SUNY at Binghamton Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I did not know that, we’ll have to look into it… Thanks!

Good morning,
This is my first post on CC so please be kind :grinning:

My son was accepted into BInghamton, he applied during free application week. He received the folder with all the stickers.

He applied to Mechanical Engineering, however I noticed that his program (ME) is not mentioned on any letter or the email he received. Is this typical or does that mean he was accepted to the school but not the engineering program?

Thanks so much.

Congrats! Check the portal. My daughter got admitted and her portal lists her school (Home tab, on the right under applicant info)

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Thank you!

Yep, my daughter’s was in the portal, view update and that note said School of Management The letter she got in the mail and the email did not list the school.

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Has anyone from the “EA deferred group that was moved to RD” received decisions? Wasn’t sure if there was a new thread started. I believe decisions are rolling so I just thought I would check. Thanks!


I haven’t yet, but I also heard some have heard back. What is unfair is that RD applicants are hearing back before deferred EA applicants.

That does seem unfair. I was wondering how that would all play out (moving applicants from EA to ED), I assume that means that we are now considered ED without any “timeframe” priority.

Still waiting here! So we think they will be rolling?

We haven’t heard yet either. Has anyone written a letter of continued interest? My daughter’s letter said they don’t need any further information.

My daughter did email a letter of continued interest. They responded, which was nice and hopefully could help a little, but they did mention that they do not need any further information. Her mid year grades will be out today and should be really good with a fairly rigorous course load, so I’d love to send them but I don’t think we should go against what they said…Man, this wait is killer!! Good luck to all!

I sent a LOCI a few days after the deferral but complete silence on their part. I am not as super hyped about Bing as before. I got into much more selective schools (acceptance rates < 15%) which really makes me question Bing’s logic for this year. Yet OOS students with 3.0 GPAs are getting via RD when deferred EA applicants are still waiting. I have also heard that advisement at Bing isn’t the greatest and students more or less have to fend for themselves. Not sure how true that is.

My daughter was waiting for her 2nd marking period grades to come out but maybe she should just send the letter. I hope it will make a difference but we are looking at her other college options at this point.

Whoa! You have heard of kids with 3.0s getting in?! Pretty much every kid I know who applied EA got deferred, and with pretty good stats. Congrats on your other admissions!

@briana3000 and @Mrspuma

Yes, there might be kids getting in with 3.0, BUT they might be admitted for many reasons you don’t have context for.

  1. Recruited athlete (a very common reason)
  2. compelling applicant with a very challenging life situation.
  3. OOS applicant fitting certain desirable qualities: perhaps URM, or from a state Bing really wants to recruit more students from.
  4. Hooked: perhaps URM, low SES status, first Gen to college, child of a VIP/large donor
  5. A student who had a very rough start as a freshman during covid, but who has since pulled amazing grades.

There are MANY reasons why students with less than perfect GPAs or test scores get admitted. Only the admissions office knows why they take some kids and not others. Remember, there are “institutional needs” and no one here is privy to what institutional needs the college wants to fulfill in a given year. There is also little control if you as a student don’t happen to meet that institutional need.

Binghamton is getting more selective, in part because it is actively trying to make that happen by more aggressively recruiting in and out of state, and because students are sending out increasing numbers of applications. As the number of applications rise, they can’t admit everyone who applies. That drives down the acceptance rate.

Bing uses holistic admissions so they consider factors beyond GPA and test scores.

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I completely agree with everything you said. This year schools appear to be more selective and there is a lot of mystery to the selection process and formulas that ultimately lead to acceptance/deferrals/rejections…I must say though at the surface level and strictly from an optics perspective when you have applicants that are 4.0+ GPA, massive amount of ECs, 1400+ SAT, athletes and very rigorous courses being deferred, it becomes a bit of a headscratcher. One can be led to believe that Bing is chasing the money by accepting OOS RD students PRIOR to highly qualified in state EA applicants. To be honest, I think Bing bit off more than they can chew by having the free app week during the EA window. Certainly not hard to leave a sour taste in one’s mouth.


Or you can admire their cold, calculated strategy. It’s clearly paying off. They appear to be following the Northeastern playbook, imo.

Cold is an understatement, paying off probably in more ways than one. I have heard there is a lot of construction and campus updates going on…OOS tuition definitely helps pay for it.

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Yes, but the state gives the college the money.

All colleges do what they can to get ahead in the rankings. This is because having a higher profile benefits the college, the state, and the students. A better reputation ultimately brings better professors, better quality students, more national interest, better research opportunities, more investment and donations, and so forth.

For better or worse, rankings are VERY important to a lot of people: students, families, faculty, the the general public.

I am from California. When my son started at Bing in 2019, no one had heard of the school. It’s definitely more known now. The fact that there are more OOS students applying now than previously supports this idea.

The SUNY system has so many institutes of higher Ed that there is a school for everyone. Bing is a top choice for many, but students can get a great education at other SUNY schools too.

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Where did you hear that the advising was not strong?