TCU Class of 2023

My daughter’s deferrment was Nursing too with almost identical stats as your daughter’s. 4.0 unweighted 31 ACT.

I got accepted with $84,000
GPA; 4.732 w
Rank 5/750
SAT: 1390
Great extra curriculars and a strong essay

What the heck. Shocking, right?

Very shocking!!! I’d like to see stats of someone admitted into nursing!!

Last year they deferred the majority of nursing students in order to consider the pool together. Makes some sense since it is such a small program, but doesn’t make it less frustrating, I know. Good luck future nurses!

Found out at least 3 other kids (maybe 4) were accepted EA from my son’s school. Could be one of the reasons he’s deferred. I’m sure they only take a certain amount of students from each school.

Daughter got into Nursing, she is very excited. Obviously very competitive program by the comments above.

She has a 3.98 UW GPA (a B one semester in AP Euro) and a 33 ACT along with the standard of tons of extra curricular /volunteering/ job / Varsity team Captain.

Where do you see the award summary? Is it part of the letter? Or is it somewhere else?

Daughter deferred from Nursing.

She has a 3.93 Weighted GPA and a 31 ACT (32 Superscore) along with 3 consecutive summers volunteering at the same hospital in the Texas Medical Center, Varsity Cheerleading, soccer and other EC’s, visited TCU for regular tour and visited with the nursing school.

My DD was accepted with Dean’s Scholarship ($21K/year). For comparison, she also was accepted to Baylor with Provost Scholarship ($18K/year). She did not get an invite (at least not that I am aware) to the Chancellor’s event at TCU … but she did get an invite to Baylor’s Invitation to Excellence. So we’ll be visiting both schools (for the first time - we live in the DC area) next month. I assume the folks on this forum are pro-TCU, but if anyone has opinions on TCU vs Baylor, I’d like to hear them! Her stats:

GPA: 3.93 unweighted (not sure how TCU weights GPA, every college seems to do it differently)
Coursework: 9 AP classes, 10 other honors courses
ACT: 31
Extras: 4x varsity athlete (captain 2x; all-state 3x; all-conference 4x), academic tutor, significant community and church service

tcu has 10k undergrads compared to baylors 14k. we liked the smaller size
city-waco is dismal and w the exception of chip and joanna’s place there would be no reason to go off campus. tcu’s fort worth has ALOT going on w/in 15 minutes of its suburb campus. nice area.
other than that, they seem pretty even in campus school spirit facilities and academics. oh also think-not sure- that tcu has more internship ops.

from CA-visited last April

I was accepted with a 1550 SAT, 34 ACT, 4.73 weighted GPA, 4.00 unweighted. Received the Dean’s Scholarship. I am very excited, and TCU is definitely now one of my top choices!

@Frogs12345 I had the same thing with the note about my essays in my letter.

Congratulations! My daughter’s acceptance letter had a paragraph saying that her FoE really stood out.

The above was a response to Frogs12345.

@StacysMom24 Thanks! I am hoping that our visit to TCU (Ft Worth) and Baylor (Waco) will make an impression on her to help in deciding between the two. It sounds like size and city are the two main differences.

My daughter was admitted! She had an interview with the admissions counselor that lasted an hour which I think helped a great deal as she was borderline with her ACT score. She has a great GPA- just not a great test taker. She also made a video for the freedom of expression page. During her interview he had said that those who get deferred have a very high chance of getting in because so many decide not to continue the process. So if TCU is your number one choice you most likely will get in if you continue to show interest. My older son graduated from TCU and had a wonderful four years and graduated with his dream job. It is a wonderful school.??

My daughter also got in. Dean’s scholarship of 21K a year in business. Not sure how TCU does the Chancellor scholarship, so not clear if this is it or if they will be sending another letter/email.

@goblue99 - we visited both last summer. My son didn’t even apply to Baylor because he just couldn’t see himself being happy living in Waco. Although we are religious, our tour guide placed so much emphasis on the religious part that it was offputting. On the other hand our tour guide at TCU joked about the “C” in TCU standing for Construction because they are always under construction. Sadly TCU did not offer my son enough scholarship money, so it will be scratched off his list. With med school in the future, we have to keep undergrad cost as low as possible.

Edited to add: If you are deferred, you will probably get in because I’m sure we aren’t the only ones moving on to other options due to cost.

My daughter got in and also got the Dean’s scholarship. I noticed a few people mentioned the Chancellor’s scholarship above. My daughter’s scholarship letter included a notice that she was selected as a finalist for the Chancellor’s scholarship with information on how to register for the Chancellor’s weekend. I don’t know if this is the only way that they notify people, but just wanted to let people know that it is likely in their scholarship letter if they are invited. Good luck to all!