SUNY at Binghamton Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Not the best litmus test but from 5 students that attend, plus from several interns that went to Bing.

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Itā€™s up to students to be proactive in making appointments with the advisors.

My thinking is even if Bing stated ā€œno further information neededā€ , if your son/daughters interest is high, I would absolutely email a letter of interest or ask your admissions rep to have first semester grades reviewed as part of their application.

As we all know, the benefit of EA is competing with a smaller group of applicants (but not in this case) and the benefit of doing RD is in many cases, is having the time to still submit first quarter and mid year gradesā€¦Because admissions (understandably) could not get to all the applications for EA (42k) they had to move them to deferred/RD. With that said, I think as an EA applicant- itā€™s not your son/daughters fault they didnā€™t get through all the applications, if Bing is your childs first choice then be the squeaky wheel :slight_smile: Good luck!!!

And also, keep in mind the applicants accepted with 3.0 GPAs Iā€™m sure had killer applications to be acceptedā€¦ (test scores and/or interests, course loads/ extracurriculars, LORs/essays etc). GPAs donā€™t always tell the whole story and all of these schools want to invest in well rounded, hard working students that will be successful and stay /and pay tuition for 4 years and then give alumni $ :slight_smile: Good luck to all!!


and briana3000 the 3.0 comment was meant for the whole thread not to you haha sorry, I just added it into my one post.

Thanksā€¦I brought out the 3.0 thing because on other forums and chats, those with the 3.0s said ā€œI have no clue how I got in.ā€ They claim to have poor ECs, no SAT submitted yet the only commonality between the lower stat accepted applicants is that they are OOS. I agree there are definitely other factors but based on how things are presented it definitely makes one wonder is higher tuition a deciding factor.


Iā€™m totally skeptical of nearly everything on Reddit, if thatā€™s the ā€œother forumā€ you refer to. I know a LOT of kids at Bing, and of course, my son is a senior there. Maybe this kids who are getting in with a 3.0 are exaggerating, or perhaps they are being offered the option to start at SUNY Broome Community College and transfer if they maintain a high enough GPA. Iā€™m guessing a lot of kids on anonymous boards donā€™t come clean about that though.

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Totally agree, the student must take it upon themselves. Those that shared their experiences have said it takes days to get an appointment. Here is a direct quote from one of the studentsā€¦others have shared similar experiences:

ā€œHe heard right. Iā€™ll be completely honest, Iā€™ve had a lotttttt of trouble with advising here. We basically fend for ourselves. Depending on the program heā€™s in it may be different, but I am in the arts and sciences department (we call it Harpur), and we get offered basically no helpā€

My son went in last Monday and got an appointment for Wednesday. Seems okay to me.

There are plenty of options for people to transfer out of Bing if they arenā€™t happy. Most of them donā€™t. The freshman retention rate is over 90%. That means students want to stay.

Edit: @briana3000 , we cross posted. As I mentioned, students must be proactive. They get help if they ask for it. I donā€™t trust a random kid on Reddit or Zeemee saying,

If that kid had trouble, itā€™s his issue to resolve. My own kid has complained at times and every single time, itā€™s because he left it late. Itā€™s HIS problem. And he is at Harpur, btw. There are tons of advisers. As young adults, they must be responsible for meeting their degree requirements. Here is the advising availability at Harpur. There is no reason students canā€™t meet with an adviser with these available times. Harpur Academic Advising | Harpur Advising | Binghamton University

Iā€™m wondering what your point is. Should students apply elsewhere because you think the advising isnā€™t good?


Partially skeptical as well. It was not Reddit BTW. It was on the app ZeeMee which has over 7000 students in the Bing chat. The thing is when you hear a fair amount of similar stories, the skepticism starts to wear off

No point to prove, just slightly bitter I guess that there is a greater push for OOS dollars leapfrogging qualified deferred EA applicants. Let me ask you thisā€¦lets take stats, OOS vs in state out of the equation. Do you agree that deferred EA applicants should get priority review over RD applicants? You donā€™t feel this could make one feel like people are ā€œskipping the lineā€

How do you know they are rejecting qualified in state applicants in favor of OOS applicants?

Iā€™ll be blunt: they are going to admit the most desirable students first, whether instate or not. Who is ā€œmost desirableā€ is the $64,000 question and only Bing knows the answer. All colleges have institutional needs, some of which were discussed above. Athletes, top students, URM, hooked students, OOS, or whatever else they want in a given year.

There is so much going on in the world of higher Ed at the moment. Covid changed everything and what you are seeing now is that there is simply not room for all the great applicants. They canā€™t admit everyone who applies.

There could be dozens of reasons why you were deferred. Many have already been mentioned. I strongly suspect that they will admit a ton of deferred applicants as soon as they calculate how many students actually send in their deposits.

Bing, like any other college, has to meet its yield. That means they must have a certain number of students committed to matriculating for each year. When kids donā€™t deposit because they are waiting on other apps, itā€™s a vicious cycle. I expect there will be a lot of students moving into the accepted pile as Bing continues striving to meet their yield rate, which means they have to admit many more students than they can actually take on, because they have a reasonable guideline of how many will actually enroll: currently about 19%.

Be patient, and hopefully you applied to a balanced list of colleges.

And please donā€™t believe chatter on social media. I guess you could include this thread in that category, except I have no motivation to make stuff up because my student is already there.


Btw, @Daisyrocks , this is the current availability at Harpur. It is not difficult to get advising appointment, regardless of what people are posting on social media.

It is up to students to make their appointments and be in charge of their schedules and meeting degree requirements. Like anywhere else, if students leave things until the last minute, they will have a harder time getting an appointment.

For anyone reading, there is no hand holding at Bing. Students will have the best experience by being very proactive, and that includes going to prof office hours, meeting with TAā€™s, using the tutoring services, seeking advising, and taking advantage of any opportunities offered.

Binghamton is rigorous and professors have expectations. Itā€™s up to students to ensure they meet expectations. The admissions officers know this and they want to admit students who they feel can succeed.


I think that is one of the main differences between high school and college- that no one will hold your hand. You need to be ready to advocate for yourself to get what you need.

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Daughter was deferred EA then notified of admission Thursday night. Oddly it was shortly after asking her advisor if she could send 1st semester grades and she was told to send if they strengthened her application- but she never got the chance to before she got accepted.


Congrats! Was she deferred a few weeks ago? Which school? Super excited for her! Hopefully there are more stories like this coming soon!

Harpur- physics major. Deferred Jan 6 and admitted Feb 2nd.
Good luck to all!


Thanks! My daughter applied to Harpur also, English major. She was deferred Jan 10. Weā€™ll see!

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Sorry to ask more questionsā€¦ are you in state? And did it comes in 7pm-ish? Definitely excited for you! Sooooo many kids were deferred!

I wonder if portals go blank again for deferred applicants being accepted via RD

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OOS - in NJ. Yes, after 7, I think around 7:30pm! Best of luck!