TAMU Spring 2019 Transfer

@tr3wayy @KrisP1 @lancemccluskey I still have not hear back I really would want to know by the end of next week. Congrats to all who have been admitted!!! Hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving.

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp would either of you happen to have any information. On tamu galveston admissions? I’m waiting for a response and was looking for some answers.

@Ross2729 @AggieCSdream , @tr3wayy , @lancemccluskey they have to tell us before December 15th, because the last day to register for NSC is December 15th, so 20 more days till December 15th.

@Ross2729 I have no idea about Galveston timeline but would assume all transfers for spring will hear over the next 2 weeks. I’m surprised you haven’t heard from Galveston though. Smaller school with fewer apps. What major?

@KrisP1 thank you for the info. @AggieMomhelp I’m looking to major in maritime administration and my second choice is university studies (law).

Howdy, I’m currently a graduating senior looking for someone to take over my lease in January in a house with 3 other guys, 2 of whom transferred into A&M in previous semesters. Rent is reasonable, not far from campus, near good food, and it is a pretty new house, built in 2016. Please let me know if you’re interested! Thanks

@adambarket Congratulations!!! Are you going to accept?! I love your perseverance!!!

On my howdy portal my major has changed from computer science to computer engineering. I assume that I have denied from cs. I wish all of yall the best of luck!!!

@aggieCSdream mine has changed too

@AggieCSdream i applied with a 3.7. I dont know what else they want lol

@tr3wayy whatever It means. I am okay with it. This just means I get an other time period to save up money and prepare myself before transfering. @tr3wayy don’t let it define you. Keep your head up and study hard for your finals.

All of you… listen to this momma… y’all are doing great. Whatever happens with Tamu is on them… not you. Yes Tamu is a great school but it’s just a school. A 3.7… holy cow. That’s amazing. If they don’t see what you have to offer, then another door will open and you will find your place. Have faith that you are on the right path. Continue to do Your best because that’s all you can control.

@AggieCSdream @tr3wayy so did mine, GPS 3.89 with one B, all A’s in ore requisites for transfer, all A’s in Math Classes and science classes. Total credits applied at =36 and 13 in progress. Let’s hope for comp engineering

@KrisP1 that is shocking news. I thought you would get in out of anyone. I wonder If they just did not have a lot of spaces available. Yeah me too I got my fingers crossed on computer engineering cs track

@AggieCSdream Yes, I am also thinking its because of less spaces for external transfers.

@krispy1 @AggieCSdream @tr3wayy YES, spaces available in your first choice major is likely the cause of change of to your second choice major.

Computer Science is a very popular major for current students applying to a major. There are current students who are still in general engineering (third semester students who did not satisfy ETAM requirements last April) who are currently applying to major as well as incoming transfer students. Those students will receive their decisions in January.

I was applying for Computer Science, but my major was changed to Computer Engineering. I have 3.95 GPA and 58 hours.

FINALLYY!! I got 6 tabs today!!!

Congratulations! @meganalise99

I’ve been doing some digging and saw in a previous post about you receiving a financial aid email but not having the “my finance tab” to go into like the letter states. My son has applied for fall 2019 as a freshman and we also received a letter but he just has threetabs. Just curious if you contacted the office? Thanks and congrats again!

Now that @meganalise99 has her tabs, our next questions are about financial aid. We need to get supplemental loans but before we can apply for those, we need to know how much to request so that her semester is covered. Anyone know the timeline of receiving the Financial Aid award letter, how long it takes to process loans, etc? She would like to move in the first week of January, if possible - before the NCS and Transfer camp, so ideally, we’d like to have this squared away by then. Is that unreasonable? Still lots of unknown but at least now we know she’s in!!! :slight_smile:

One done, one to go (still have my Freshman 2019 hopeful :slight_smile: ).