Tape Measure Madness in Ridgecrest South

<p>RCS closet. Dresser bought online site-to-store at Walmart and picked up in T-town. The drawers don’t open all the way as they hit the edge of the closet but enough to get things in and out and are roomy and deep to hold lots of shorts and boxers. Lots of boxers is a good thing when you son only does laundry on the 24th of each month. </p>

<p>[The</a> University of Alabama - Videos, Photos, and Visit Reports](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_e1prbluq]The”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_e1prbluq)</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sterilite-4-Drawer-Cabinet/8206252[/url]”>http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sterilite-4-Drawer-Cabinet/8206252&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks Class2012mom</p>

<p>Here’s a decorating suggestion. This hangs over our boys’ kitchen sink. (This photo has been edited to protect the innocent but the one in the room has 4 mommas staring back).</p>

<p>[The</a> University of Alabama - Videos, Photos, and Visit Reports](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_t40mjr7u]The”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/vibe/the-university-of-alabama/?entry=image_1_t40mjr7u)</p>

<p>May be the ONLY way to get my picture in front of my DD when she’s gone!</p>

<p>It’s still there. We can’t figure out if they are too afraid or too lazy to take it down.</p>

<p>Just thought I’d bump this up to the top for us “Ridgecrest Southers”.</p>

<p>I was just looking at the photo gallery on the RCS webpage, and was wowed by the pics of their decorated living room. I’m just wondering how over the top the photos are compared to real life decorating in girl’s suites (I understand that boys take a decidedly more spartan/utilitarian approach to “decor” - if they even know what that means!).</p>

<p>Does anybody have pics with the desk or a futon under a lofted bed?</p>

<p>Another question, D will be in Room “D” does anyone know if the bed will fit parallel to the window?</p>

<p>Thanks for bumping up this thread. Son will be making the move from Riverside West to Ridgecrest South, and we’ll have to delete/add some of his own furniture.</p>

<p>Looking at the dimensions, it seems he will no longer be able to fit the bookshelf he keeps next to his bed, which acts as a nightstand. </p>

<p>H had bought some small shelves while living in a hotel for a year, so we’re bringing those up in May to put in the storage unit so we can replace the bigger shelves with these small shelves if space is a problem.</p>

<p>As long as he has someplace to put his lamp and his keys, he’ll be fine.</p>

<p>the bed will fit parallel to the window, but it may not be the best placement.</p>

<p>the three pieces of supplied furniture will fit under the bed if you want to do it that way.</p>

<p>montegut, he might be able to use the shelf he has, depending on how he arranges the furniture.</p>

<p>Just returned from BB2 and am probably over-thinking this, but where do the students put a broom, dustbuster, or vacuum in the rooms? I would like to think that they will use one of these at least once a week, month, or at least a semester.</p>

<p>busyperson, I think that would depend upon whether these items are shared items or items belonging to one individual. My D had a small broom/dustpan and a small vacuum she kept in her bedroom closet. The only other place I can think of to keep these would be beside the fridge or in a corner somewhere in RCS.</p>

<p>Tell bamagirls what she’s won, Johnny. Our boys kept the vacuum in the corner of the common area and the broom/mop on the wall behind the main door near the kitchen. Busyperson1, just because those items are all out in plain sight does not mean they will get used; I think after a while they just blend in.</p>

<p>bamagirls, the items will be shared, and I know my DD or her roommates will not want to waste precious space in the closets for a “cleaning apparatus.” They are certainly not going to want it out where everyone can see it. You would think they were all majoring in interior design by the way they have decorated their suites. Class2012, I would like to think they will use something at least occationally, but I guess that remains to be seen. :)</p>

<p>If you want to save space while packing and storing items consider purchasing the windex wipes, dusting cloths, and other cleaners in the resealable foil packages along with a cannister of Lysol wipes. Also, consider a Swiffer mop. They pack and store very easily. Take care not to tilt the Swiffer wet mop refills when packing though. They will spill if tilted.</p>

<p>I also wouldn’t recommend spending too much on a vacuum. Keep an eye on the sales at Target and Walmart. We found a small vacuum for around $25 that did a pretty good job. Because it smelled like the dorm, we tossed it when she moved and I didn’t feel bad about the cost. :)</p>

<p>I found it helpful to pack the cleaning supplies, a roll of toilet paper, a trash bag, hand soap, a snack, and anything else we might need for the first hour in a box together. Be sure to label it so you’ll be able to find it easily once your student’s belongings are moved to the suite.</p>

<p>The Ridgecrest West dorm had a closet that was large enough for many of the extra boxes and the cleaning supplies located outside of the dorm suite in the hallway. It was lokable an used for the 4-person dorm suite. </p>

<p>I don’t think there were closets outside of the dorm at RCS-N.</p>

<p>These are some of the items we found useful to have when D first moved in.</p>

<p>Disinfectant wipes
Toilet paper
Hand soap
Windex glass wipes (available in resealable package)
Pledge multi surface wipes (available in resealable package)
Disposable toilet cleaner/wand
Lysol or Clorox bathroom disinfectant cleaner
Magic erasers
Swiffer mop and refills (do not tilt the package when packing or they leak)
Lysol disinfectant spray
Dawn dish soap
A roll of paper towels
Trash bag
Febreeze fabric refresher for carpet
Mattress encasement/bed bug protector
A box of baking soda for the fridge
Swiffer duster
Plastic cup to rinse cleaner from shower
Camera/or cell phone to document any damages present in room
Pen and pad to note any damages to the room
Tape measure</p>

<p>Also plan to have water bottles and a snack available.</p>

<p>If you plan to pack cleaners in spray cans and pack early, do not leave the toilet wand refills in a sealed box with spray cans. If you do, you’ll have rusty cans at some point from being exposed to the toilet wand refills. I learned this the hard way, too. Check to make sure all bottles are sealed tightly and won’t spill before you seal your box. Label this box #1 so you’ll be able to find it easily.</p>

<p>We found using colored index cards worked well to label boxes. You can easily color code the boxes by location (bedroom/bath/kitchen or common area) for easier unpacking. Refer to the instructions on the Housing site, but as I recall the boxes or items should be labeled with student’s name, building, tower, suite, bedroom. (Name, RCS, North Tower, Suite 200, Room A).</p>

<p>There’s a thread from last year that may be helpful for this year’s group, too. I’ll try to find it and bump it up.:)</p>

<p>Another question about Ridgecrest South: We were thinking that we would use a tension rod to hang valances in the windows, but we noticed during BB that the blinds stick out so far that a tension rod could not be placed there. How does everyone hang curtains?</p>

<p>^ This works great. [Umbra®</a> Mission Nickel 24’ - 36’ Double Drapery Tension Rod - Bed Bath & Beyond](<a href=“http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=17958313]Umbra®”>http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=17958313)</p>