TAMU2020 Blinn Team offers?

Wondering if any TAMU College Station hopefuls, have received Blinn Team offers yet?

Wondering the same thing, would definitely bite on a Blinn Team offer if given the opportunity.

Got offered it today! Major changes to TEAM on Howdy.

Congrats @mattexas! What was you 1st choice before? And was it in the “manage applications” on Howdy or in the AIS?

My first choice was Liberal Arts Econ and it was on Howdy. Changed to Major:TEAM Program: BAC-TEAM.

So happy for you! Congrats!! Whoop!

Thank you! Gigem!

It showed up on Howdy today for my son. It changed his major and says Bac Team

DS has been offered Blinn_bryan. Is there a possibility that he might get bumped up to full admission? A&M is his first choice. He already has admission for Mechanical Engineering at UTD, TT and UH (with scholarship). If he doesn’t get full admission to A&M, he plans to choose UTD. His stats below:
ACT composite 33 (Full score of 36 in science and 32 in Math)
SAT (M+CR) 1400
School rank 2nd Quarter (this hurts him the most)
Average extra curriculars

To my understanding once they make a admission decision it typically stands. You need to keep in mind, many would be thrilled to have a Blinn Team offer. It is very difficult to get into A&M these days .

@brr77777 what was you sons degree choice… was it engineering at TAMU? As some have been given TEAB, the eng academy at Blinn. I hope the best for him, in whatever college path he chooses.

@jodysdad I agree with you. But he is in a situation where he has direct admission to his first choice (Mechanical Engineering) at UTD, TT and UH. If he joins Blinn, there is still a possibility of him not getting into Mechanical Engineering at A&M. We have not ruled Blinn out yet, but considering all options.

@Onelastchance Thanks for your wishes. His first choice was Mechanical Engineering and he has been offered Engineering Academy at Blinn.

Does a major changing to TEAM actually mean an admission? I read many posts and initially thought that it had meant the first phase of an admission to A&M by taking your first year or so of classes mostly at Blinn College. But my major changed suddenly to TEAM, and now I wonder what that really means. It worries me that I can’t major in what I applied for.

I’ve been researching Blinn TEAM and it seems like it’s a good offer (it’s not meant for losers who can’t survive their first year in a university… at least I hope it’s not, or else I’ll enroll in another institution like UT or SMU ). Going this route seems worth it to me, but it does worry me about what I can major in.

Any thoughts about how to interpret Howdy?

From all I have seen, Blinn Team students are truly top shelf. It’s a great oppty, with all the super tough competition getting into A&M. The advisors at A&M will be your 1st choice, to counsel with you to ensure you stay on the path - to gain a transfer In your degree (at all possible). I was at the Blinn Team discussion group during Aggieday. And that’s what they encouraged. It’s a honor to make Blinn, in my eyes! Congratulations! I pray my son is blessed enough to get Blinn by the end of the week!!

My understanding of Blinn Team is that there is no guarantee that you’ll get into the major you want when you transition to full admission to A&M later. Is that correct?

Got my Blinn Team offer on 2/12. My stats are on my profile, in case anyone wants to stack their chances against mine.

@cfiedler Congrats!! And Gig 'em! I would love to see your stats… But I clicked on your name, and don’t see them. Is there a step, I’m missing doing… That leads me to your posted stats?

My daughter received blinn team yesterday. Her stats are top16% 3.76 GPA 26 on ACT 1190 SAT. 3 good essays, 2 letters of recommendation, newspaper editor 2 years NHS, student council, and leader in a special program offered at her school for girls, a lot of community service. We applied for housing but were only able to get out on the wait list:/.

Congrats sdag1994. I wouldn’t worry too much about on campus housing. They will do their best to work you in and there will be some who pull out, just make sure you get on the list. A&M has a lot of freshman type dorms which are practically on campus (Callaway House, Callaway Villas are right across the street from campus etc) which you could also consider and you don’t have to wait as long to secure. So even if you aren’t able to get her on campus you have other options which are viable. Make sure and get her signed up for Fish Camp as it is a great experience and she will meet a lot of other new students.

Congrats to everyone that’s been offered Blinn TEAM — it’s been a horrendous journey in the decision process for everyone. Realistically it’s not even March and we all know our fate now, but still… ugh!

As far as my Howdy/AIS progress: I’ve received 4 tabs in Howdy today so now I can take care of other business. My AIS shows I’m admitted (finally, so now I’m not worried that I’m making irrational assumptions).

But does anyone else’s major show as TEAM CS? CS means College Station… I learned this when I clicked on my new tab “records” and saw the core curriculum courses. I’m assuming that everyone on TEAM is CS because we are, afterall, A&M students and not Blinn College students. But I just want to clarify. I really don’t want to call admissions for this!

Also, the Core Curriculum list of classes shows only those held at College Station and Galveston. I’m assuming that CS classes are open to Blinn TEAM even if they’re are on the A&M campus?