Still waiting for early action decision

But a bunch of my friends who applied ea still have the complete and ready for review

I feel like only a few people were accepted though… I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few acceptances mixed in as well. Looking back at last years thread, Bing sent out deferrals through to the 15th so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions until they send an official e-mail or letter.

I’m so confused… Some people still have complete and ready for review as their status? Does that mean we’re all either accepted or rejected and they’re deffered? Or, did admissions just not get to those applications yet? But then again, if we were accepted, we’d be able to pay our deposit… UGH!

Time to send in my updated scores! Hope I’ll get in RD

Still no reports of anybody being able to pay?

^ the page where we can pay still has an error message for me, it says the site is down? This could either mean too many people were checking or maybe they are updating it? Who knows. Is the error still there for anyone else??

The error is gone for me, but still cannot pay.

MAJOR LEAGUE BUMMED OUT…cant pay…decision made…accepted to Presidential Scholar Program at U of Albany but cant get into Binghamton bottom of the class? How?

Yeah still not eligible to pay deposit. Has anyone heard of people getting actual decisions today? Everyone I’ve talked to today with decision made are just as confused as I am

I just don’t get it. How can most of the people waiting on this site for a decision from SOM all have their status change to decision made and all be deferred or rejected. It doesn’t make sense. There hasn’t been 1 person that I have seen through this website who said that TODAY they could log on and pay. In my mind, the only way this is possible is if the SOM couldn’t get to their decisions and deferred a block of students without every looking at their files. Doesn’t seem likely. The more logical answer is the website hasn’t been updated and won’t be until the letters are received. I could be way off but unless some of the people who posted are not telling the truth, there are a lot of student with impressive statistics who didn’t make it. Can’t be. Just my opinion.

Lots of scenarios:

  1. They sent acceptance mid-December and waited to send all deferrals/denies now.
  2. They haven’t been able to update their quickpay database so no one is eligible to pay.
  3. @easygoer1’s scenario that they didn’t get through all the applications so deferred all to buy more time

Thinking #1 or #2 are possible would hate to think that #3 would even be considered.

Is there anyone with incredible stats who hasn’t heard yet?

Just saw someone on Twitter get an official acceptance email… People are definitely getting accepted now but just concerned that I haven’t gotten anything yet!!

Beyond weird that no one who posts on this site received an acceptance or official email of any kind.

@nymelody‌ good to hear that there is still some hope! Wish I could message all of these strangers over twitter to see if they can pay their deposit, but I think that would be taking it a step too far…Lol

How do you see whether or not you can make your deposit??

Just kidding…It’s telling me now that there’s an error and that I cannot pay my deposit at this time.

I am really confused it says decision made for me is it really possible that they forgot to update there system so the accepted students can’t pay there deposit.

My status updated yesterday and I was able to pay the deposit, so I knew I got in. The official email came this afternoon. BUT the quick pay website is now down as people have mentioned so they may have uploaded a large batch of decisions, crashing their system. In other words, I wouldn’t assume anything until that clears up or you get a formal notice from Bing. Good luck to all of you!

(BTW, I applied to Harpur, not SOM.)

Could it possibly be that since I applied Early Decision 2 to a different school that i can’t pay my deposit any place else?