Still waiting for early action decision

has anyone whose status changed to decision made able to pay the deposit for SOM??

Has anyone got accepted to Watson

@ging23 decision made here…cannot pay…SOM…accepted directly into business school at u of albany as presidential scholar with 4 year merit award but looks like not getting accepted to first choice binghamton…i am not a cynic or pessimistic type…a fun loving realist…thats what i am.

But to think that they havent updated the pay deposit yet…is hard to believe…when it comes to accepting money…that is IT priority!

Am i wrong?

I don’t know because a bunch of people said that the website crashed so there is always hope. I was accepted to multiple schools with better business schools and received scholarships. The only thing I can think of is that they update the pay the enrollment once they email/mail you your acceptance?

Agreed, @TheManster‌. Binghamton was also my daughter’s first choice and really only SUNY she felt was a good fit. Received generous merit scholarship from an out of state school, we are visiting next week. I’ve already been to visit with an older sibling and believe it will be a wonderful fit for my daughter. Price even with the scholarship still higher than SUNY but everything happens for a reason and perhaps she was not meant to go to Binghamton.

I just checked the December 11, 2014 Binghamton thread on College Confidential under What Does Decision Made Imply?–a few of the commenters said that they were not able to pay enrollment deposit until the next day when the decisions came out and a few of them were accepted then to SOM. So lets not give up hope until email or snail mail is received.

How long does it take to get the email after the status on the website is changed.

I haven’t heard anyone get in to Decker yet… So I’m sure they still need send out acceptances!

Everyone should just keep their fingers crossed for their acceptance letter. I feel as though there was an issue, since many of us are qualified applicants. I am hoping upon my acceptance, and everyone else’s as well!

Positive thoughts, thanks @2cassandra2‌

I just received my acceptance in my email. Watson School of Engineering!!!

Congrats @anita96! Can you pay deposit?

anita are you able to pay your deposit online now

congrats! Can u pay your deposit???

@nymom64 @jdjm1313 I just checked to see if I can pay the deposit, and apparently I am able to. I didn’t pay it yet, because I am still waiting for other schools, and determine the best financial offer.


Do we think we’ll hear anything tonight?

We’re not hearing anything until tomorrow at the soonest I’d say

It’s funny how Bing accepted everyone from my school who have extremely high stats but have no intention of attending the school. I think for EA, they mostly take students with really high stats first. What a bummer, this is my top choice.

I just have a feeling I was deferred cause my stats weren’t insanely high like everyone else on this forum who got in