Stamps/Singer March 20-21

@parentofs‌ You might try calling the financial aid department. I’m pretty sure they know by now who got those scholarships, so perhaps you might get somewhere that way. Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be!

@parentofs I thought the 1st singer interviews we the last week end in February and those results went out within two weeks of the weekend event. I would email or call Dana Warshauer if you have not heard anything.

Also, my son just receive notice of his selection as a Foote Fellow, so those notices are being sent.

After 2 weeks of emails and 3 days of back and forth ph calls, we were told saying “We will know the results soon”. That is good. At least we are still in the running.

Finally we got the news today. My S is awarded Singer Scholarship. What a relief. Thank you all for your support and information.

@parentofs Woo-hoo! Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Thank you @chris17mom. Appreciated.

Does anyone know when results of Stamps Leadership interviews would be announced for Miami? Thx.