SUNY at Binghamton Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Congrats! Wonderful news! By chance do you recall if the portal changed/or went blank like the first time around?

No portal change that she noticed but she got an email alerting her to status change and then checked portal

Thanks for the info, great to know because it was getting old just randomly checking the portal.


I just think you cannot tell anything from stats written on a forum! We donā€™t see the applications. Also, every HS is different. Some grade inflate and some are extremely rigorous and Iā€™m sure Bing knows the difference. My daughter got accepted in December. She took one AP and no honors classes, BUTā€¦our HS is considered a top school in the state. She had Aā€™s in almost every class, a 32 ACT, but she is nowhere close to being considered a top student at her HS. Her application as a whole though, is very strong. Too many ECā€™s to list, class president, captain of every team, blah, blah, blahā€¦I just think if your trying to make sense of all of this is impossible.


Absolutely. And yes, many colleges, not just Bing, have relationships with certain high schools. This is why we knew our son would get into Bing. Naviance showed that virtually all students from our high school with my sonā€™s grades and scores got in. They trust that the students they accept from certain high schools will be able to do the work.

Curious- do you think Binghamton would acknowledge, and stand by this characterization of their admissions process, and ā€œsomeā€ high schools in this very large and diverse state?

This is common practice for MANY colleges.

I donā€™t work in Bing admissions. No one will be surprised to know that a substantial number of students at Bing come from Long Island, NYC, and surrounding counties. If you asked Bing that, would they admit it? Iā€™m sure they would.

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I think so. Every HS has a school report. It shows how many students take APā€™s and the scores they receive on those tests. If a school has a large portion of kids taking AP classes who receive high grades in the classes and then either have low scores on the exams or do not take them, itā€™s pretty telling.


Has anyone heard back about financial aid yet? (in-state, early action) I know they said late Feb, but figured Iā€™d ask.

Not yet.

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Not yet

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No word on financial aid yet.

Did anyone get notified about the Binghamton honors programs? Our daughter just received an invitation to the Source Project (first year research program in humanities and social sciences). Did Binghamton Scholars Program letters go out?

Also do you know whether all of the in state merit scholarship notifications went out? Thanks again!

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I got emails about the University Scholars Program and the First-Year Research Immersion (FRI) program at ~4:30 on the 15th. I didnā€™t get anything about merit. I have heard that Binghamton doesnā€™t give in-State merit but I could be wrong.

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Did anyone hear anything about PwC scholars for the School of Management?

I have seen in state merit at Bing, but VERY rarely. A superstar kid who works for me was 10 of 650 with all the stats and mega ECs and got zero merit at Binghamton last year(she is there and loves it). I know Stony Brook gave my daughter $1000/yr and I have seen $2000, so I can only assume merit at Bing canā€™t be much more than that. The max awards at other SUNYs seem highest at the easier to get into schools, which makes sense. Binghamton doesnā€™t need to give much since itā€™s so competitive. Good luck though! Iā€™d love to know if anyone is getting in state merit there this year at all. (And still hoping my kid just gets in RD! Lol)


For those who are curious or who have been admitted to some of the research or honors programs at Bing, there is more info here:

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My daughter received an email on Feb 14 saying she was invited to the EY Student Leaders Program (Honors Program) in the School of Management.

But she hasnā€™t received any information on merit. We are in-state.

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Have there been any new acceptances since the deferral?

Not for my daughter or anyone we know. I saw somewhere (FB group I think?) one OOS kid who got in in Feb 2 after deferral on Jan 6.