Stamps/Singer March 20-21

I’m so anxious to find out and they told us it would be here yesterday :frowning:

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Yes! The ivies are definitely a wild card, and we will know if they will be a factor in about an hour!!! Getting accepted to an Ivy school would make things a lot more interesting!

@JPruneski8 Have you checked your financial aid offer? We are suspecting that students who received additional scholarship funds after the Stamps/Singer weekend will NOT be receiving the Stamps/Singer awards…

I agree just wait for IVY results which i believe will be out today. Their FA pkgs are very generous. Also BAMA is another great option which I think may be ~half of what you be paying to UM. My son was in same situation last year and he was very sure to get into at least 1 IVY school but he couldn’t make it. Then He has to choose between BAMA UM PITT and MU ohio. He finally choose UM even though bama was the best Financial option.

@chris17mom‌ I’ve checked daily and nothing has been added! Just a presidential scholarship, work study, and a loan!

Also I’ve learned that these small things tend to be conspiracies, so I wouldn’t give up hope yet :slight_smile:

@dadfor2014‌ Yes, my son is in a similar position. Bama and Richmond would both be nearly free, and both are great schools. It’s looking like UM will cost us about 20k per year, which is a lot for us, unless he gets a Stamps/Singer award which is now seeming unlikely. Waiting on the Ivy results today, and if those do not change things, then it will be Richmond or Bama I believe! We both like both schools, so he’s got good options there. :slight_smile:

@JPruneski8 Well, the lack of a change in your FA offer, may be a very good sign for you! But we don’t know for sure, so all we can do is wait. Best of luck!!! :slight_smile:

@chris17mom‌ My vote is for BAMA because I myself a BAMA alumni . My son was quiet opposite and he in the end was torn between UM and PITT. My neighbors son choose bama over stanford due to Financial pkg. Very good school and come a long way to offer good education in a very safe environment. But if you can afford UM then its a great Campus with so much going around and Class sizes are relatively small then other school.

Whats your son major is and what part of the USA you from.? like South or Midwest…North East…

@dadfor2014 Sounds like your son made a great choice, we love UM! We also really like Bama and Richmond too, so not sure what son will decide. He is a computer science major and he’s also interested in business and international relations. We are from the Southwest and we love the sun!

Well, he was denied at the ivies he applied to, so it is looking like Richmond, Bama or UM, depending on what we hear from UM. :slight_smile:

@chris17mom-Sorry to hear your Ivy news but do know that your son is in good company. Lots of amazing kids were rejected from the Ivies this year. It’s true every year but it seems like even more this time around. But don’t give up on UM. If it’s your son’s first choice but the money isn’t adequate, don’t take no for an answer. Politely but insistently explain that your son will definitely enroll if they can make it more affordable for him. If he doesn’t get the Singer or Stamps but they lose more of the would-be recipients than they’d expected, an extra push from you might mean more grant money.

@BeingRidiculous Thanks! He took it very well and said he was actually somewhat relieved because he doesn’t necessarily want to be in the high-pressure environment he’s imagining at the ivies. As of right now he seems to be leaning towards U of Richmond and I think that’s a great choice. We have family in the area so that will be nice for him. We have not been there yet and we are going to visit next week. Hopefully he will like it! If he really wants Miami after that, we will definitely contact them. I do feel like UM values him and wants him there…so maybe if we explain the situation they might offer a bit more aid.

UM has had sufficient time to make decisions on scholarships. They committed to provide decisions by today. The failure to meet that commitment is cause for concern.

I just called the Office of Admission at UM and asked about an updated time line for notification on scholarship decisions. The person I talked to said they still haven’t finalized decisions, and that the decisions will be available when you receive an email. When I asked for a date, I received conflicting answers. I was told around seven days or this coming Sunday. If someone else would like to call for clarification, please do so.

@underasail-Per your request, I called the admission office and the only “clarification” I got was that the decisions will be made “within the next 10 days.” :frowning: I said, “So this could mean that a student might find out tomorrow … or not until nine days from tomorrow?” And I was told that this was correct.

Before I hung up, I mentioned that, when a notification date is given to students and parents (in this case, the date was 3/30) and then that deadline isn’t met, it would be appropriate to send out an email announcing the change. I also pointed out that some families are debating which admitted-student programs they will attend, and that it can be hard to make those plans without knowing where they stand at UM.

While I doubt that my complaints will make it past the reception desk, the mini-rant was somewhat cathartic.

Thank you for following up @Sally_Rubenstone. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see from this point on.

@sally_rubenstone and @underasail Thanks for calling! Wow, 10 days! That is a long time, considering that kids are trying to make their final decisions NOW! My son is choosing between U of Richmond, U of Alabama and U of Miami…except that we have no idea what the final offer will be from Miami! (I’m suspecting he won’t get the Stamps/Singer award, based on the fact that extra scholarship money appeared in his FA account after the Stamps/Singer weekend, but we won’t really know for sure until UM sends him notification one way or another.) Meanwhile, we are going out to visit U of Richmond next week, and he is definitely leaning towards that school, since they gave him a great offer (full-ride!) and it is by all accounts a wonderful school, plus we have family in the area which is nice. Still…if UM came through with a good package, I’m not sure what he would decide, we really love UM…It sure would be nice to know sooner rather than later!!!

This Sunday would be April 5th. I hope they release the decisions by then. It would make my son’s decision easier if he knew whether to include UM as a possible option.

Now, I apologize, I’m going to be the one providing conflicting statements. I just received a voicemail from Miami admissions department telling me that I’ve been awarded the Singer scholarship. They said an email and letter would follow but they wanted to personally inform me today. This is either a very exciting day for me, or my worst April Fool’s Day yet. I have yet to see an update in my financial aid status on my CaneLink account or the email, so all I have to go off of is the voicemail. That said I’m still going to hope for the first one. Because this was a call they can’t have made them all at once, but I figured I’d update the information I’ve provided on here. Good luck to everyone else.