SUNY at Binghamton Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My son accepted without SAT scores 102 weighted gpa AP and college credits and extracurriculars


My son got accepted into Watson (CS) last week
1520 SAT
4.0 GPA
5 in the 5 APs he has taken so far

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My daughters screen went blank on Jan4th and she was accepted after 7pm to Decker school of Nursing. Three siblings have/currently attend Bing. GPA 99 unweighted. Sports, extracurricular etcā€¦No SAT score submitted. From long island a public high school.

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kid hasnā€™t heard yet - upstate, public high school, applied during the free week.

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Has anyone heard back that applied with education as a major? We are still waiting.

My Application Complete is blank!.. but not my sat/act info so unsure if iā€™m getting a decision tonight. Letā€™s See!


My application complete is gone and sat screen is blank. Hopefully tonight :pray:t2:

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What colleges/majors did the siblings do at Bing? How were their experiences? Did it feel like a big school?

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My son was admitted tonight to the school of management.
In state
GPA 95.5/100
Act : 33
8 AP
5 DE
Excellent leadership in EC


We are trying to get a better feel for Bing too!

Daughter. deferred to RD - she applied to Harpur but undecided. They donā€™t have a major in communication so not a great fit for her anyway. Top 10% of class in a large well-regarded NYC public school, 3.9/4.2, several APs. Applied during the SUNY free application week. Her portal never ā€œwent blankā€. Good luck to all who are still waiting!

Daughter deferred business school. 4.0. Tons of ECs. Accepted to others which I thought harder to get Into. Who knows

Similar stats, Harpur also, no decision here yetā€¦Did your daughter submit test scores?

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She didnā€™t submit her scores. I think the Undecided was also probably a negative. They sent a nice-ish email that sheā€™s still in consideration and be patient, it was a crazy year. Iā€™m happy she has some great options and this just doesnā€™t seem like the right fit anyway. Best of luck to your kid!

Curious for those deferred or no answer yet (which is us) where else has your student been accepted?

Rejected from the School of Management but received email offer to be considered for Harpur.
3.8 GPA, 33 ACT, In-State, 8 APā€™s 7 honors and 4 accelerated, Very good spiked ECā€™s.


We havenā€™t found out yet, she is education majorā€¦.accepted to UMass, UVM, oneonta, university of Buffalo, stonybrook and oswego-we are in state

She was accepted to Albany and URI, Delaware (nice merit and awards at all of them - these are the three sheā€™s deciding among), Ithaca, UVM, Stonybrook, New Paltz (nice to decent merit at them as well). Still waiting on UMass and UConn but neither are perfect fits so sheā€™s really between Albany, URI and Delaware. They all seem amazing to me.

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Same here.

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Does Binghamton have a education major? I thought it did not.