TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

she got an email saying that there is a new award letter available. Go and check under financial aid. You should see what is being offered. Mine got the maroon merit for 5K and the Lechner for 2.5K which is unfortunately not enough :frowning:

I might have misunderstood, but I thought that the $4,000 had to be TAMU-specific academic scholarships. TAMU doesnā€™t stack scholarships so even if you got a $3,500 academic scholarship AND a $2,500 academic scholarship, you could only choose one.

that is what I thought as well but I have literally no clue. Reason for my questionā€¦

My D signed up for Phase 1 housing in October. She did not state that she was interested in LLCā€™s. Will she still have the opportunity to pick LLCā€™s in phase 2 or did you have to state that you were interested in LLCā€™s in phase 1 to be able to pick an LLC in phase 2. If so, is it too late to go back and add that you are interested in LLCā€™s in phase 1?

and to be clearā€¦ I am just referring to the $4,000 academic scholarship necessary to waive OOS tuition.

@MK texas Phase 1 and 2 are new this year so not 100% sure. Dumb question, but have you tried going back into phase one to see if itā€™ll let you? If not, Phase 2 might have the option (or call res life to confirm). AND FYI, LLCs arenā€™t the end all of succeeding or finding your peers in your major. So try not to worry to much if they arenā€™t able to secure a spot in LLC.

When my son did Phase II for housing, he was able to choose LLCs at that time even though he did not show interest in Phase I.

Is anyone else seeing a large gap between financial need and what was offered in aid? In our case, my son was admitted two weeks ago to Engineering - College Station. Wooo hoo!. However, the financial aid package we got likely means he canā€™t enroll.

He was offered just $1500 in need based grants. Plus $5500 in loans. Our expected family financial contribution was $11,500 which we can barely afford. However, with the in-state cost of attendance of $32,256 that leaves us about $15200 short after the loans and the grant.

He has been awarded an academic scholarship at UT-Arlington that will cover tuition and a bit more. Plus, the cost of attendance there is quite a bit lower - $27,280. So far UTA is leaving a gap of about $3780, but we have not gotten their financial aid letter yet. I hate limiting my sonā€™s options like this - I was not expecting the gaps between need and reality.

$32,256 <<<<<<<<<

Dunno where you get that number? I think it is near $23K if you get lower cost dorms and watch the meal plan options. my kid had 165 plus 300 and it was too much (I provide some food and cereals and milk etc, I am not paying for breakfast per se). My kids double dorm is under 2K a semester. Donā€™t be sucked into top cost dorms. Off campus is going to cost less (no meal plan).
The FAFSA EFC number means very little. All it does is tell you if you are Pell eligible.

A friend of mine did masters at ucsd. He loves the school. I believe it (engineering school) went up to #8 this year. And for a reference, ucla is #16, tamu is #15.

Thatā€™s good to know. His also shows $32,256.

We are OOS and my son just received a 4 year Army ROTC scholarship to attend Texas A&M. Now mind you, I realize that not everybody wants to serve in the military (or be in the Corps at A&M), but he does. It pays 4 years of tuition and fees. Does not pay room & board, but he has been offered some university and Corps scholarships that would reduce the R&B costs as well. He is also interviewing for the Brockman Foundation Scholarship this weekend in Houston (though I think thatā€™s a reach for him). He accepted to Engineering at College Station.

@PAAggie204 Many want to be in the Corps. That is awesome. Congrats of the scholarships!!! Room and board are not that expensive, especially when tuition and fees are covered!!!

My son is a sophomore and we pay around $30k when all is said and done per calendar year. ($550/mo rent plus $125 internet & utilities; $600 aggie bucks; $500 allowance for food/gas, etc and fraternity dues of $2400). You can obviously do it for much cheaper than I just laid out. He lives in a new 5 bedroom/5 bath house in Bryan, so rent isnā€™t really that bad but you can find cheaper. Full time tuition and fees for fall and spring ran me about $12k

@AggieMomhelp As far as cost, Iā€™m thinking you might have had a child or two in the Corps? My son wants to be in the Corps as well as ROTC w/the end goal of Marine Officer after graduation. He has applied for the Marine Option NROTC scholarship but seems there are few of those so certainly not counting on that. Have also recently been told that even the 2 and 3 yr Marine Option NROTC scholarships are rare. So with this in mind, can you, or whoever, give me a realistic idea of cost? Or is that $30K per year pretty comparable to a Corps member? And Iā€™m thinking he would have to live in the Corps housing all 4 years? Thank you in advance. He is looking at another school as well, but Iā€™m pretty sure A&M is where his heart isā€¦ And alsoā€¦ anyone out there with a Cadet and ROTC student who is going Marines?

OHā€¦ my ignorance on the ROTC and Corps being 2 separate thingsā€¦ sorry. I will say my niece was in corps all 4 years and is now at OCS in Quanticoā€¦ week 4!!! Super pumped for her. BUT I know she didnā€™t graduate as commisioned officer (obviously) so that must be the difference. When my daughter graduated in Dec. 2018, 40ish students were commissioned at the ceremony. Very cool.

$30k per year is more than what your student would pay in the corps. It would be closer to $25k minus scholarships. Corps housing isnā€™t too expensive and not sure whatā€™s required for dining plan but someone on the corps website should be able to tell you. Iā€™ll try to dig around as well.

Corps housing is $5500 PER YEAR!

Food plan is anywhere from as low as $2000 - $2500 per SEMESTERā€¦ So letā€™s say $10,000 for room and board being in the Corps.

Plus books and personal stuff (gas, parking pass, eating out, toiletries, etc.)

@AggieMomhelp Thank you for the info! We are visiting TAMU again here in a couple wks and my son is doing Night w/the corps. We are hoping to get even more info then. This blog has been very helpful! Thank you for the time you put into it!!

@TexasMTDad This is what I read on the school website

National Hispanic scholars admitted for the fall will also compete for other freshman scholarship opportunities which are offered in February of the studentā€™s high school senior year. These scholarships are able to be added to the guaranteed scholarships listed above.


Oh? Awesome! Happily stand corrected!

TXRunningMom Also from NC. Son accepted to TAMU engineering. Applied to NCSU as well. Prefers TAMU but out of state costs may be prohibitive. Any comparison/contrasts between schools that you can share?

Hi! I will be attending TAMU this semester and did not get accepted until early January. What are my chances of getting a spot in Hullabaloo or a modular dorm?