TCU 2022 Decision Thread

Your daughter has awesome credentials/ grades and test scores!..I’m shocked she wasn’t accepted
I am a Nurse Anesthetist…and honestly can’t believe she wasn’t accepted into the nursing program…
I hope she continues to pursue nursing. I commend her on all of her hard work!

@maw1970 thanks for the kind words. It wasn’t the result we were expecting. But I had already set expectations that I didn’t think we could afford this school. One of her proud parents (not me) is a nurse so she will have plenty of professional advice. She’s been admitted to a dozen or so direct entry programs so I think she will recover from this decision slight ego bruising. Thanks again.

FYI Scholarship award posted today in portal. And SDSU came out today. @Banker1 I saw you on SDSU post too. Hope your daughter got in there!

FYI Scholarship award posted today in portal. And SDSU came out today. @Banker1 I saw you on SDSU post too. Hope your daughter got in there!

So, I only see a scholarship listed for my daughter - not any grants or loans. Does anyone know if this is the final amount or if they will be listing more?

Where are you seeing that posted in the portal?

@Ovilla68 Same. So far just the scholarship. I’m assuming the rest will come later, along with the full letter that gives cost breakdown.

@UTSquared There is a box in the top left corner of the portal titled “Whats Next?” and inside of it there is an option for “Financial Aid” click on that and then “Financial Aid Year 2018-2019”. It should come up with a drop down of several options. I clicked on award summary to find out I got the faculty scholarship!

@lovinglife7 thanks! Yes, she was accepted at SDSU today!

@socalnurse Congrats on acceptance to Nursing at TCU. That’s awesome!

@Banker1 Thank you so much! Congrats to your daughter on all of the schools she was accepted to! She has amazing stats, and I’m sure whatever school she chooses will be lucky to have her. (:

Hey everyone! So I don’t see “award summary” under financial aid on my portal. Does that mean I did not receive any? I’m really hoping this is not the case as TCU will not be affordable for me without any aid.

Son applied RD and was deferred. TCU was #1 school with St Louis U and College of Charleston as Co #2 schools… We’ll probably wait until May 1st to make a decision. Still hoping TCU comes through.

Rejected…Counselor said I would get in, I guess she was wrong. TCU was my dream school, and haven’t gotten in anywhere else :frowning:

@seniorinmo Since TCU is your dream school, have you ever thought about going to community college for a year and then transferring in? A girl from our high school did not get in as a senior, made good grades in community college for one year, and then got accepted to TCU, earning the Faculty Scholarship.

Going to a community college is a good step. You might want to consider going abroad and then transferring in. USC has a program set up through Franklin University in Switzerland that they use to admit students. I would speak with your admissions counselor and ask what they would suggest and ask about the community college or study abroad ideas with intent to transfer in.

Going to a community college is a good step. You might want to consider going abroad and then transferring in. USC has a program set up through Franklin University in Switzerland that they use to admit students. I would speak with your admissions counselor and ask what they would suggest and ask about the community college or study abroad ideas with intent to transfer in.

Hi all, so financial aid was released and I did not recieve any merit scholarships, only loans. Unfortunately, TCU is probably not affordable for me without this, which sucks because I really like the school. Any suggestions on what I should do?

Call the financial aid officer who sent you the aid letter and let them know that TCU is your 1st choice and see if they might have any suggestions beyond loans. It’s worth a phone call because they might have some good suggestions.

@becks67 Thank you for the suggestion! I will try that :slight_smile: