECLINE… Oh well… I’m sure there’s more info about all the loans we can take out somewhere, perhaps it’s being mailed out. But as their website clearly states “The University does not award its scholarships based on academic merit.”</p>

<p>The next morning we flew down to Miami a day ahead of our scheduled cruise (just as we did the last time we went on vacation, a cruise four years ago, just in case a snowstorm closes the airport here, or someone’s luggage goes astray; we’ve had both happen to us in years past). Our plane took off about 45 minutes late after an announcement was made that a delay related to “issues with baggage issues” was responsible. When we arrived, D’s luggage did not, and we were told many bags hadn’t made the flight due to an ongoing luggage slowdown situation in Chicago. That double use of “issues” should have been our hint that this was more than just a hold up waiting on a bag from a connecting flight. At that point, we had a few hours before we had to return to pick up our S who was on a different flight that was delayed by several hours longer than ours had been. We decided to head for campus again before the bookstore closed for the day to get D some []_[] gear, but just as we were pulling up to that flower covered gatehouse, we received a text message flight update – S’s plane had made up time in the air and was now only 45 minutes away… </p>

<p>Ahh we got so close to that gorgeous campus and we had to turn around at the entrance and head back to the airport. Half an hour later, we were parked in the MIA cell phone lot waiting for S’s call when D’s cell rang; but it wasn’t S - the caller ID said “Florida Call.” She picked up, hoping that the airport had already located her lost bag. It sure sounded like it - H and I sat there listening to her repeating “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU” over and over, sounding more excited each time. Yes D really does love her clothes, especially the five pairs of shoes she’d packed; she has always had a little Imelda Marcos thing going on, luckily only with quantity; she shops at Target, Payless and GOODWILL for her footwear fix, though over scholarship weekend while riding the “party bus” to campus she did notice that we passed a DSW Warehouse that looked interesting. Anyway she sure did sound ecstatic that the airport had found that bag already! </p>

<p>After she hung up, she said “DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS?” and told us it had been Dr. Shalala on the phone calling to tell her that she had won the Stamps Scholarship!!! Wow! What an unforgettable experience - hearing such fantastic news through a personal phone call from the university president! </p>

<p>We picked up S a few minutes later, wowed him with the news of D’s incredible phone call, and headed off to campus to show him everything since he hadn’t visited yet (bookstore was closed by the time we got there, though) and then drove back to Ft. Lauderdale, the ship’s home port. D’s suitcase did eventually arrive and we got on the boat and got off a week later. It was fun but I was just so excited the whole week about the fact that D had received this wonderful opportunity, that her college decision was made, and that she would be able to attend her first choice college, that our long awaited vacation just paled in comparison. After we got off the boat we drove right back to campus and headed straight for the bookstore where we picked up a tee shirt, two tanktops and a water bottle – all four with either Sebastian or the []_[] logo on them. We sat outside at one of those umbrella tables outside the campus Starbucks enjoying the gorgeous weather while D worked on her spring break AP Chem packet. Then she went off to meet up with Zinc’s D who gave her all sorts of inside scoop about her freshman year experience at the school. We are so lucky that D has been able to meet two CC parents’ kids who are current students – that personal connection helped all of us feel so much more comfortable going off to school so far from home! (not that I’m ready to cut those apron strings yet; my plan to drag H down there next winter to work in his company’s Miami office for a month is still on track). </p>

<p>Then D got around to checking her voicemail since her phone had been turned off all week to avoid those outrageous roaming charges and she had a missed call from early in the week. Dr. Green had called her and left a message welcoming her to the []_[] and telling her that he would be her advisor!!</p>

<p>We flew home late that night and D went off to school Monday morning happily wearing her new Sebastian tee with an orange cardigan over it (back to jacket and sweater weather here again in Illinois!) and UMiami earrings. When she got home from school she opened a letter from our flagship, University of Illinois, announcing her selection to their Campus Honors Program as a Chancellor’s Scholar. They have two honors programs, the less selective James Scholar level which she had already been selected for, and the highly selective Campus Honors Program level. Only 125 students out of the class of 7,000, the letter said, are Chancellor’s Scholars and receive all sorts of perks – access to research opportunities, small classes, special seminars and social events galore… and the program even includes a merit scholarship of…</p>

<p>$500…yep, $250 per semester, and only for the first year! Right after the news of that windfall is revealed, the next sentence reads “The University of Illinois is still a great value for in-state students to attend.” The UIUC website lists the COA for an incoming IN-STATE biology major for 2012-13 at $33,922. But we would be saving $500 the first year of course!</p>

<p>Illinoismom-congrats! That is wonderful news about all of the great acceptances and scholarships. Let us know which school she selects.</p>

<p>My D is a junior so we will be going through process next year. My S is at U of I and really enjoying himself and doing well.</p>

<p>Hahaha that is an amazing story :slight_smile: thank you so much for sharing illinoismom</p>

<p>Congrats illinois</p>

<p>What is her major?</p>


<p>Has anyone heard from the Singer Scholarship final weekend, March 30 and 31?</p>

<p>If admissions holds true to form, those students won’t hear until next Monday afternoon, the 9th.</p>

<p>lacrossemom- Thanks so much! D accepted admission to the []_[] as soon as she was notified that she had been awarded a Singer scholarship since that award made it possible for us to swing it financially. </p>

<p>midwestdad55- D plans to major in biology, but is not a pre-med - she wants to study the genetics of autism.</p>

<p>yes, IM93, I will be attending the []_[] this coming fall, and I am currently requesting housing. Which residence hall did your daughter choose? I am requesting Hecht, since many of my friends are going to that residence hall as well. I hope to meet both you and your daughter in “real life” come this fall! COngrats to your daughter!</p>

<p>wooo got the singer scholarship!</p>

<p>email came in at 1:15 pm</p>

<p>asiannerd - We can’t wait to meet you down there! Should we be looking for a male or a female asiannerd? I believe D is opting for substance free which is located in Stanford. It’s great that you have friends heading to the []_[] this fall too! </p>

<p>kidfromthebeach- HUGE CONGRATS!!! I don’t think I saw any Singer winners post after the second weekend, only your post about a classmate getting it, so this is wonderful to read - was wondering if the last batch of winners was just shy or not CCers?</p>

<p>Congrats kidfromthe beach! And IllinoisMom, fyi, at least this year, Hecht had two substance free floors (one boy, one girl). Not sure what the plans are for next year though.</p>

<p>dumbo11-Thank you - I didn’t know that! It does sound as if several CCers (asiannerd/SeekingUni/marinebio444, IIRC) have already decided to join your D in Hecht - or will she living somewhere else sophomore year perhaps?</p>

<p>^D will be living in Pearson next year. Hecht and Stanford are freshman only (except RA’s and AF’s). I don’t know if it’s a big deal about Hecht or Stanford, but the kids seem to think so. She has lots of friends in both, but if you ask her, she would say Hecht all the way. And yes, this year, the 8th floor of Pentland (one of Hecht’s two buildings) is sub free for girls and 7th floor is sub free for boys. I think all the kids end up happy no matter which tower they are in.</p>