Still waiting for early action decision

My decision changed and i cant pay deposit either

Decision made but can’t pay deposit yet

@nyc121 what are your stats?

my daughters says decision made too but cant pay the deposit. did you get an email? I don’t want to tell her and have her check her email at school if she’s going to be disappointed. decision made without saying either way is worse than “complete and ready for review”. i work in higher ed so know that a lot of things in IT are run in batches so it could be that there is a time delay between decision made being updated in one system and being able to pay the deposit in another so I’m still hopeful for her

I have been checking my daughters email but still nothing…can’t pay the deposit either. @myowan, you’re right. this is worse than “complete and ready for review”!!

Decision made as well and can not pay deposit. Looks like those who
predicted deferrals/rejections would be going out at this point were correct. Wonder if anyone’s status has changed and is able to pay. So far no one here.

my status has finally changed to decision made this morning but I can’t pay the deposit…
I called the admissions office and asked if they would tell me what my decision is and they said they can’t but they are sending out letters today that we should get in 2-3 days.
should I just assume now that I was deferred?

same. decision made and cant pay deposit…is it possible all of these applicants were REJECTED or DEFERRED?

Finally changed to decision made. Can’t pay deposit. 2100 sat 3.9W SOM : (

Maybe people for SOM can’t pay their deposit yet?? Mine says decision made but can’t pay for enrollment yet

Daughter is Harpur and can’t pay deposit. Perhaps that payment database has not been updated??? I can’t imagine they held or deferred and rejection EAs until now (at least hoping so).

My daughter just changed to DECISION MADE…cant pay deposit…no email yet…no snail mail…called admission…spoke to cold as ice guy who said he cannot tell me what decision made means and when i said i could not pay deposit as others can when accepted…he said he did not know what i was talking about…like talking to a brick wall…my D was accepted to U of Albany as a Presidential Scholar due to her grades etc…admitted to their Business School…so how cant she get into Binghamton?

DS’ status changed to “decision made” just after I posted earlier. I would assume that does not mean “deferred,” as that would not be a decision. No email yet. No ability to pay. We’re assuming rejection.

My daughter’s portal says Decision Made but I can’t get in to enrollment deposit. Applied to SOM with 1360 math and reading (2060) and close to 4.0. @Scaffold33‌ Decision Made can mean deferred and my bet is that mostly everybody on here now will be deferred, not rejected. But hoping there is an Info Tech glitch thats preventing us all from being able to enter enrollment deposit.

I am still holding out hope bc those posting stats for SOM are very high. I cant imagine rejections/deferrals for those candidates when others in my are (non SOM) are being accepted with much lower stats, even with the competitiveness of the program.

Is there just a glitch for paying enrollment for SOM because it seems like a lot of people can’t log into it

It seems that we have heard from no one whose status changed today being able to log in regardless of SOM, Harpur, etc. Means one of two things, all here who have posted about this were deferred/rejected or they have not updated the database for quickpay.

Mine says decision made. How do I know if I can deposit.

Actually just found it and I can’t pay it either :frowning:

My status changed to “Decision made” but I can’t pay…