Storage for summer

<p>Montegut - The cleaning products should be fine in the climate controlled unit. </p>

<p>As for Bedding - the last two years I flew down the day before our 11 hour drive back home. My son and I laundered ALL of his bedding the night before “dorm check out inspection” and packed them in either Space Bags or a large roller duffel. We made one last stop at the storage unit before leaving town to drop off the bedding and last minute items our son did not need to bring home. Our son only brought home his laptop, dress clothes & shoes and the few casual clothes he felt he needed. All his stuff for home and my carry on fit in the trunk of a G6. I prefer to have the back seat clear of personal belongings. Especially when traveling and staying in a hotel the night before, I don’t won’t ANYTHING to draw the attention to would-be-thieves. This may seem obsessive but why leave items in plain sight to temp those who have no self control.</p>

<p>What do other OOS students who fly home do with their printers over the summer? Bring the printer home with them? Or if stored over the summer, does the printer become unusable and it becomes necessary to buy a new one? What is the fix for a clogged printer head? This is one issue I would have never anticipated!</p>

<p>To be honest I would not worry about the printers, simply take out the print cartridges and cover loosely with an old sheet. I have stored printers in our basement (unheated) and closets. I have used them with no problems. Also, new printers are very inexpensive if there should be a problem. Not worth it to me to schlep home and back again.</p>

<p>it may not clog, but printers need to be used occasionally or the ink dries. if i am not mistaken, this may not be a problem with HP printers as i think the print head changes with an ink change. not sure, just what i have heard. </p>

<p>there is no real good fix for a clogged printer head. you can try, but we have had limited (or NO) success.</p>

<p>I may be lucky but I have never had problems with printer heads drying up. My son’s (non HP) printer at Bama has been stored in the original box two summers in climate controlled units and is still working fine. I own a HP C309a series and a HP 7000 Wide Format printer. The Wide Format Printer is not used for months and still works fine.</p>

<p>NJBama wrote:


<p>Hey NJ, my son is checking out the units at Rice Mine today (I think) and will be looking into a climate controlled 10x10, since he’s got a bike to store, plus all the usual stuff (including a 25" monitor/tv and a couple of foldable 3-tier shelves). I’m assuming there will be lots of room left over, so let me know if this might work for you and your bro. We could prorate the cost in an equitable way, since you guys appear to have less to store.</p>

<p>If anyone else is interested, feel free to let me know. If no one is interested, we’ll offer the extra space to Cam Newton, should he wish to store his ego there before training camp. :)</p>

<p>malanai - 10x10 will be HUGE!!! someone could live in there!</p>

<p>Can you get a bike into a smaller unit?</p>

<p>well, i am glad that noone else has seemed to have ay problems with their printers. we have had plenty. my mom’s printer for instance, got clogged up <em>on her desk</em> because she didn’t use it enough. mine goes spotty now and then when i don’t use it a lot.</p>

<p>just a warning - guess it wasn’t needed.</p>

<p>: /</p>

<p>i think a bike would fit in the smallest unit, if you only had that. you might need to stand it up a bit, though.</p>

<p>i think a couple of people have posted here earlier about storing bikes.</p>

<p>here is what i found that someone posted previously:</p>

<p>“Looked at both the 5x10 and 5x5 units - the 5x10 is HUGE and will easily hold stuff for four people, bikes or not.
The 5x5 is pretty big itself, easily hold stuff for two incl. bikes.”</p>

<p>yes definitely could hold multiple bikes and many bins in the 5x10 and one bike plus other stuff in the 5x5.</p>

<p>Thanks, Mike! Sorry, Cam. You’re out!</p>

<p>i might want to join in. not quite sure of our plans yet.</p>

<p>Malanai, I’d definitely be interested. Do you know the price differences between the 5x5 and the 5 x 10?</p>

<p>If we can get 3 or 4 people going in on a 5 x 10 we could probably all save a few bucks.</p>

<p>i think someone posted that 5x5 was 70 and 5x10 was 85, but they said there were possible discounts (one month free/15% off). so 5x10 is def the way to go.</p>

<p>Mike, NJ, and anyone else interested–</p>

<p>Here’s the link to the facility we’re looking at: [All</a> American | Climate Controlled Monitord Self Storage Specialist](<a href=“]All”> Is this the same one you were scoping out, NJ?</p>

<p>My son will be going down there tomorrow. I told him to check out the various units with an eye toward the possibility that 2 or more other students will be joining us. I’ll report back to y’all after he’s visited. UA students get a 15% discount.</p>

<p>^^^Malanai, our 5X5 at the North Commons Loop, just around the corner from the Rice Mine location, same company, climate controlled, is 59.50/month with the student discount. You could easily get son’s bike, TV, shelves, totes in it if you can’t get someone to share. </p>

<p>Glad to hear from you. We’ve been missing you (and your wit!)</p>

<p>I’m also interested in sharing summer storage with someone if possible. My parents recently convinced me that I wouldn’t be able to bring everything home. So if someone has room to let me store some boxes, a dismantled shelf and a desk chair, I would love to talk about sharing with you!</p>

<p>Yes that’s the place we were looking at Malanai. We’d be happy to go in half or 3rds or even fourths depending on how many people want to go in. </p>

<p>Like i said lil bro will probably only have 3 - 4 of those plastic bins from walmart/target and a 32 inch lcd tv. So there should be plenty of room for a couple more people to jump in as well.</p>

<p>As long as we can get access on Thursday May 5th between 1 - 6pm we’ll be fine. lil bro will be checking out of his room around 6pm and then he has his last final at 7:30pm. We’ll be staying at a hotel and then heading to BHM early Friday morning.</p>