Tape Measure Madness in Ridgecrest South


<p>Two drawers each 13" wide by 18" deep
One drawer 7" x 18" deep</p>

<p>Sink 21" x 16"</p>

<p>Living Room:</p>

<p>TV Stand 30" x 24"
Window 1 34 1/8" x 56"
Window 2 34 1/4" x 56"</p>


<p>Mattress is 78" long (standard twin XL sheets are 80")
Dresser 35 3/4" x 24 1/4" x 30"
Desk 25 3/4" x 24 1/4" x 30"
Nightstand 17" x 24 1/4" x 30"</p>

<p>Bedroom window 33 3/8" wide inside dimensions</p>

<p>In the bedroom closet:</p>

<p>Lowest shelf is hung far left side, 29" wide, 41" from under this shelf to floor
Middle shelf is hung far right side, 29", 65" from under this shelf to floor
Top shelf spans the entire closet, 58 3/4" wide, 12" from this shelf to ceiling</p>

<p>Now off to PM Malanai for name of his OCD therapist</p>

<p>Wow, thanks</p>

<p>way to go, class of 2012 mom! hahahahahaha!</p>

<p>i measured all this too (and more) when i was there, but i didn’t come post it all here. : )</p>

<p>Oddly, I feel better, now.</p>

I can’t even get the floorplan for S’s condo yet and we have to furnish it. They have 6 models and haven’t assigned one yet.</p>



<p>Jack Daniels.</p>


<p>btw, did you happen to measure the width and depth of the shelves in the bathrooms and the distance in height between them? I saw some tupperware-like containers that I thought would be perfect for toiletries, hair scrunchies, on sale today and wondered it they would fit on the bathroom shelves…</p>

<p>…and being prepared is really NOT OCD, it’s being able to pack in containers that come out of the car and go right onto the shelves, so I call that smart planning ;-)</p>

<p>I will appreciate this info next year, for sure. Thank you!</p>



<p>Sadly no, but I’m sure there’s one parent currently at BB who can help you out. </p>

<p>Bueller … Bueller … anyone?</p>

<p>txarchitect - each girl has three drawers and one door under the sink. no need to put things like hair scrunchies on the shelves in the bathroom. all that stuff will fit in their cabinet/drawers.</p>

<p>you can get two of the sterlite stacking drawers (the ones where each drawer is about the size of a sheet of paper. put those under the sink. voila! 6 small drawers for bathroom things!</p>

<p>the shelves in the bathroom will be needed for towels (one shelf per girl for bath towels), supplies (cleaning, lightbulbs, detergent etc). and one for overflow towels and stuff.</p>

<p>toilet paper can go on the floor or on the top shelf. a couple of canvas bins would be good for the supply shelf. either the ones with the angled sides (that is what we used) or the folding ones (but not sure those fit or not.)</p>



<p>Link to Vanity Photo</p>

<p>[The</a> University of Alabama - Videos, Photos, and Visit Reports](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_wc30f2tv]The”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_wc30f2tv)</p>

<p>Yep! It WOULD work better to have the towels and stuff in with the shower…the baths in our home are not set up that way (no shelves, etc in by the tubs), so I never even considered it, but BOY HOWDY - that would work GREAT!!!</p>

<p>The things you learn on CC!!!</p>


<p>But seriously I wish you had gone with my older DD to check out and lease her apt. in Santa Barbara. 4 girls, 2bdrms, 1 (yeah ONE) bathroom. Handed her the tape measure and told her pictures & measurements would help out. </p>

<p>Let’s see … tape measure stayed in car. Pictures, plenty of the neighborhood, friends, building, did get one with part of living room & kitchen. </p>

<p>Stuck with vague descriptions of bedrooms, “closet isn’t very big”, not sure how big dresser can be, heck not even a clue if toilet has wall or window above that will allow us to put one of those cabinets in. </p>


<p>Sounds like a trip to IKEA is in order</p>

<p>Of course, my bff tells me that Ikea is “like a drug to me” and she is correct.</p>

<p>Socal2bama, send me a ticket, I’ll measure whatever you need</p>

<p>TXArchitect, if you think Ikea is addicting better stay away from [The</a> Container Store - The Original Storage and Organization Store®](<a href=“http://www.containerstore.com/college/index.html]The”>http://www.containerstore.com/college/index.html)</p>

<p>Does anyone have the measurements for Ridgecrest West? Love that there are others obsessed with the measurements.</p>

<p>We have BOTH here in Houston and The Container Store gets a lot of my business …but I seem to drawn more to IKEA. I think it is because of the way they’ll task one of their designers with, say, a $89 futon, and the designer has to work backward to come up with the materials, the manufacturing method, only “one-way” to assemble it correctly to eliminate user-error, meet codes/restrictions of various countries, make it flat-packable and lowest weight, cool-looking and often multi-functional AND have instructions with virtually NO WRITTEN WORDS - JUST GRAPHICS (after all, who wants to juggle instructions in 85+ languages). Excuse my french (sic) but, DAMN, I wish I was:</p>

<p>TXIndustrialEngineerFor IKEA…</p>

<p>And EVERY TIME some young person tells me they want to be an architect, I steer them to Industrial Engineering. Every architect I know is out of work…IE’s? Not even. If they design cars, and the car industry goes bad, then they can design iMAC cases, or retro toasters for Target, or ant moats for hummingbird feeders… architects? When the economy goes bad and banks stop lending on commercial projects…not so many options.</p>

<p>UA dropped industrial engineering. that seemed to be the most interesting to me.</p>

<p>have you seen or heard of quirky. look it up on the internet. i want to work there!!!</p>

<p>I LOVE Quirky…I hope their show was not cancelled.</p>

<p>I have those measurements for the shelves in RCS somewhere. I’ll look for them tomorrow and post them if I can locate them. I can tell you that the plastic stacking drawers from Walmart or Target will fit below the lower shelf. There is just enough room for each student to have a 3 drawer rolling cart (the smaller size which is about $16) and slide them beneath the shelf. Those things work really well, especially for girls and their things. Be sure to tape the drawers shut before moving them!</p>

<p>Would Riverview West have the same dressers etc and measurements as listed here or is each dorm slightly different? Also do we really have to bring light bulbs???</p>