SUNY Binghamton Class of 2022

Thanks @WilliamNYC. Hoping to hear soon!


I have similar stats to you (31 ACT and a 97 GPA) and am hoping to get in as well. I have decent ECs, but nothing crazy (part time job, mathlete, science club, karate.) I feel like @WilliamNYC is right. We probably won’t be the first ones accepted (as they’ll be accepting the people with 33-35 ACTs first) but I sincerely hope we’d either get accepted late in the EA pool (January 15th-ish) or get accepted in the RD pool. Of course,the former is preferable, but the latter is the realistic case. I have a feeling that there are alot of people with high stats applying this year, so I believe our stats are closer to the bottom of the admissions tier. However, 31 ACT isnt the worse case scenario for someone applying to SOM, though I hate to admit that SOM is the most competitive school and tend to have the students with super high stats. Ironically, from what I’ve been reading in this thread, the people with the highest stats (posting here anyway) are actually applying to Harpur

I was also wonderinf if they’d take both SAT and ACT into account? I know they weigh the test that you did better on more, but will it benefit me if I did well on both? 1410 SAT and 31 ACT aren’t stellar scores but would they consider the fact that I did decent in both or only really look at the 31 since I technically did better on it?


I don’t think we’ll be hearing from them in January. I’d at least hope to hear in December (hopefully before Christmas). Based on reading through Binghamton admission threads in previous years, people tended to hear about their admission decision before Christmas.

EA decisions should be sent early December.

DD got her official acceptance letter. In addition to being accepted she was given the President’s Scholarship!


I hope they are. Seeing that people have already started getting EA acceptances, it may be a good sign that they will be sent out earlier.


Do you mind sharing the school your daughter applied for and her admissions stats?

Sure- @cls2022 - she applied to Harpur for bio/pre-med. she has a 1480 SAT and a 4.41 wGPA.

Very good stats @1S1Dforcollege and probably the reason she got the good news already! She got the notice via email a few days ago I presume?

@WilliamNYC - she received an email last Wednesday and the letter arrived yesterday.

Are you out of state? The only people I know who heard already seem to be, just curious. Thanks and congratulations.

Thanks! Yes- we are OOS. We visited Bing in the spring and DD really liked it.


From briefly glancing at last year’s thread, I believe most people with our stats were either notified of acceptance around early January or notified of deferral right before January 15th. I saw a few outliers though, with 31 ACT people getting admitted around December 15. Though, I note that the people who did get admitted in December with those stats were students applying to Harpur, the more lenient and accepting school within Bing. Considering that we’re both applying to SOM, we’ll probably be faced with higher standards and more competition. That’s why I am skeptical as to whether we’d really be able to get acceptance in December. It’s plausible, but nothing is certain at this point. The admissions process honestly feels like a blind gamble to me.

I don’t think there is anyway to know for sure when you will hear. I can only hope it’s soon! Good luck to you all.


I think @momlastoned22 is right. There’s no point in speculating because there probably is no right or wrong for when we’ll hear.

How much merit money is awarded with the Presidential Scholarship and with the Dean’s Scholarship? I heard the Provost Scholarship is $10k per year.

all 3 scholarships vary in amount @desie1. See also at

As with other public institutions I suspect that merit scholarships are mostly used to attract high achieving out-of-state students so that their tuition ends up being similar to what an in-state student would pay.

I wonder if Bing will receive an avalanche of applicants this year. From what I’ve heard, they had to sort through about 33,000 applications last year. I would guess that the demand is probably still high. Unfortunately that means more competition.