TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

@ATTX , Congratulations!! That is very interesting/odd that the interview is on a school day. Hmmmm, we interviewed on Saturday, December 1st. I don’t know if he had other days of interviews. I would say finals come first and Mr. Brown will understand. Is Ms. Matthews the one who is communicating with your son? She is awesome! I know in the past, Mr. Brown has also done phone interviews. I would have your son communicate that he has finals that day but would love to attend another interview time or even a phone interview.

@hurricane314 , Congratulations!! That is so awesome! When and where is your interview? I suggest that you dress professionally—sport coat/tie or dress/business attire. My daughter had 2 interviewers at the regional interview and they alternated asking her questions. Everyone was very nice and friendly. Most kids had one or two parents in attendance too but one student was by himself (he was taking a gap year and had flown in from out of state). Parents weren’t part of the interview but could ask Anna questions about the program and visit with one another. Just be yourself in the interview; they know all your stats and credentials already! Good luck and keep us posted!

@TXRunningMom Thank you! The interview will be in Houston, sometime in the Jan 30 - Feb 1 range; I responded accepting the invitation, so now they’ll send a specific time.
Thanks for the tips! I’ll do my best to be myself, though it’s funny how that’s more difficult on command. I guess that’s why they’re looking for it, though.

@TXRunningMom. Yes, Ms. Matthews is the one who is arranging the interview. I thought it was pretty odd that she sent an email to my son at 3:06 pm and asked him to book the flight TODAY. He did send a reply back to her asking for a different date because the finals and we of course did not book the flight since it just won’t do to miss 2 exams (AP English and AP Stats). I just hoped she and Mr. Brown will understand that he really needs to take care of his current school work first. :slight_smile:

@TXRunningMom Just realized that I should also ask you if there is any tip you or your daughter can offer? Thank you.

@ATTX, I would think a lot of kids still have exams that day. I think it is odd for them to schedule on a Friday and not a Saturday but maybe they are thinking of Christmas parties being on that Saturday night/families traveling already for Christmas. He will probably do another Houston on site interview that you can attend I’m guessing. Are you in Texas? It seems like just driving to Houston would be easier and faster than flying! One or both parents should go if possible. When we went, almost every student had both parents there. Mr. Brown gives a little talk for the parents and students before the interviews and it is very informative and helpful to learn about the Brown scholarship/legacy. It really helps you to get the big picture of what being a Brown scholar is like. Plus you have a chance to talk to and get to know the other parents while the students are interviewing. I made a very good friend with one of the moms at that interview and now we can keep in touch and our kids are Brown scholar friends together. Keep me posted! This is so much fun for me!

@TXRunningMom. Did they invite parents last year? Because this year, they only asked my son to purchase a ticket for himself to fly to Houston (from Dallas) with other 14 kids … never mentioned anything about parents. My husband was thinking about to go with him, but I was not sure whether it would be awkward if other kids do not have their parents tag along.

@ATTX , are they paying for the ticket? That would probably by why. We are from Austin and the parents were invited. In fact, I think every kid had a parent there but one (and I think that kid’s parent had to work that day). I can’t imagine them not wanting parents to come if they could. After each kid interviewed (some with former Brown students and some with Mr. Brown himself), the parents were brought in to meet with Mr. Brown also. If it was me, I would drive with him. By the time he gets to the airport early and flies down and gets transport from the airport and all that in return, you could just about drive it with him. Did you hear back yet about rescheduling for a day different than finals? Your son can also ask Ms. Matthews about y’all coming and if that would be appropriate/okay if you are really unsure.

@ATTX , I know of a girl from Dallas who is Brown Scholar this year, she was also given a ticket to fly in to Houston for interview. When I heard this, I assumed they want to see how independent kids are. Driving was it’s only an hour more from Dallas to Houston than Austin to Houston.

I am an out of state student admitted to Engineering at college station. I might end this semester with a C+ in my honors Calculus class. Is there a chance of me getting rescinded.
My stats:
High school: ranked really well in Florida (translation- hard; for example over 40 National Merit in class of 2020)

When did you apply: 10/17
When did you receive your admission decision: 10/29
Class Rank: 1st quarter (according to TAMU, my HS doesn’t rank)
ACT: 31 overall English-29 math-34 reading-35 science-30
Gpa: 4.69 weighted (all honors except for language)(aps-APUSH(11), gov(12), apes(12))
EC: Girls excelling in math and science-president; varsity cheerleader; graduate of 4 year Pre-engineering program at high school plus engineering internships; Commended Scholar; national Hispanic; robotics-officer; 800+ service hours; Pre-engineering society

Please help with any input you can give.
Thank you!

@TXRunningMom. No, we have not heard back about rescheduling, but probably will hear something back tomorrow. Driving is definitely doable as long as they are OK with us tagging along, which my son will definitely ask first.

@val0822. “When I heard this, I assumed they want to see how independent kids are.” which was my initial thought too.

@TXRunningMom Is there a Brockman High School 2020 thread? The one from last year was so helpful but it would be great to connect with other parents/students this year.

Thank you!

@hurricane314 Congratulations!! That is a huge accomplishment. Can I ask when you submitted your application? Good luck!!

@blue089089 Not a chance at all. Unless you fail a class, get arrested or something drastic like that, your acceptance is solid.

@Dalajosa , yes, there is! Search for Brockman Foundation Scholarship HS Class of 2020. Did you get an invite to interview yet?

@TXRunningMom , found it. Thank you. Playing the waiting game to find out…

@Brambler - tldr summary…normal to feel nervous but A&M is one big tribe with thousands of Subtribes. Yes your D will find her peeps.

My wife and I are alums and graduated in the mid 90’s from A&M. We had been back to visit since graduating and have friends/family that live in Bryan/CS.

Our son is a fish this year, lives in Mosher for Engineering Honors LLC and was never a big football fan growing up. He ended up with a nice quiet roommate, went to Impact camp, went to several football games and joined the rock climbing team. My wife and I were wondering if he would find his tribe and he has been able to find people he has things in common with all over the place…whether those people are the other kids from his high school, dorm, classes, Impact Camp small group, church, or the rock climbing team. Other than having to study his tail off, he’s making new friends, meeting lots of new people and getting adjusted. Has it been completely trouble free? No but we never expected it to be comfortable for him as the first semester at college is a transition into owning more of his life. Possible that it would be tougher for some and easier for others depending on the kid. We know he has grown as a person and the experience has been overall very positive.

I suspect if your daughter goes fish camp or impact camp, goes Greek or at least makes the effort to explore engineering and non engineering organizations/clubs, she’ll find some people just like her as TAMU is a very friendly school. If your daughter is interviewing for the Brown or Brockman scholarships, the recipients experience group enrichment and networking activities. If it’s a different scholarship and there are multiple recipients, find out if that scholarship organizes events for the recipients. The best thing about a big student body with dorm life and thousands of groups for all kinds of activities and Interests is that she stands a great chance of finding her peeps if she puts the effort in. In addition, if she’s religious, there are all sorts of churches and religious organizations as well.

I have several friends with daughters at A&M if your daughter would like to be connected to other current students or still has questions or wants to talk through going Greek. Just reply back with a way to connect you to my friends with daughters at A&M.

I hope this helps.

I’ll be a BIMS major next year and am wondering, will a majority of my classes next year be at Heldenfels or the actual Biomedical Sciences building?

Your classes will be all over campus. You will take a mixture of major and core classes so you really just can’t tell.

@AggieMomhelp so for dorming, do you think it would be better to stay in the middle of campus?