SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

@turtlezz That probably explains why they heard at a different time. You seem to have a good chance at acceptance.

i was deferred early action, does anyone know the chances of getting in RD?
stats - 26 ACT 3.76 uw gpa, full IB (similar to AP but more rigorous), national honor society, created my own successful club
my class rank has gone up from 15 to 10 and i emailed the school letting them know that they are still my top choice…

@turtlezz My son (NYS student) with the same stats as yours, full Diploma IB Program (more challenging than AP), internships etc. applied to Harpur and was deferred from early action to regular decision while many out of state students with 1200-1300 SAT were accepted within the first weeks of early action application processing time. It is extremely frustrating. However, you have a good chance of admission. They seem to be waiting until the last minute though since they keep accepting NYS students with ivy stats who apply to Bing as safety and don’t plan to go there…

@AJC Hey AJC, I hear you on the frustration. My DD was one of the out of state kids who heard back very quickly (1300 SATs), and even got a little merit. On the flip side, UCONN is EXTREMELY hard to get into if you are in-state. Like Binghamton, it’s an excellent school and the in-state tuition is extremely low. It only makes sense in terms of supply and demand. Everyone wants to go to that excellent in-state school, and few want to pay out of state costs to go to that same school. I would expect your son to get into UCONN much quicker than my DD for that reason.

Anyone get their financial aid letter yet? They said mid February.

@guturenursemom1 We haven’t received ours yet. I bet they start to release the letters tomorrow. My daughter visited last weekend for the second time and didn’t get a good vibe, so it is probably going to be dropped from her list. It’s too bad, because it’s a great school. The one thing that would concern me is her needing to travel to Johnson City to the new nursing/pharmacy campus for classes. It looks like the new building will be state of the art, but I hear mixed things about the surrounding area. I suggested that my D create a matrix to evaluate her choices, but she told me that she will know where she wants to attend when she sees it (Me=thinker; D=feeler). Visits to Delaware, UVM, Scranton, NH and TCNJ coming up to further narrow the list.

@guturenursemom1 Just curious on your net cost difference between Bing, Del, UVM. We have similar schools. For Bing our net cost is almost 10K per year less than Del. So we probably have to cross Del off for that reason. Bing, although much harder to get into, gave more (and was cheaper to begin with).

@HankCT my D19 is actually going to school for applied Mathematics. My D16 is the future nurse. That is when I started going on CC back then hence the user name. My D16 is graduating from St. John Fisher in December with her BA in nursing. They were very generous and she was a RA for the last 2 years which helped.She also swore into the Navy last week. She got the Nurse Canidate Scholarship. She gets a 10k signing bonus and then 1000 a month for 12 months. She goes in as an officer and commits 4 years active 4 years reserve. All state side if she wants (obviously not if God forbid a war happens). Our EFC is low. My D19 applied to Suny Binghamton, Buffalo and Oneonta. She also applied to RIT, Clarkson and Northeastern. She was accepted to all except we are still waiting to hear from Northeastern. Oneonta is the only college we have received the full financial package from. She can basically go for free between merit and need. Buffalo gave her 5k scholarship so far. RIT and Clarkson will have to be very generous for us to afford either. Binghamton is the tricky one. Instate but they don’t give merit. It will be affordable but not the most affordable so we will see because so far that and RIT are her number 1’s. Going to visit Buffalo next week hope she likes it to give her options because Oneonta is on the bottom of the list.

@HankCT You might have intended the question to me. For my D, UDel is in line with UVM, and both are about 2k cheaper than Binghamton. 17k merit at the first two and 10k at Binghamton. Plus grants at the first two, but don’t expect any from Binghamton.

@jdcollegedad - My daughter felt the same way when she visited Binghamton. We all know that it is a great school, but she did not like the vibe at all. I was sad also because I think she will enjoy the school if accepted. She is really in tune with what she wants, and has gotten accepted to Both Clemson and Univ of Delaware. She is excited about those two prospects.

@futurenursemom1 I received a notice that student was sent email with financial aid information but my student did not receive an email.

Did anyone get a similar email or the actual financial aid email?

If you used a different email in your child’s name to submit FAFSA, check that!

In my parent email I received the notification that my child had received their financial aid letter. But the letter actually wasn’t in my daughter’s email box that she uses for applications and receives correspondence from Bing. The financial aid letter was in a separate email box we set up solely for financial stuff. It was never listed on anything she submitted to Bing (or any school’s app and wasn’t listed in her Common App). The only time that email was used was when we submitted FAFSA.

We did the same it wasn’t there. Checked her application email as well. And all spam folders. Will have to call on Monday. Were scholarships part of the financial aid?

my son received email (no info), the award (all loans) was in the portal under the financial aid menu

My daughter said it is in a different location. Google My Binghamton click on the first link. Then look for the heading BU Brain click on it then log using the user and password you set up for the application status checker. Once you’re logged in there should be a financial aid tab at the top where you can find it. She found hers under the award link in the financial aid section.

I like how colleges call the unsubsidized stafford loan “financial aid”. Sure, when you compare that to loan options it is a better option, but it’s still a loan, one that collects interest. But it does not stop schools from including the $5500 as part of your “award” :slight_smile:

If you didn’t apply early action, are you still eligible for scholarships?

Have any NYS students who were deferred from early action to regular decision been accepted yet? thanks

Haven’t heard anything yet. @AJC

Still nothing for RD for me either