some conservatives = hypocrites?

Some people are hypocrites. Some people are conservatives. It should obviously follow that it is likely that some conservatives are hypocrites.


<p>Let "The people who are hypocrites" be X and the total population be 100. This qualifies as "some people", as in x/100 are hypocrites. It follows that the people who are not hypocrites are 100-x. If these 100-x people are conservatives (and 100-x is "some" of 100; (100-x)/100), then they are not hypocrites, because x people are hypocrites. Both requirements have been satisfied - the hypocrites make up some of the population and the conservatives make up some (the rest, in this case) of the population. :cool:</p>

<p>a lot of people are hypocrytical.</p>

<p>but i mean, it's not only conservatives. John Kerry anyone? that dude couldn't even make up his mind regarding facts about his own life...</p>

If you are for minimal government involvement (which is the basis of conservative ideology), why are you trying to put laws on my body?


<p>Because, if we establish that a fetus is a human life, the right to life of the fetus is more important than the mother's right to her body. It's the same reason the government can violate your right to property and privacy to make sure you aren't killing your family in your house. Although I personally do not support this view, it's perfectly legitimate if we assume that the fetus is life.</p>

<p>Also remember there is a big difference within the group called "conservatives." On the one hand, there are libertarians that don't want to government to get involved in anything socially or economically. On the other hand, social conservatives want to use the state to promote conservative values. The combination and compromise create the economically-free, socially-authoritarian type of conservatism in the country. Since most people just follow the crowd, they just adopt whatever their ideology dictates to try to keep the coalition through compromise (this isn't unique to "conservatives"). For example, War in Iraq has nothing to do with evangelical and religious-right ideology, but many of them supported the war to retain their political alliance with neoconservatives and President Bush.</p>

<p>leah: Because conservatism in America (and in other areas of the world) has become inextricably tangled up with religion. The religious right exerts significant power in the conservative movement in America - they have their own ideas about morality, and no problem with imposing those ideas on others.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> actually gives a good idea of how these things work. Many conservatives support the small government deal with regards to economic principles, and some do with regards to social policies as well, but religion has so perverted the small government idea in terms of morality that conservatives are quite the opposite in regards to social regulation by governments.</p>

<p>Personally, I would probably be described well as a conservative - I'm a strong advocate of liberal economic policy (which confusingly means the kind of free market economics favored by conservatives), and I am libertarian with regards to social policies.</p>

<p>It is an aspect of intellectual maturity whether people are hypocritical, not a result of allegiance to a particular ideology.</p>

<p>I also think that white guys can't dance.</p>

<p>And all Irish are drunks.</p>

<p>And that liberals always follow their beliefs.</p>


<p>nice syllogism there 1of42.</p>

So, because I support small government and low regulation, that makes me an idiot?


<p>That makes you a libertarian. Conservatives did nothing to shrink government; in fact, Reagan, one of the staunchest conservatives, made the government into this big fat inefficient bureaucracy and King George made it even bigger. We're about two signatures from a totalitarian state.</p>

<p>Yeah um read up on the political compass.</p>

<p>I couldn't agree with you anymore eugenia. He just makes himself look bad. He doesn't need anyone's help...</p>

<p>yes...those people are liberals too. Then again, despite my complete abstinence of "liberal behavior" I would be considered a liberal as well because I believe in only a tiny shred of religion and I won't get married/love anyone.</p>

<p>I thought liberals were supposed to be 'all accepting', yet some of you can't even accept conservatives for our values? </p>

<p>"I totally agree almost all conservatives are hypocrites and complete idiots"
^WOW, Generalizing most of an entire group by stating we are hypocrites and idiots. I could say the same about all liberals, but I don't. I will however, say that you are an ignorant idiot.</p>

<p>you bring up the Abortion-death penalty issue, saying it is the conservatives who are hypocrites, yet aren't you the ones who want to kill the innocent unborn while saving the evil murderers, rapists, etc?</p>

<p>Liberals are hypocrites. Conservatives are hypocrites. Everything in between and beyond are hypocritical. The American political system is messed up by this whole two-party system. People are elected to serve the people, not their parties. Say, we vote a conservative into power because we agree with their pro-life stance, but we disagree with the war. Now, that person will probably agree with the war simply because his/her party is for it, even though the majority of people in America are now antiwar. This is why the American political system is messed up and why our forefathers pleaded with the people not to join political parties. </p>

<p>Sorta off topic, but my 2cents.</p>



<p>Oh come on now. 95% of people in high school are just their parent's mouthpieces when it comes to politics/issues. I'll agree on the ignorance, but idiot is a little strong to use on a kid.</p>

<p>I am not calling liberals idiots, I wouldn't come out an say they are an 'idiot' for having a different opinion then I do, I would however tell them I disagreed and let them know why. I called him an idiot for his ignorance, and in return for him basically calling me and anyone right-leaning in America an idiot as well (which would probably include most of the men and women who have served our country so bravely).</p>

<p>I did not think you see liberals as idiots. I'm merely pointing out that calling some naive kid an idiot is not winning anyone to your viewpoint.</p>

you bring up the Abortion-death penalty issue, saying it is the conservatives who are hypocrites, yet aren't you the ones who want to kill the innocent unborn while saving the evil murderers, rapists, etc?


<p>That doesn't make us hypocrites because we don't make "pro-death" our rallying cry in the abortion debate, now do we? In fact, we make our rallying cry "pro-choice" which fits nicely in line with our stance on the death penalty.</p>

<p>Not every teenager is their parent's mouthpiece. Contrary to popular belief, we do have our own brains. I am 16 and have radically different views then my parents on some things and have similar viewpoints on other things.</p>

<p>I'll summarize what has been said so far: Everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone is an idiot. Some are moreso than others, but the degree is insignificant.</p>

<p>Sorry for the pessimistic message, but its true (myself included:D)</p>

<p>Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.</p>

Everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone is an idiot.


<p>Amen, brotha'. Amen. /<em>comment</em>/</p>