Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

I received an email about 15 minutes after she did stating that they had a spot for her and then they included the email they sent to her as well. She has 24 hours to confirm interest, will receive formal admission letter and any aid within a few days of confirmation. We then have 10 days to accept/decline official offer. I guess there are more discussions to be had in our household since this was her top choice. Right when I thought she had moved on, she already completed a portion of her online orientation, did housing forms etc at her current school. I guess we will see in a few days. I will post an update once we have more info in a few days. Seems like there is still hope for those still waiting so good luck to all.


My daughter received an email and was offered a spot also, in Arts and Sciences. My husband and I received an email also with the update. She seems excited about the school she committed to so I am not sure what she will decide to do ?? I will update when she decides.


My d got off the waitlist today as well!! Dual enrollment for Newhouse and CAS. We can’t believe it. We had basically moved on . Fingers crossed for some $$. This her dream school. Hoping you get some good news soon cusedad.


For those of you whose kids just got off the waitlist, congrats! I hope you can get the information you need to make an easy choice.

Syracuse’s deadlines for things seem to run later than other schools, so the waitlist admits aren’t running behind the regular admits for tasks, really. Housing is due June 1, and my son hasn’t even gone on the roommate matching site yet. I think lots of folks go for random roomies.

We’re up to date on tasks and the only things we’ve done are housing and some health records. Freshman can list preference for room type (open vs split), but can’t pick a dorm. However, if they live in an LLC, they’ll be housed in that LLC’s specific dorm (mine is doing honors LLC so knows what dorm he’ll be in). That makes the housing app easy.

It does take time for things to percolate through their system, so after depositing, you can expect a day or two between steps like getting email access, housing portal access, etc. It took us a few days to figure out that the housing portal didn’t work on chrome for mac.

His placement exams and course preferences aren’t due for several weeks. No orientation registration or anything like that yet.

However, I would book a room for move-in ASAP. If the nearby hotels are booked, just widen the radius or do Airbnb and you’ll find something. Move-in dates should be August 22 and 23 (I think you get to pick the day). Family activities on Aug 24, and 25th am. Some parents leave immediately after move-in, and they want all parents gone 25th at lunchtime. Join the FB group below for more detailed info.

This facebook group is the closest to an official one and is very helpful.

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I love how each of us are rooting for Cusedad and his kid! I really do hope it works out. (Still WL here but sort of lost hope)

They are still sending offers so I guess anything is possible:)


Has she gotten the official acceptance letter?

Not yet. Still waiting. We were just notified yesterday around 3:30 pm.

I find the whole idea that they reach out to see if someone “wants an acceptance” interesting. It’s manipulative on the part of the numbers they ultimately report about their WL and ultimately their acceptance rate.

I have a co-worker whose D23 applied to Providence. Ultimately was “deferred” (not waitlist). Just after 5/1 she got an email “would you like an acceptance?”. So this is there way of not accepting anyone unless they’re almost certain the kid is going to enroll. Similar to how Syracuse is pulling from their WL.

Hate the game, not the player I suppose.


I get what you are saying, but my daughter said yes to the offer, then declined it officially, and it sounds like others have done the same. Everyone wants to see the money (in our case, there wasn’t enough).

MomMaine–we chose Penn State also, even after she got off the waitlist. We Are!! (so excited)

That’s where my daughter is now going, too!

Not suggesting it’s foolproof on the part of the school - you still have option to decline once they’ve extended an offer - but can substantially cut down on the “Acceptances” they need to issue.

DS would be in the same situation - would want an offer so that he could see the $$ to make an educated decision and if it wasn’t at least a similar net cost to current choice we would turn them down. The further we go along with current choice though the likelihood is less and less he would even care about an offer (dorm selection, course selection, etc etc).

Yeah, 'Cuse, he loves ya but running down the aisle after him when he’s about to get married to another might not sway him.

My point was simply that blindly looking at a schools numbers of admits and acceptances and comparing one school to another can be apples and oranges since each one plays a slightly different game.


Has anyone been accepted off of the Maxwell waitlist?

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I’ve given up on Syracuse :frowning: :sob: :sob: :sob:\

I moved onto ESF

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That’s where my son is on the WL for and I have not heard of anyone getting an offer from Maxwell yet. Would be curious if anyone else has heard of anything regarding Maxwell

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Great wedding analogy. I bet many kids on the WL are feeling the same thing.


I got the email about confirming that I’d like to be admitted Tuesday afternoon and then got my official letter of acceptance today around 2:00 pm for the College of Arts and Sciences with a major in Forensic Science! I’m currently committed to UW-Madison as it was my second choice school after Syracuse and I got a decent financial aid offer, but if Cuse ends up offering the same or more financial aid I’m highly considering switching! Anyone that was admitted off the waitlist earlier, how long did it take for the financial aid package to come through? That is what most of my decision is based off of and because I got my official letter today the 10 day countdown has started, plus I’d have to start looking for a roommate as housing closes June 1. Any information would be helpful!!

We got the official acceptance on Friday afternoon and had the financial aid offer by Monday afternoon. It was in MySlice.

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Has anyone heard any offers from Whitman recently

we are in the same situation as you are. We are still waiting for the aid package. In speaking with financial aid they said it would take 2-3 days for it to appear in myslice, so hopefully either later today or tomorrow it will be up. They said it was in the review phase already so we will see.

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