Spring Registration

<p>Great news, SCM! Glad his registration didn’t get held up and good to know that advisors are quick to respond.</p>

<p>I don’t suppose anyone has the inside scoop on when they are releasing seats in the UH classes? My S registers at 7 am tomorrow, and the only class that is at all problematic is the UH 300 seminar he wants (full as of now). I know they will open more seats, but I’m wondering if they do it at every registration time (7, 11, 2) or just randomly. He can certainly keep checking throughout the day, but I know he would be relieved to be able to take care of it at 7 am so he can go back to sleep knowing he’s all set. :)</p>

<p>i don’t think anybody here would know the answer to that question.</p>

<p>S used schedule builder for the first time and it worked perfectly.</p>

<p>Why are there no wait-lists for any classes? (They all say 0 capacity/actual.) How is that working this semester, if anyone knows?</p>

<p>Schedule Builder glitch:</p>

<p>Schedule builder rejected one of DS’s choices claiming that pre reqs not met. One was a basic engineering class he took 1st semester freshman (we don’t think that one is the problem) the other was Diff Eq. 1. He took that course from local flagship as a Junior in high-school, and it is reflected and credited in DW. I believe that the system is not recognizing that class. Several phone-calls and an e-mail later, still not resolved. </p>

<p>Called Engineering department, first directed to the math department, <em>then</em> to an adviser for an override then <em>back</em> to Engineering Department where he was told to send an e-mail. Hope it’s fixed before the class fills up. I wonder if anyone else has encountered this? </p>

<p>We always seem to be on the cutting edge of the de-bugging process. :)</p>



<p>And the rest of us thank NRDSon for that. Good luck - I hope he gets it taken care of soon.</p>

<p>D had an odd glitch in that all 3 of her OM classes required the 6-8:30 Th spot (which they use for Society of Operations Management meetings.) Of course, most OM students are taking at least 2 of those classes. She registered for 1, then let the advisor know (and apparently she wasn’t the only one) who then adjusted the glitch and registration was complete. Always happy that the entirety of UA staff is so willing to help :)</p>



<p>Are you kidding? This board is MAGICAL - there are always people who know answers to random questions that nobody should know. :)</p>

<p>If anyone is wondering, no seats have been released in UH classes yet today.</p>

<p>Just saw that some UH seats have been released. Looks like an additional 4 for the classes that only had 8 before. Many are already full again.</p>

<p>NRDSON claims his glitch was fixed by the time he woke up this morning. Wanted to be sure to acknowledge the fix. Thanks UA.</p>

<p>Yes, it looks like the 11 am registration time triggered some seat additions. My S is in class so I snagged the one seat that was released in his UH 300 seminar. I am usually pretty strict about having him do his own stuff (and he has taken care of everything very competently so far), but I just happened to be checking at the time they released the seats and it seemed silly not to grab it. He took care of all of the rest of his classes at 7 am.</p>

<p>Another successful registration down! :slight_smile: It seems like on the whole this is handled very well at UA, especially compared to some of the horror stories I hear from other schools. I am guessing that priority registration is a huge part of that though - not sure if it goes as easily for regular registration since several of the smaller classes must be full by then.</p>

<p>DS had a little hiccup when registering. System wouldn’t let him register for Electric Circuits, a required course, because he did not have the prerequisite Calc III. He did take Calc III, but it was Honors. System didn’t have the honors version as a valid prereq. He panicked at first, as he was sitting in class at the time (talk about multitasking) and he couldn’t do anything about it. After class he went to see someone in the department (not sure who) and it was fixed right away.</p>

<p>^^ Grrrr. This happened to us during registration last go-round. Exact same scenario. I was told they would fix for students going forward. I don’t mind the kinks but really wish they would correct them once found.</p>

<p>So you just go to the Registration Cart, and when the click strikes the hour, you hit the REGISTER button???</p>

<p>And then, is there a confirmation???</p>

<p>Can someone explain how the waitlist process works? I see one class that show 50 seats with 49 actual and 1 remaining, but the waitlist cap is 10 with 5 taken. Do you get the next spot automatically if one opens up and you are at the top of the list? Is it possible that the cap will be raised to the max on the wait list? I just don’t get it.</p>

<p>i am not exactly sure, but i think the waitlist is batch processed overnight or something.</p>

<p>sometimes class size is based on the size of the room, so it can’t be raised.</p>

<p>some honors classes have a max number of students, so those won’t get raised.</p>

<p>you can look at the class you are interested in for a prior semester and see what the class size was in the past. that might give you some insight.</p>

<p>ENGR 161 - small scale Graphics is not allowing freshmen to sign up.</p>

<p>ENGR 161 pre-req is listed as ENGR 151. 151 was absorbed into ENGR 103 class.</p>

<p>A quick call to the Advising Department 205-348-0750 provided DS with an override as a quick fix. </p>

<p>Hope the system pre-req is fixed or those poor Advising employees will go batty with calls.
ENGR 161 is need for at least AEM (AERO) and ME (Mechanical) – I don’t know if it is needed for other engineering majors.</p>

<p>The Schedule Builder Cart Save/one push register worked like a charm. DS loved it.</p>

<p>TXA – When you hit the Register button from the cart, the screen shifts to the “old” ADD/DROP page. Any courses that you got into are shown in the top portion similar to what should after you keyed the CRN last semester.</p>



<p>Aeromom had a post on this about this time last year. Look here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1407501-how-does-waitlist-process-work-2.html?highlight=waitlist[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1407501-how-does-waitlist-process-work-2.html?highlight=waitlist&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^^Really helpful information, beth’s mom. Thanks for posting the link.</p>