TAMU Spring 2019 Transfer

@msh020598 I know in the past when people get tabs they’ve gotten in anywhere from a day to a week and a half later. I wonder why they did tabs so early?

@slv818 I know, I’m not sure. I’ve had my tabs for a week today, and AIS still hasn’t updated but I have heard the same thing as you; it’s kind of random?!

Anyone know about transferring into Biochemistry program? My daughter has roughly 58 credit hours with almost a 4.0 GPA in local community college (all As and 1 B - the B is in history LOL), has met all the requirements asked for this major, has volunteer experience, etc. In HS, she was 26 in class of 840ish (top 3%), 29 ACT, 1470 SAT (super), etc. She played softball for community college which is why she isn’t in a 4 year school - got her first year paid for :). How heavily do they weigh in the essays? She’s not the best creative writer - I have read/edited her essay and I actually like it - it’s her voice…not outstanding compared to other examples I have read on the internet. Also, she is dragging her feet on submitting the application - I am worried that this will affect her chances since it appears that the admissions are happening on a first come/first serve basis - what if the available spots get taken up? I know I worry too much. And I also worry that the delay could impact any merit aid she could qualify for.

Any Construction Science people in the house?!!

@JaceyK Your daughter has a fantastic shot! She does need to apply ASAP though. The essay is read by the department. From what I understand, they want to see passion leap from the page as to why A&M, why the major they are choosing and what they are going to contribute to TAMU and future plans. It’s not a fluff piece by any means. With her playing a college sport and maintaining such great grades, I would be shocked if she didn’t get in. Tell her I said to apply this weekend and to quit dragging her feet! Be confident and please keep us posted!

@AggieMomhelp Thank you for replying. I am sort of pushing her (trying not to push too hard - you know how they resist when we do lol). She has some final edits to make to essay, and then she’s done. Oldest son (HS senior) is picking up transcript forms from school today; and she has to order transcripts from 2 colleges too. So nervous for her!

@jaceyk yeah not sure why kids don’t move at our pace lol… The hard work is done, now it’s just the process. She’s got this! Hang in there!

She hit the Submit button and ordered transcripts/AP scores last night; Monday, my son will turn in HS transcript order forms. Now we wait!!

I got a hold of the dept of agricultural economics and they said decisions for Spring ‘19 are expected around October-November but as I check past forums, everyone got decisions around late september. Anyone got a clue??

Not sure but I was told Construction Science majors should hear back in September or October. However, like you said, from past forums admissions were received late September so thats what im counting on!!


@AdamBarket So I took the time to read through the entire, Spring 2017 transfer forum, and Construction Science was one of the last to find out. I’m hoping not for your sake!

@sullyboy87 Thanks man. Ya i’ve read just about every forum there is and most of them didn’t hear back until mid November which is toooo freaking long. I did ask a question through AIS and they told me that September or October we will be notified so i really hope the program is speeding up the pace this year! Btw what major did you apply for?

Does anyone know how important the letter of recommendations are for transferring? I’ve asked former transfer students and most seem to say they never did one/it was a option too I think. But I’m just wondering how many of y’all did one. Thanks and good luck

@AdamBarket That is what I’m counting on too! I don’t think I can wait much longer, good luck!!

@tamuagscs Ya the wait is unbearable its like an itch that wont go away… but Good luck to you too!!

@AdamBarket - Ag Communications and Journalism. My advisor has switched four times since I met with my original one in January. I’m having no luck contacting this one, so I’m kind of in the dark on when my department should release stuff.
@tamuuu2021 - I submitted three letters of recommendation for my application. One was from the visual arts department head for Blinn. One was from a senior representative at Balfour Publishing. And one is from the director of Student Relations at Blinn. All EXTREMELY good people who I have worked closely with over the years. Definitely “shop” around for professionals (you might have worked with) in your major and school professors. All of my professors offered as well as their department heads, but I only accepted the best of the best that would show my interest in my major.

Dang, well dont worry im sure everything will work out for you! Good luck bud! @sullyboy87

Applied for civil engineering on September 6th. GPA: 3.79 (all A’s in physics, chemistry, and mathematics courses). First semester as a UH student but all my course work was done at Lone Star. Strong essay A, C, and Scholarship essay. I’ve had experience through mentorship programs that are related to the field of study. Only one problem that concerns me: I have one W on my transcripts (economics). If anyone can tell me my chances, that would be great!

@dataggieboi I think you have a great shot at TAMU but not sure about engineering. How many credits are you coming over with? AND what’s your back up major?