Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

I would honestly consider that since the chances of getting off the waitlist at SU are very slim. I think last year out of about 3800 waitlisted kids only 350 were admitted. My son is looking forward to where he commited and I told him that everything happens for a reason, etc. the whole waitlist thing is really tough especially this year when many schools like SU had a record setting number of applications……but until you get the notification that you are officially rejected anything is possible. Ugh, I don’t remember it being like this in 1988:)


I may have missed it but has anyone hear of any waitlist acceptances to Newhouse? This just seems so unlikely to get a Newhouse spot but we still are trying to be positive

We have heard of 2, within past 2 days. Jmazur posted yesterday earlier in this thread.


Why would Newhouse be any more likely or unlikely to come off the waiting list than any other program? The school guesses what their yield is going to be by program, demographic, etc. They’re just as likely to be wrong/right across any of the programs.

Given the historical numbers though holding out anything more than a smidge of hope would seem like wasted emotion to me (for any WL at any School). DS stays on the WL for a couple of schools, Syracuse among them, but we never mention them.

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For those who have been accepted from the WL…

  1. Was the financial aid package provided with the acceptance notification?
  2. How quickly do you need to accept?

Let’s also remember that the SU website says students have 10 days to make a decision when offered a spot off the WL. This could mean that if a kid who was offered a spot over the past few days doesnt reply until sometime next week and declines to enroll then their spot will be offered to another kid on the WL. I’m sure this will happen in many cases since not everyone will accept thier waitlist offer and they need to fill all of thier openings. I guess my point is that if you haven’t heard anything this week that doesn’t mean you might not next week.


You have 24 hours to let them know if you are interested in their offer. Then they take a few days to officially admit you (which is when I assume we will hear financials). Then you have 10 days to decide.


I was wondering about Newhouse bc I have to believe their waitlist chances are even more dismal given how selective they are. I.e., we know the overall WL stats are bad and I presume even worse for Newhouse bc I can’t imagine they had many open spots to begin with…. Not to be a downer but that’s why I was wondering. At the end of the day, they will go to the school that loves them back and be fine.


Thanks for clarifying, that makes it sound like this could be drawn out well into late May for some

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I haven’t researched Syracuse’s past years but recall looking at a few other schools that stated around 7/1 is when notifications went out that “the waitlist is now closed”. Obviously going to depend on the numbers of people they want to pull from WL and the decisions of those kids just how long it goes on for.


Our college counselor said it can go into June/July for certain schools. Barf


My D was notified on May 2nd that she was offered a spot in Newhouse. She won’t be accepting it though - no merit offered and we don’t qualify for any aid, so it just doesn’t make financial sense. Luckily she’s fallen in love with her #2 school and already can’t picture herself anywhere else. Hopefully her open spot goes to another Newhouse applicant ASAP!


Thank you for intel!

Thank you

She was texted and emailed

Yes, both parents got emails (but we are also alumni).


She heard from them on May 2. She is not taking the spot, so hopefully it will go to someone who really wants it.


Best wishes wherever she goes!

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Thanks everyone for providing their updates and insights. My daughter is still on the waitlist but I think she is as the point of moving on. She sent her LOCI, along with additional mid-trimester grades, she updated her accomplishments and even has had a few email exchanges with her regional admissions officer at SU. Most recently she was told to keep expressing her interest on a weekly basis with the admissions officer. She spent two summers at SU pre-college and has continue to show her interest so not really sure what more they want in regards to expressing interest. While SU has been her top choice, she seems to have finally moved on to the school she has committed to, University of Michigan. She is not fully excited about the midwest as she is a northeast girl but they all end up where there supposed to be in the end.


I don’t know what more she could have done as far as expressing interest. I keep reminding my son that there is always the option to transfer somewhere too. I did it back in 89 and had 4 great years at SU after a year at a school I really disliked so there are always options.

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