Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

My daughter withdrew her app today, so hopefully that gives a spot to someone else. Decided to go with the school she committed to. She’s excited and it will cost half the price.


Best of luck to her!


Cuse Dad, no updates? None here for my son and his friend who are coming to terms and have effectively moved on… one of the admissions counselors told one of the applicants that they are still backlogged due to Covid and they need to graduate the bottleneck of kids who are exceeding four years… he said they traditionally get kids out in four but now for some, it’s 5-6 so that’s contributing to numbers issues.

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FWIW - none here either. We’ve moved forward with our #2 choice (really a #1.1 choice) but if we get an email from 'cuse it would cause an interesting conversation.


Yeah nothing here either. I understand that the process can drag in into June and later depending on how it all shakes out. I think most kids at this point are trying to move on but its tough when technically they are still in it until they get the final email saying they aren’t being admitted. SU admissions won’t say a word other than they will be notifying students after May 1st and throughout the summer if spaces are available, which I understand is all they really can say.

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Our daughter just got off the waitlist but not for her first choice college. She had applied to Newhouse but was waitlisted, now admitted to Arts & Sciences. She has 24 hours to decide. (She will most likely decline as she is happy with the school to which she committed.)


Congrats what time did she get the email? She she get a text first? Did you also get an email? There seems to be some inconsistency in how people are being notified

She, my husband, and I all got an email. No text that I know of. A little after 5 p.m.


Thanks for the info

Oops! I misread the email. She has 24 hours to say if she wants an offer, then 10 days to decide.

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She declined the offer of an offer this afternoon, so hopefully someone else will get some good news soon!


Anyone hear of any offers today? This is starting to kind of lose steam at this point isn’t it? Has anyone else mailed admissions reminding them of interest since May 1? We haven’t. We are still interested but don’t want to come across as begging:)

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My son did one update since 5/1 (but had only done a total of three updates since WL bc his counselor said don’t do too many and only if you have something new to add) but agree that it seems futile, esp if it won’t be for the school of choice.
Nothing new in our neck of the woods

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We did the LOCI and I think two emails in April but nothing since 5/1 for the same reason of nothing really new to share. They know we are interested and at this point if it happens it happens. I just think the longer we go without an offer the lower the chance one will be forthcoming. Could be wrong but that’s my hunch

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Updating: My daughter just received an email that a spot has opened up in her intended major (psychology), so they’re ready to make her an offer of admission. She completed the response form to let them know she’s still interested so that we can receive her full offer, including financial aid. She’d need considerable merit money in order to derail her current plan to attend University of Oregon, where she received a partial scholarship, but she still wants to weigh all options as they come in. She was also waitlisted at Cal Poly and LeHigh, but recently dropped her waitlist spot at LeHigh because she’s no longer considering that school (too small) and she didn’t want to tie up a spot that could go to someone else.


Updating- My daughter just received an acceptance off of the waitlist as well for College of Arts and Science.


cusedad I am still hoping for you and your son to get off the waitlist. I check in to see periodically just to see where folks are at! We have not had any movement here, but we are now 100% vested in our selection. Housing choices made, roommate found, Orientation dates confirmed, hotels are booked right thru Parents and Friends weekend! Now searching for football tickets… We are bleeding blue and white in our family! We are PennState! :blue_heart: :white_heart:


That’s awesome congrats! My sons friend is going to PS too and is super psyched.


Did you get an email as well or just her?

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